孙中山(1866年11月12日-1925年3月12日),名文,字载之,号日新,又号逸仙,又名帝象,化名中山樵,伟大的民族英雄、伟大的爱国主义者、中国民主革命的伟大先驱,中华民国和中国国民党的缔造者,三民主义的倡导者,创立了《五权宪法》他首举彻底反帝反封建的旗帜,“起共和而终两千年封建帝制” 是伟大的民族英雄、伟大的爱国主义者,我来为大家讲解一下关于什么银币值得收藏?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



孙中山(1866年11月12日-1925年3月12日),名文,字载之,号日新,又号逸仙,又名帝象,化名中山樵,伟大的民族英雄、伟大的爱国主义者、中国民主革命的伟大先驱,中华民国和中国国民党的缔造者,三民主义的倡导者,创立了《五权宪法》。他首举彻底反帝反封建的旗帜,“起共和而终两千年封建帝制”。 是伟大的民族英雄、伟大的爱国主义者。






1894年11月24日,孙中山在檀香山创立兴中会 。1905年(光绪三十一年)成立中国同盟会。1911年10月10日(宣统三年)新军中的革命党人暗中联络,决定当天晚上起义。辛亥革命后被推举为中华民国临时大总统(任期1912年1月1日——1912年4月1日)。1925年3月12日,孙中山因癌症在北京逝世。1929年6月1日,根据其生前遗愿,葬于南京紫金山中山陵。1940年,国民政府通令全国,尊称其为“中华民国国父”。


四川银币,是晚清和北洋时期四川省地方政权铸造的货币。由于川省银铜矿缺乏,加之辛亥革命以后军阀割据,致使中央政府《币制条例》关于铜币之原料比例、铜币面额的规定没有严格遵守,四川铜币发行量十分巨大,致使物价虚高、影响经济发展。四川铜币,自光绪二十九年(1903年)六月开铸,至民国二十四年(1935年)十一月法币开始流通才逐渐退出流通领域 。






英文翻译:Sun yat-sen (November 12, 1866 - March 12, 1925), name, word of load, nissin, yat-sen again, also known as emperor, alias zhongshan firewood, great national hero, a great patriot and the great pioneer of Chinese democratic revolution, the republic of China and of the founders of the Chinese nationalist party (KMT), the three people's principles and created the "five-power constitution". He first raised the banner of thorough anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism, "starting from the republic and ending the feudal monarchy for two thousand years". He is a great national hero and patriot.

The Double sail coin of the Republic of China is one of the most famous mechanism coins in China in recent years. The reason why it is famous is mainly because of the historical and rare characteristics of the double sail coin of the Republic of China. According to relevant information, this coin is mostly made in the Central Mint in Shanghai, the value of the current reserve is generally only one circle and the circle of these two. At that time, the National government implemented the policy of "legal currency" and did not allow private circulation of silver coins, so the double sail coins of the Republic of China were seldom circulated in the market.

Sun Yat-sen double sail coin

The republic of China double sail coin was created by the Central Mint of the Republic of China in Shanghai. The whole coin is made of snow silver. The upper end of the front is cast with the words "The Year of the Republic of China", the lower end is the profile of Sun Yat-sen, the central ends of the back are cast with "one circle", and a pair of sails are riding the wind and waves in the middle. The coin text is clear, the pattern is exquisite, the head is vivid, the casting technology is very exquisite, and the collection is well preserved, its color and luster is natural, although a little rust does not hinder its appearance, but more natural and delicate, the depth of text and text is appropriate. Sun Yat-sen's head is lifelike in the coin. The design is novel and the foundry is exquisite.

Sun Yat-sen was the great forerunner of China's democratic revolution. He initiated and led the Revolution of 1911, which completely overthrew the feudal dynastic rule that had lasted for more than 2,000 years in China. In order to let the world remember Mr. Sun Yat-sen's great achievements, during the Republic of China issued a large number of coin versions with sun Yat-sen's head. It is now one of the hottest coin collections.

