Two Educational Patterns

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Tow educational Patterns. You should write at least 120 words. And your composition should be based on the following outline (given in Chinese):





Two Educational Patterns

In the last decade, advances in educational reform have led to a hot debate over two educational patterns — the exam-oriented and the quality-oriented①. To answer the question — which is superior, however, we should take the following factors into account②.

In general, exam–oriented education gives priority to③ the scores of the students as well as the proportion④ of their entering schools of a higher grade. Under this pattern, cramming⑤ method of teaching has found prevalence⑥ all over the schools. Contrast to the above. The quality–oriented education system provides to all the students opportunities to share equal education and they are supposed to enjoy all–round development⑦ actively rather than passively. In a word, what the educational pattern cultivates will not be merely elites⑧ in study, but citizens fit in health, rich in knowledge and tasteful in morality⑨.

To tell the truth, as a so–called elite produced by the traditional pattern of education, I believe that the quality–orientation is much superior to the old one. We ever squeezed into⑩ a narrow passage, shouldering too heavy pressure, enjoying no childhood. Strictly speaking, the exam–oriented education in itself bears no difference from the imperial11 examination system, which is root and branch out of tune with the modern melody12. To my mind, knowledge can be sucked not only out of books but also from the lively society, to which the quality–orientation will build an expressway.


①the exam–oriented and the quality–oriented:应试(教育)和素质(教育)

②take … into account:考虑;思考

③give priority to :把…放在优先位置




⑦all–round development:全面发展


⑨tasteful in morality:道德高尚

⑩squeeze into:挤上;挤进





全文共分三段。第一段总结会文,概括性地点明话题:素质教育和应试教育孰好孰坏是当今教育改革的热门话题。第二段开头说明应试教育的特点,然后作者使用连词短语contrast to the above转而说明素质教育,作者采取对比方法叙述,使得两种教育模式的特点鲜明突出。第三段陈述作者个人的看法,即总结上文作出结论:素质教育优于应试教育。



