[美剧] 格林/Grimm 全集第1季第1集剧本完整版


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警察Nick Burkhardt(David Guintoli扮演)刚刚被晋升为命案侦探,正准备在新的工作岗位上大展拳脚,可是他开始见到一些根本不能用言语来解释的[展开全文]



警察Nick Burkhardt(David Guintoli扮演)刚刚被晋升为命案侦探,正准备在新的工作岗位上大展拳脚,可是他开始见到一些根本不能用言语来解释的可怕景象。Nick的姑姑Marie(Kate Burton客座演出,《实习医生格蕾》)向Nick透露了一个惊天秘密,Nick的生活从此改变。Marie称Burkhardt家族的祖先曾隶属于一个猎人集团,他们的统一代号为「格林」。这个世界中存在大量的超自然生物,它们试图侵占世界、毁灭人类,而「格林」的任务就是阻止它们的阴谋。


Bitsie Tulloch扮演Nick的同居女友Juliette Lambert。来自《越狱》、《陌客》和《非凡家庭》的Reggie Lee扮演Nick的上级Blaknikoff警官。来自《林肯岗》和《问诊》的Russell Hornsby扮演Nick的警察搭档Hank Green。来自《卡布里卡》的Sasha Roiz扮演警队队长Ericson。来自《越狱》的Silas Weir Mitchell扮演已洗心革面、改邪归正的狼人Eddy Monroe,他将帮助Nick对付其他「童话生物」。Kate Burton参与演出。

该剧由《天使调查团》(Angel)的一对制片组合Jim Kouf、David Greenwalt打造


(POP MUSIC PLAYING ON HEADPHONES) (GROWLING) (WOMAN SHRIEKING) (CREATURE ROARING) (MUSIC CONTINUES PLAYING ON HEADPHONES) Hank, what are you doing? Testing out the new equipment and getting a picture of you while you're still young and innocent.


Oh, well, I am getting married once, not four times.

=> 哦,我结婚一次,而不是四次。

Oh, you're a "happily ever after" guy? Yeah.

=> 噢,你是一个“快乐的人”?是啊。

(WOMAN LAUGHS) Detective, what are you looking at? You just bought a ring.

=> (WOMAN LAUGHS)侦探,你在看什么?你刚买了一个戒指。

That's not what I'm looking at.

=> 这不是我正在看的。

Come on, don't ruin it for me.

=> 来吧,不要为了我而毁了它。

Now, she wears Armani, makes low six figures, drives a BMW and is falling for a senior partner at her law firm.

=> 现在,她穿着阿玛尼(Armani),打出六位数字,驾驶一辆宝马,正在为她的律师事务所的高级合伙人而堕落。

Nothing but trouble, Hank.

=> 只有麻烦,汉克。

Why can't you just look at her ass like the rest of us? I can't.

=> 为什么你不能像我们其他人一样看着她的屁股呢?我不能。

Come on, Nick, we have a call.

=> 来吧,尼克,我们打个电话。

(SNARLING) The hiker flagged me down.

=> (SNARLING)徒步旅行者标志着我失望。

He came through the ravine, said he saw something pretty bad.

=> 他走过山沟,说他看到一些非常糟糕的东西。

I didn't know what he was talking about, until he showed me this.

=> 我不知道他在说什么,直到他给我看。

(FLIES BUZZING) The rest of her is off trail.

=> (FLIES BUZZING)她的其余部分是脱轨。

How do you know it's a "her"? Because of this.

=> 你怎么知道这是一个“她”?因为这个。

HANK: Woman's Nike.

=> HANK:女人的耐克。

What kind of animal could do this? Normally, we'd be able to tell by the tracks, a bear, cougar, wolf Well, which one is it? That's where this gets interesting.

=> 什么样的动物可以做到这一点?通常情况下,我们可以通过轨迹,熊,美洲狮,狼来分辨出来,哪一个呢?这就是有趣的地方。

This is the only track we found.

=> 这是我们发现的唯一的轨道。

Hey, we got a boot print down here.

=> 嘿,我们在这里得到了一个启动画面。

We're going to need a cast.