The sailing coin of the Republic of China is one of the ten famous coins in modern China. It is famous because of its history and rarity. According to relevant information, sun Yat-sen's head double sail coins, more by the Shanghai Central Mint to complete the production.

Sun Yat-sen founded xing Zhong Hui in Honolulu on November 24, 1894. 1905 (guangxu thirty-one year) founded the Chinese Tongmeng Hui. On October 10, 1911 (the third year of Xuantong), revolutionary members of the new army secretly contacted each other and decided to rise up that night. After the 1911 Revolution, he was elected as the Provisional President of the Republic of China (January 1, 1912 -- April 1, 1912). Sun Yat-sen died of cancer in Beijing on March 12, 1925. On June 1, 1929, according to his will, he was buried in Zhongshan Mausoleum in Purple Mountain, Nanjing. In 1940, the National government issued an order to the whole country, honored him as the "father of the Republic of China".

This double sail coin of the Republic of China is also known as the 'Father of the Nation silver coin', so that the future generations can remember the great man Sun Yat-sen. The appearance of the silver coin is fine, no breakage, damage, oxidation of nature, the bottom light of silk and satin, identified by experts as genuine and perfect product phase, the most important coin collection phase, after a long time can have such a product phase, it is very rare, the collection value of the father of the nation currency is very high.

Sichuan silver coin is the currency cast by the local government of Sichuan province in the late Qing Dynasty and beiyang Period. Due to the lack of silver and copper deposits in Sichuan province, coupled with the disunity of warlords after the Revolution of 1911, the central government did not strictly abide by the provisions on the proportion of raw materials and denomination of copper coins in the Currency System Regulations. The copper coins issued in Sichuan were very large, resulting in high prices and affecting economic development. Sichuan copper coin, since the 29th year of Guangxu (1903) in June, to the 24th year of the Republic of China (1935) in November began to circulation before gradually out of circulation.

In May 1911, in the name of railway nationalization, the corrupt Qing government transferred the road construction rights of sichuan and Han, Guangdong and Han by the people to the banks of Britain, France, Germany and the United States, which aroused the opposition of people all over the country, especially in Sichuan Province, hundreds of thousands of people joined the Comrades of Road Protection Army. After the Wuchang uprising, the provinces declared their independence one after another, and the Baolu Army surrounded Chengdu. Unable to control the situation in Sichuan, Zhao erfeng had to hand over power to the leaders of the Sichuan Road movement, pu Dianjun and other constitutionalists. Therefore, Sichuan province also declared its independence, established the "Han Sichuan military government", and took over the Chengdu minting factory. In order to expand the military needs, this "Han" character silver coin was minted and issued.

The military government carried eighteen circles of Sichuan silver coins

The military government made sichuan silver coin one yuan, on the back of the first year of the Republic of China. Because there is a big Chinese character on the back, it is called "Big Han Silver dollar" in the collection circle.

The front is sichuan silver coin, the middle is the begonia pattern, above is made by the military government, below is the value of the coin, no point years, no point country, small gold, beard, small colorful front. Left and right for flower star pattern. On the back is the six characters of the first year of the Republic of China, the central bead circle is Han, the outside is 18 small circles, representing 18 provinces at that time, meaning that the people of 18 provinces work together to fight together.

Because ancient coins are easy to be copied, so large denomination coins are rarely made, mainly in small denomination copper coins of ten wen are more commonly used. The military government of Sichuan silver coin makes one yuan, which is equivalent to when the face value of one hundred wen is small, the circulation time is short, and very few can be seen now. This one yuan silver coin is only used by the military to pay soldiers, so it is extremely rare. This is also why the ancient coins when hundreds of thousands of copper coins are worth thousands of times more than ordinary Xiaoping money. Similarly, this one yuan Sichuan silver coin has a very high collection value in Sichuan coins.