




[00:15.40]n. [C]桌子;表格


[00:20.42]n. [C]尾巴


[00:23.76]vt. 拿,取;拿走,


[00:32.06]v. 谈话,讲话,演讲;


[00:39.30]adj. 高的


[00:42.75]n. 胶带;磁带;带子;


[00:50.56]n. [C]任务,工作


[00:56.15]n. 品尝,品味;vt. 品尝,


[01:04.53]vi. 滑行 n. [C]出租汽车;


[01:10.49]n. [U]茶,茶叶


[01:16.36]v. 教,教书


[01:21.66]n. [C]教师,教员


[01:27.36]n. [C]队,组


[01:32.80]n. 技术


[01:36.56]n. [C]电话 v. 打电话


[01:42.81]n. 电视,电视机;电视节目


[01:51.47]vt. 告诉;讲述;吩咐


[01:59.26]n. 温度


[02:03.44]num. 十


[02:06.94]n. [U]网球


[02:10.55]num. 第十


[02:13.76]n. [C]学期;术语;vt.把…叫作


[02:22.32]adj. 可怕的,糟糕的


[02:29.01]n. [C]& vt. 试验,测验,检查


[02:36.53]n. 文本;课文


[02:42.23]conj. 比


[02:45.73]vt. 感谢,谢谢


[02:52.13]pron. 那,那个 adv. 那么;


[02:59.24]art. 这个,那个,这些,


[03:06.32]n. [C]剧场,戏院


[03:11.93]adj. 他们的,她们的,它们的


[03:20.53]pron. 他们,她们,它们


[03:27.52]pron. 他们自己,她们自己,它们自己


[03:36.84]adv. 当时,那时;然后,


[03:45.64]adv. 在那里,往那里interj. 喂;


[03:53.75]pron. 这些


[03:56.54]pron. 他们,她们,它们


[04:03.67]adj. 厚的;粗的


[04:09.35]adj. 瘦的;薄的


[04:15.35]n. [C]东西;事情,事件;


[04:22.90]v. 想,思考;认为;


[04:30.40]num. 第三


[04:34.16]adj. 渴的,口渴的;渴望的


[04:42.92]num. 十三


[04:46.70]num. 三十


[04:50.04]pron. 这,这个


[04:55.04]pron. 那些


[04:58.69]conj. 虽然


[05:02.58]n. 思考,思想;想法


[05:10.96]num. 一千


[05:14.55]num. 三


[05:17.76]prep. 穿过,通过;adv. 穿过,


[05:26.69]v. 投,掷,n. [C]投掷


[05:33.11]n. 星期四


[05:37.25]n. [C]票,券


[05:42.14]adj. 整洁的,干净的

[05:45.76]The next day, my mom came home

[05:49.55]from work to find the house clean and tidy.


[05:57.62]vt. 系,拴,n. [C]领带;


[06:04.31]n. [C]老虎


[06:07.92]prep. 直到,直到…为止


[06:13.66]n. 时间;时期;钟点;


[06:21.42]adj. 极小的,微小的


[06:27.30]adj. 累的,疲劳的


[06:32.29]prep. 到,向


[06:37.61]adv. 今天;现在,n. [U]今天

[06:43.02]My father and I decided to go to Penang Hill today.


[06:51.10]adv. 一起

[06:52.94]My best friend Yuan Li is quiet too,

[06:56.95]so we enjoy studying together.


[07:03.96]n. [C]厕所


[07:07.53]n. 西红柿,番茄


[07:13.14]adv.& n. [U]明天


[07:16.93]n. [C]吨


[07:20.14]adv.& n. [U]今晚,今夜


[07:25.97]adv. 也;太,过分


[07:32.66]n. [C]工具,器具


[07:37.70]n. [C]牙;齿


[07:43.40]n. 牙痛


[07:46.87]n. [C]顶部,上面 adj. 最高的,

[07:51.91]It is also very hard to take

[07:54.97]in air as you get near the top.


[08:01.68]adj. 总数的,全部的;n. [C]合计,


[08:09.33]v.& n. 触摸,接触


[08:14.59]n. [C]观光,参观,旅行


[08:23.26]n. [C]旅行者,观光者


[08:28.69]prep. 向;对于;接近


[08:36.08]n. [C]塔


[08:39.66]n. [C]城镇,镇


[08:44.98]n. [C]玩具,玩物


[08:50.95]n. 贸易,交易;vi.& vt.交易;


[08:59.04]adj. 传统的,惯例的

[09:02.80]Country is a traditional kind of music

[09:06.87]from the southern states of America.


[09:13.12]n. [U]交通,来往车辆


[09:19.10]n. [C]火车 v. 训练,培养;

[09:24.67]However, his parents won't allow him to train so much.


[09:33.49]n. [U]训练


[09:37.91]vt.& vi. 翻译


[09:41.30]n.& v. 旅行


[09:45.17]n. [U]金银财宝,财富 vt.珍爱,


[09:52.98]vt. 治疗;vi. 请客 n. [C]请客;

[09:58.95]He doesn't treat other nicely.


[10:05.96]n. [C]树


[10:09.13]n. [C]旅行,旅程


[10:14.54]n. 问题,疾病,vt. 使苦恼,


[10:23.06]n. 裤子


[10:26.00]n. [C]卡车,运货车


[10:31.28]adj. 真的,真实的;忠诚的


[10:39.36]vt.& n. 信任,信赖


[10:44.79]n. 真理;事实;实质


[10:52.73]v. 试,试图,n. [C]尝试,


[11:00.25]n. [C]T恤


[11:04.02]n. 星期二


[11:07.51]v. 旋转,翻转,n. [C]轮流,


[11:15.61]n. 电视


[11:18.91]num. 第十二


[11:22.41]num. 十二


[11:25.77]num. 第二十


[11:29.36]num. 二十


[11:33.12]adv. 两次,两倍

[11:36.77]Some people still live in their hometown.

[11:41.24]However, others may only see it once or twice a year.


[11:49.71]num. 二