=> 我们将需要一个演员。

MAN: Right away.

=> MAN:马上

DNA will tell us if this is your case or ours.

=> DNA会告诉我们,如果这是你的情况或我们的。

This sounds like what happened a month ago at Munson Creek Falls.

=> 这听起来像一个月前在曼森溪瀑布发生的事情。

Same deal.

=> 同样的交易。

Hiker and a bobcat.

=> 徒步旅行者和山猫。

But the bobcat wasn't wearing boots.

=> 但山猫没有穿靴子。

Do you hear something? (MUSIC PLAYING ON HEADPHONES) What? Music.

=> 你听到什么了吗? (在耳机上播放音乐)什么?音乐。

Hank, we got an iPod over here.

=> 汉克,我们在这里得到了一个iPod。

HANK: What's the song? Sweet Dreams.

=> HANK:这首歌是什么?甜蜜的梦。


=> 艺术体操。

One of their better.

=> 其中一个更好。

Sweet dreams are made of these Who am I to disagree I didn't know you couldn't sing.

=> 美梦是由这些谁我不同意我不知道你不能唱歌。

Until we get the DNA results, I'll run a database on violent predators in the area.

=> 在获得DNA结果之前,我将运行一个关于该地区猛烈掠食者的数据库。

We better search beyond the metro.

=> 我们更好的搜索超越地铁。


=> 绝对。

We should also take another look at that Munson Creek Falls' attack.

=> 我们还应该再看看曼逊溪瀑布的袭击。

You'll be busy.

=> 你会很忙。

I'll take the iPod down for prints.

=> 我会拿下iPod打印。

Be back in a minute.

=> 回来一分钟

(SNARLING) Whoa! Sorry, Nick, guess I should have worn my airbag today.

=> (SNARLING)哇!对不起,尼克,猜猜我今天应该穿我的安全气囊了。

We've got 23 known predators within five square miles of the crime scene.

=> 在犯罪现场五平方英里范围内有23名知名的掠夺者。

None of them rise to the kind of violence we saw out there this morning.

=> 他们中没有一个出现在我们今天早上在那里看到的那种暴力。

Just got a hit on a missing person.

=> 刚刚遇到一个失踪的人。

University student went out jogging this morning and never came back.

=> 大学生今天早上出去跑步,从不回来。

She left at 7:30 this morning and I'm a little freaked out because she's always back by 8:30.

=> 她今天早上七点半离开,我有点吓坏了,因为她总是早上八点半回来。

Do you have a photo of her? On my iPhone.

=> 你有她的照片吗?在我的iPhone上

Do you know what kind of running shoes she was wearing? Uh, pink Nikes.

=> 你知道她穿什么样的跑鞋吗?恩,粉红色的尼克斯。

NICK: Hard to believe that's the girl we saw this morning.

=> 尼克:很难相信这是我们今天早上看到的那个女孩。

Sylvie Oster.

=> Sylvie Oster。

Positive ID.

=> 积极的ID。

Well, at least we know who she is.

=> 那么,至少我们知道她是谁。

Man, what a way to go.

=> 男人,怎么走

Just hope it happened fast.

=> 只是希望它发生得很快。

Man, let's get the hell out of here.

=> 男人,让我们从这里出去。


=> 是啊。

It's been a long day.

=> 这是漫长的一天。

Big night.

=> 重要的夜晚。

Don't blow it, Romeo.

=> 不要吹,罗密欧。

(LAUGHS) (DOG BARKING IN DISTANCE) (DOG WHIMPERING) Juliette? Aunt Marie, when did you get here? Hey, she was here when I got home.

=> (笑)(DOG BARKING IN DISTANCE)(DOG WHIMPERING)朱丽叶?玛丽婶婶你什么时候来的嘿,她回到家的时候在这里。

Sorry for the short notice.

=> 对不起,很短的通知。

What, you didn't know she was coming? I meant to call.

=> 什么,你不知道她来了吗?我打算打电话。

Sometimes I mean to do something and I assume I usually have.

=> 有时我的意思是做一些事情,我认为我通常有。

Well, how are you doing? ls everything okay? Not as okay as I used to be.

