大家好,欢迎来的饼哥英语的频道,今天我们分享一个非常有用且地道的表达——stop and smell the roses, 这个短语的含义不是指“停下来闻玫瑰花香”,其正确的含义是:

stop and smell the roses 停下来享受生活(尤其指亲近大自然)

You can't keep working these 80 hour workweeks, John! You have to stop and smell the roses, or else what is all that work even for?

你不能保持每周工作80小时的时间,约翰! 你必须得停下来享受生活,否则所有的工作是为了什么?

Are you so concerned with moving up in your career that you feel stressed and unhappy? If so, maybe it is time for you to stop and smell the roses.


Life isn't a race. Stop and smell the roses. Really.

生活不是一项竞赛, 停下来享受一下生活。真的。

You shouldn't work so hard. You need to take some time to stop and smell the roses.


