



Enter a function in one variable: 1/x Enter the variable: x Enter the point to check the continuity at: 1 1/x is continue at 1.0


Enter a function in one variable: 1/x Enter the variable: x Enter the point to check the continuity at: 0 1/x is not continue at 0.0


from sympy.core import SympifyError from sympy import Symbol, sympify, Limit def check_continue(f, var, point): var = Symbol(var) left = Limit(f, var, point, '-').doit().evalf() right = Limit(f, var, point, ' ').doit().evalf() value = f.subs({var:point}).evalf() if left == right and left == value: print('{0} is continue at {1}'.format(f, point)) else: print('{0} is not continue at {1}'.format(f, point)) if __name__ == '__main__': f = input('Enter a function in one variable: ') var = input('Enter the variable: ') point = float(input('Enter the point to check the continuity at: ')) try: f = sympify(f) except SympifyError: print('Invalid input entered') else: check_continue(f, var, point)






''' Use gradient ascent to find the maximum value of a single_variable function. This also checks for the existence of a solution for the equation f'(x) = 0 ''' import math from sympy import Derivative, Symbol, solve, exp from sympy import sympify from sympy.core import SympifyError import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def grad_descend(x0, f1x, x): # Check if f1x=0 has a solution if not solve(f1x): print('Cannot continue, solution for {0} = 0 does not exist'.format(f1x)) return epsilon = 1e-6 step_size = 1e-4 x_new_l = [] x_old = x0 x_new = x_old - step_size*f1x.subs({x:x_old}).evalf() while abs(x_old - x_new) > epsilon: x_new_l.append(x_new) x_old = x_new x_new = x_old - step_size * f1x.subs({x: x_old}).evalf() return x_new, x_new_l def frange(start, end, interval): x_range = [] while start < end: x_range.append(start) start = interval return x_range def create_draw(x_new_l, f, var): x_range = frange(-1, 1, 0.01) y_range = [f.subs({var:x}) for x in x_range] plt.plot(x_range, y_range, 'bo') y_new_l = [f.subs({var:x}) for x in x_new_l] plt.plot(x_new_l, y_new_l, 'r') plt.legend(['function', 'Intermediate points'], loc='best') plt.show() if __name__ == '__main__': f = input('Enter a function in one variable: ') var = input('Enter the variable to differnetiate with respect to: ') var0 = float(input('Enter the initial value of the variable: ')) try: f = sympify(f) except SympifyError: print('Invalid function entered') else: var = Symbol(var) d = Derivative(f, var).doit() var_min, x_new_l = grad_descend(var0, d, var) if var_min: print('{0}: {1}'.format(var.name, var_min)) print('Maximum value : {0}'.format(f.subs({var:var_min}))) create_draw(x_new_l, f, var)






Enter the upper function in one variable: x Enter the lower upper function in one variable: x**2 Enter the variable: x Enter the lower bound of the enclosed region: 0 Enter the upper bound of the enclosed region: 1 Area enclosed by x and x**2 is: 0.166666666666667


from sympy import Integral, Symbol, SympifyError, sympify def find_area(f1x, f2x, var, a, b): a = Integral(f1x - f2x, (var, a, b)).doit() return a if __name__ == '__main__': f1x = input('Enter the upper function in one variable: ') f2x = input('Enter the lower upper function in one variable: ') var = input('Enter the variable: ') l = float(input('Enter the lower bound of the enclosed region: ')) u = float(input('Enter the upper bound of the enclosed region: ')) try: f1x = sympify(f1x) f2x = sympify(f2x) except SympifyError: print('One of the functions entered is invalid') else: var = Symbol(var) print('Area enclosed by {0} and {1} is: {2} '.format(f1x, f2x, find_area(f1x, f2x, var, l, u)))








The distance from (-5, 36) to (10, 231) is 268.37 (m)


from sympy import Symbol, sympify, Derivative, Integral, sqrt def calculate_distance(df, var, a, b): expression = sqrt(1 df**2) dis = Integral(expression, (var, a, b)).doit().evalf() return dis if __name__ == '__main__': f = '2*x**2 3*x 1' var = Symbol('x') f = sympify(f) df = Derivative(f, var).doit() a = -5 b = 10 s = calculate_distance(df, var, a, b) print('The distance from (-5, 36) to (10, 231) is {0:.2f} (m)'.format(s))
