why not talk 和dont talk的区别(getitoff)(1)

这年头儿,谁活得都不轻松。我们单位里的业务骨干小郑平时看上去特别开朗要强,从没见过她跟谁诉过苦、抱怨过什么。可是就在昨天总监 Lawrence 在茶水间就偶然撞见小郑在那儿偷偷抹眼泪,他赶紧上前说"Just take it easy, if something is worrying you, get it off your chest." (别着急,如果你有什么心事,还是别憋在心里头啦。) 原来她是因为年中考核的压力太大有点儿受不了......唉,其实有什么糟心的事儿啊,还是别憋在心里,起码儿说出来心里才会舒坦点儿不是嘛!

why not talk 和dont talk的区别(getitoff)(2)

今天要跟大家说的这个表达"get something off your chest" 就是干这个用滴,"把什么东西从你的胸中掏出来",不就是"把憋在心里的话说出来"的意思嘛,就像我们平时常说的"吐苦水、倾诉烦恼"一样,这里用胸部来表达心中的情感。怎么样,你掌握到了吗?

why not talk 和dont talk的区别(getitoff)(3)

get (something) off (one's) chest

倾吐(心中的烦恼);将…一吐为快;不吐不快;吐苦水; 倾诉、吐露、坦白一些心事;直抒胸臆、畅所欲言

why not talk 和dont talk的区别(getitoff)(4)

【En】to tell someone about something that has been worrying or annoying you for a long time, so that you feel better afterwards. 告诉某人一直困扰你很长一段时间的事情,这样你会感觉好一些。to tell someone about something that has been worrying you or making you feel guilty for a long time. 告诉某人一直困扰你或让你感到内疚的事情。to reveal or discuss something that has caused one emotional discomfort and that one has repressed, kept hidden, or neglected to discuss earlier. 揭露或讨论先前被压抑、隐藏或忽视的、使人情绪不快的事情。to unburden oneself; to confess something; to criticize or make a personal complaint to someone. 卸下自己的负担;坦白某事;对某人提出批评或个人抱怨。 If you get something off your chest, you talk about a problem that has been worrying you for a long time, and you feel better because of this. 如果你说出了一些心里话,意思是你谈论一个困扰了你很久的问题,你会感觉好一些。

why not talk 和dont talk的区别(getitoff)(5)

【Immersion Scenario Listening 沉浸情景听力】

● You've been a little cold to me lately. Is there something you'd like to get off your chest?


● I feel it's done me good to get it off my chest.


● Tell me about it, get it off your chest.


why not talk 和dont talk的区别(getitoff)(6)

● I had a conversation with him last month, just a general chat that I wanted to have, and I got things off my chest.


● I had spent two months worrying about it and I was glad to get it off my chest.


● I'm sorry but I just have to get something off my chest. How could you treat me like that last night?


why not talk 和dont talk的区别(getitoff)(7)

● I have to get this off my chest. I'm tired of your rudeness to me!


● You will feel better if you get it off your chest.


● He came to see me because he wanted to get something off his chest.


● He admitted taking the dollar and said he was glad to get it off his chest.


why not talk 和dont talk的区别(getitoff)(8)

【Scenario Example 场景示例】

● People are able to get things off their chest in these meetings.


● Sure thing! When I have some trouble, I'll call you and get it off my chest.


why not talk 和dont talk的区别(getitoff)(9)

● I've got to get this off my chest-I can't stand his parents,


● My doctor gave me the opportunity to talk and get things off my chest.


● Sarah certainly seemed as though she had a lot to get off her chest.


why not talk 和dont talk的区别(getitoff)(10)
