


评论翻译SJ XNI visited Delhi two years ago, just before the pandemic, and the sky looked exactly like this. Just like the video from 1:05-1:39 . The moment I got out of the airport's arrival door I remember a pungent smell of smoke, mixed with garbage, and street food, it smelled like an old casino rug but weird. I immediately started coughing and the next day I got a cold, the whole time I was in India I had allergies. Pretty cool place though.我在两年前(刚好在疫情爆发之前)拜访过德里,那时候的天空看起来也是如此,和视频1:05~1:39处一模一样。当我走出机场大门的一瞬间便闻到一股刺鼻的烟味,其中还混杂着垃圾以及街头小吃的味道,那味道闻起来就像就旧赌场地毯的味道,非常的奇怪。我抵达印度后的第二天便开始咳嗽并染上了感冒,在印度期间我还一直被过敏症状所困扰,不过这地方还是挺酷的。muan xxiishould've visited some other place in india tho你应该去拜访一下印度的其他地方。Praveen KumarCome 2 Bangalore , vizag & Hyderabad .. The've 0 pollution ..去班加罗尔,维扎格和海德拉巴看一下吧...那些城市完全无污染...SJ XN@muan xxii I did visit other places in India but I mentioned Delhi because the video was talking about the capital. I went to Kolkata, Varanasi, Khajuraho, Orchha / Jhansi, Abhaneri, Agra, Jaipur, Jodhpur, and Mumbai as well as other neighbouring countries. And they were all like that, even the countryside was foggy and smelled like smoke, the only city where the air looked cleaner was Mumbai, and i'm guessing it has a lot to do with its location next to the sea. After seeing Dhaka I'm surprised the report ranks Delhi as the most polluted capital in the world.我确实去了印度的其他地方,但我之所以提及德里是因为这个视频讨论的是印度首都。我还去了加尔各答,瓦拉纳西,卡朱拉霍、占西、阿巴纳里、阿格拉、斋浦尔、焦特布尔和孟买,以及印度的一些邻国。这些地方都是如此,甚至连乡村地区也有雾霾,闻起来一股烟味。空气唯一干净一点的城市只有孟买,我猜这和它靠近海洋的地理位置有很大的关系。在目睹了孟加拉首都达卡的光景之后,我对德里被列为世界上污染最严重的首都城市感到惊讶万分。muan xxii@SJ XN nice ��� next time come to mizoram you'll experience the crispest air ever@SJ XN 好的,下次来米佐拉姆邦看看吧,你会在那里体验到最清新的空气。prasanth MWow instead of judging whole country just by a single incident like many you understood the problem and gave a positive feedback. I appreciate it.哇哦,你没有像其他很多人那样通过一个单一的事件来批判整个国家,你理解了问题所在,并给出了积极的反馈。对此我很感激。Lll Sofiame was living in varanasi some years ago. but I need to transit in Delhi Airport and some time I stay to visit friends. however, if I stay more than 1 whole day, sure I got sick. every time very serious coughing for 2week. . till I found a doctor in Delhi, he suggest me to take antibiotic everytime I visit Delhi. it works on me. so I think the air in Delhi is not only dusty polluted but also full of bacteria.我几年前生活在瓦拉纳西,但我有时候需要在德里机场转机或者去拜访生活在德里的朋友。然而只要我在德里呆够整一天的话,我就绝对会生病。每次都会被非常严重的咳嗽症状折磨两周时间...直到我在德里找到了一位医生,他建议我每次去德里前都服用抗生素,这招对我很管用。所以我认为德里的空气不仅仅是被雾霾灰尘所污染,而且还充满了细菌。Donald LinekerI can't breathe watching this.观看这个视频让我无法呼吸。Coffeebud HongAnd yet they only has a clear sky last year due to covid. Now situation is worsening拜新冠所赐,他们才能在去年拥有晴朗的天空,然而如今情况变得更加糟糕了。XxThe major contributor for this is stubble burning in neighbouring states of Delhi, diwali happens in most of North and west India but nowhere the pollution rises so much.Even last year when diwali wasn't celebrated much,Delhi faced the same.The gov must find a lasting solution to stubble burning!!造成这种情况的主要原因是德里邻近的邦在焚烧秸秆,大多数印度北部和西部地区都会开展排灯节活动,然而那些地方的污染并没有增加得如此严重。即便是在去年排灯节活动没有开展时,德里也面临同样的空气污染。政府必须找到一个能够从根本上解决秸秆焚烧现象的办法!Fhi BdjThis is absolutely horrifying这实在太可怕了。A J1:04 dude literally chose that day to jog...he would have been way healthier to stay at home than to jog that day XD1分04秒这家伙居然选择在这么一天出门慢跑...在这样的环境下,呆在家里和出门慢跑相比,是一个更加健康的选择。P Das38% of the pollution in Delhi has been caused due to P.M. 2.5 after stubble burning. Fire crackers are responsible as much as vehicular emissions and construction but the elephant in the room is stubble burning as each and every city bursted fire crackers just like Delhi without any AQI increase. Do some research before broadcasting.德里38%的空气污染都是由燃烧秸秆后生成的PM2.5所造成的。鞭炮燃放,车辆排放以及建筑施工也都是罪魁祸首,但问题在于每个城市都和德里一样会燃放鞭炮,然而那些城市的空气质量则没有任何的恶化。你们做节目之前先做一点功课吧。Radith RamadhanIf that happens in Jakarta the capital of Indonesia many NGO's will start large scale demonstration towards the government如果这场面发生在印尼首都雅加达的话,那么许多NGO组织将会开始组织大规模的游行示威。DinilBut delhi is a landlocked City. Jakarta is not. If you have sea nearby, the air will clean itself. All the polluted cities around the world is land locked. All the biggest cities in India near to the sea are having no air pollution issue.然而德里是一个内陆城市,而雅加达则不是。如果城市附近有海的话,空气自然就会变干净。世界上所有受空气污染困扰的城市都是内陆城市,印度所有靠海的大城市都没有空气污染问题。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处ilhamrjI guess because Indonesia is not a continental country, we never experienced smog which lasted more than half a day, except from the forest fire.我猜这是因为印尼不是一个大陆国家,除了森林火灾意外,我们从未经历过持续半天以上的雾霾天气。Atharv ZemseDelhi's condition was same even before Diwali. What is new in it?德里的空气状况在排灯节之前就已经是这样的了,没什么新鲜事儿。Donny Rickles Jr.When the air quality is so bad you need a smoke break!这空气真是差到你需要抽根烟缓一下才行!
