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The control standards formulated must be consistent with the organization's philosophy and objectives, guide and guide the employees' work behavior, and facilitate the inspection and evaluation of various works and their achievements. Effective control standards should meet the requirements of simplicity, applicability, consistency, feasibility, operability, relative stability and forward-looking. These requirements will be described in detail in Section III Control Process.



(2) Control key point principle

In general, the internal and external environment that managers face in the process of control is complex and changeable, and the factors that affect organizational performance are also diverse. It is unrealistic and uneconomical to "focus on eyebrows and beard". This requires managers to be good at grasping the key issues and focusing on some major factors affecting the implementation of the plan. In fact, if you control the key points, you control the overall situation. In reality, in addition to rich experience, keen insight and decision-making ability, you can also use relevant methods to select key points. For example If you want to control the time schedule of the whole construction period in a large project with many operations, you can use the plan review technology to determine the critical path and key operations, and controlling the progress of key operations can control the entire construction period. The Polaris missile development project and DuPont chemical plant construction in the United States have greatly shortened the construction period due to the application of plan review technology.



(3) Principle of trend control

Because of the time lag problem in management control, the future oriented control trend is crucial. For managers who control the overall situation, what is important is not the current situation itself, but the trend predicted by the current situation. However, as the trend is often covered by the phenomenon and is not easy to detect, it is much more difficult to control the trend of change than to just change the status quo. When the trend can be clearly described as a curve or a mathematical model, it is too late to control it. The key to controlling the trend is to reveal the trend from the current situation, especially when the trend shows signs. For example, in the American automobile market, Japanese automobile companies slowly encroached on their market shares under the eyes of the major American automobile manufacturers. By the time the other side realized the seriousness of the problem, Japanese automobiles had occupied a place in the market and were not easy to be defeated.



(4) Direct control principle

Direct control is relative to indirect control. Indirect control refers to a control method that analyzes the causes of deviations according to the actual results of the plan and standard assessment work, and holds the responsible person accountable so that he can improve his future work. It is often seen in the control of the work process of the subordinate personnel by the superior manager. Obviously, the disadvantage of indirect control is that measures are taken only after deviations and losses occur, which is costly. Therefore, direct control becomes particularly important. Direct control focuses on cultivating better executives, enabling them to skillfully apply management concepts, technologies and principles, and to conduct and improve their management work from a systematic perspective. Generally, the higher the quality of managers and their subordinates, the more competent they are to their duties, and the more they can detect deviations in advance and take preventive measures in time, the less need for indirect control, which will reduce the occurrence of deviations and the cost of indirect control.



(5) Exception principle

The more managers focus on controlling exceptions, the better the control effect will be. According to this principle, managers cannot control all activities, but should focus on some important exceptions to achieve higher control efficiency and efficiency. It should be pointed out that it is not enough to only pay attention to exceptions, and they should also be treated differently. Some exceptions, such as the decline in profits, the rise in product scrap rates, and the increase in customer complaints, must be paid attention to. In practice, the exception principle must be combined with the principle of controlling key points, and focus on the exception control of key points.

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