天鹅与主人(Swan and master)



It is said that swans sing before they die. Someone happened to meet a swan on sale in the market. He also heard that the swan's song was very pleasant, so he bought it and took it home. One day, he gave a banquet and let the Swan sing at the banquet, but the Swan never said a word. Later, when the swan was old and knew that he was dying, he sang an elegy for himself. When the Master heard this, he said, "if you really refuse to sing at any other time except when you are dying, then I am too stupid. When I ask you to sing that day, I should kill you."

Moral: many people don't want to do something voluntarily. They always do it reluctantly when they have to.

两只狗(Two dogs)



A man has two dogs. He domesticates one dog for hunting and the other for guarding the house. Every time a hunter takes a hunter when dogs go hunting, they always give some prey to the gatekeeper. The hound was very unhappy about this and blamed it,the guard dog said that he ran around every time he went hunting. It was very hard, but he didn't do anything, but sit idle and enjoy the fruits of others ' work. The guard dog said to the hound, "don't blame me. You should blame the master. He taught me not to fight hunting, sitting at home and enjoying the fruits of other people's labor. "

Moral: don't blame children for their laziness, because it's parents who get used to them.

