
















其次,即使一篇文章不限定你的字数,我想没有哪个招生官在忙得晕头转向的时候会感兴趣你的长篇大论。我一直喜欢一句话就是Brevity is a virtue(简洁是一种美德)。为什么这么说呢,因为你简洁,节约了读者的时间呗。所以,我在修改文章的时候,凡是一句话可以讲清楚的地方,我绝对不会用两句话,一个简单句可以搞定的,我绝对不用复合句或是复杂句,哪怕你的句子铿锵有力,气势滂沱。那又怎样?你是要给招生官讲故事,还是要讲修辞?













They say curiosity kills a cat. Well, I am that cat, but I was not killed by curiosity,but was forged into what I am now.

When I was a little kitty, mom would read bed stories to me every evening. A splendid stony castle where live a prince and his beautiful princess, a line of dragon-riding cavaliers in the gathering dusk, a crowd of talking animals in elegant suits and ties—all these magical, supernatural figures and places that would send me into my dreams.

Then,the little kitty grew up, and he began to sense the flaws in mom’s bed stories. In bed stories, all animal can talk, but in real life, my puppy dog never talks in a way that I can understand. Finally I found out that those bed stories are just fantasies that mom used to lull me into sleep.

But my curiosity toward this world stems from those bed stories. And I began to ask mom many, many questions about the world. I need answers to my urgent questions, from “why people die” to “ why should I eat veggies.” Mom was patient at first, but each of her answers incurred more questions from me, and the whole process would end with her shouting of “stop” or a nice spanking on my bottom. She complained to dad that I was mewing too much,or just too curious for my age.

Then one day, mom bought me a few books to “help me learn more”. (Or perhapse, just to shut me up.) I took instant interest in a 7 volumes of encyclopaedia for teenagers, which covers the celestial bodies to the ants on the ground. In the book, a question is posed ,then a simple answer is offered.The encyclopaedia did clear much of my confusion, but ignited my more curiosity about the world we live in.

In reading those books, I came across science fiction, and I immediately realized that science fiction was written perfectly for me, as it combines two elements I am pursuing--science, knowledge of the true nature, and fiction, imaginative tales.

From then on, I spent hours and hours beside my dimly lit wooden desk, on my unmade bed, in the crowded pubic library of the city, and on the floor of a humble book store at the corner of the street, carried away from reality into the supernatural realm where I could day dream. Each time when a story ended tight,I had to wake up to the reality, with my mind still lingering and wandering.And I was curious that if the supernatural things may become reality, supposing technology develops in leaps and bounds.

The kitty grew into a young an adult, and he began to measure the world with hisown feet, his curiosity never getting waned. In the darkening sky of Australia,myriad stars winked on and off, casting their shimmering light onto the ground.While other visitors were marveling at the grandness of a clear, open nightsky, I was trying to locate the Polaris, the Big Dipper, and other constellations I had known in my textbook. Equipped with sunglasses and oxygen,I climbed up Mount Yulong of Yunnan, China, 4,000 meters above sea level,amazed by the reflection power of the brightly white snow covering the mountain range. In Canada’spolar region, I beheld the magnificent scenery of aurora, the grand painting created by the sun through the agent of ionized oxygen particles.

Yes,the world is a miracle and there is so much awaiting my exploration. A kitty has taken his first steps outside his nest, and is leaving his foot prints inthe world. He is still as curious as he was as a toddler, but now bears in mind that however curious he is, how much he has learned, there is always somethingin the world that deserves his ever-lasting curiosity.

