Unit 1 Reading笔记





1. you please —— (share) the toy with the new boy,Daniel?

2.My best friend Wendy is ready —— (help) people anytime.

3.I am busy now.I have a lot of things_ (do).

4.The naughty boy _(make) his mother angry again just now.

5.He always tells the truth, so everyone _ (believe) his words.

6.Listen!Someone _ (play) the piano next door.

7.Would you please _(not smoke) here?It's a non-smoking area.

8.Parents should tell their children _ (not trust) anyone online easily.

9.You needn't _(water) the flowers because your mother watered them this morning.

10.If Millie _(try) her best _(learn) Geography, she'll have better grades.