=> 那么,你最近怎么样?一切都好吗?不像以前那样好。

She was telling me some pretty funny stories about when you were little.

=> 她在告诉我一些关于你什么时候小的有趣的故事。

Dead frog in the microwave? JULIETTE: Among others.

=> 死在微波炉里的青蛙?朱丽叶:其中包括。

Come and give us a hug.

=> 来,给我们一个拥抱。

(WHISPERING) We need to talk.

=> (WHISPERING)我们需要谈谈。

How bad is it? Two months, two weeks, two days.

=> 它有多糟糕?两个月,两个星期,两天。

Nobody knows.

=> 没人知道。

But there are so many things I have to tell you.

=> 但是我有很多事情要告诉你。

Why didn't you come here sooner? I couldn't.

=> 你为什么不早点来这里?我不能。

Why? Just listen to me, there are things you don't know, things about your family.

=> 为什么?只是听我说,有些事情你不知道,关于你的家庭的事情。

My family? You're my family.

=> 我的家庭?你是我的家人

Have you been seeing strange things? Things that you can't explain? Oh, I knew it.

=> 你有没有看到奇怪的东西?你无法解释的事情?哦,我知道了。

This is all happening so much faster than I thought it would.

=> 这一切都比我想象的要快得多。

When it happened to me, it knocked me on my ass.

=> 当它发生在我身上的时候,它把我撞倒在我的屁股上。

I couldn't move for a week.

=> 我不能动了一个星期。

What are you talking about? The misfortune of our family is already passing to you.

=> 你在说什么?我们家的不幸已经传给你了。

I'm so sorry.

=> 我很抱歉。

I know you love Juliette, but you have to end it and never see her again.

=> 我知道你爱朱丽叶,但你必须结束它,永远不要再见到她。

It's just too dangerous.

=> 这太危险了

What? Oh, my God, he's here.

=> 什么?哦,我的上帝,他在这里。

Who? Hulda.

=> 谁?胡尔达。



I thought I lost him.

=> 我以为我失去了他。

They're after me.

=> 他们在我之后。

Never lose this.

=> 永远不要失去这个

Guard it with your life.

=> 用你的生命守护它。

They'll be looking for it.

=> 他们会找的。

Nick, your parents didn't die in a crash.

=> 尼克,你的父母没有死亡。

They were killed.

=> 他们遇害了

What? I didn't see what happened.

=> 什么?我没有看到发生了什么事。

I just heard gunshots and called 911.

=> 我刚刚听到枪声,叫911。

lt happened so fast.

=> 发生得如此之快

He came out of nowhere.

=> 他从哪里冒出来的。

He had that thing in his hand.

=> 他手里拿着那东西。

He went right for her, Hank.

=> 汉克,他去找她了。

I had no choice.

=> 我没有选择。

Take it easy.

=> 别紧张。

You go to the hospital.

=> 你去医院

I'll handle this.

=> 我会处理这个。

She said she knew him.

=> 她说她认识他

That his name was Hulda.

=> 他的名字是赫尔达。

I'll run his prints.

=> 我会运行他的打印。

Do you want me to come with you? No, I'll be home as soon as I can.

=> 你想让我和你一起去吗?不,我会尽快回家。


=> 好的。

Love you.

=> 爱你。


=> 先生。

Burkhardt? She's conscious now.

=> 布克哈特?她现在有意识

You saw him didn't you? You saw who Hulda really was.

=> 你看到他不是吗?你看到了赫尔达真的是谁

I don't know what I saw, or how you did that.

=> 我不知道我看到了什么,或者你是如何做到的。

When they lose control, they can't hide and we see them for what they really are.


Look, you need some rest.

=> 看,你需要休息一下。

This is no fairytale.

=> 这不是童话故事。

The stories are real.

=> 故事是真实的。

What they wrote about really happened.

=> 他们写的真的发生了。

You are one of the last Grimms.

=> 你是最后的格林姆之一。

I know it's a lot.

=> 我知道这很多。

And I wish I had more time, but everything's in my trailer.

=> 我希望我有更多的时间,但一切都在我的预告片。

Sweetie, there's so much you still don't know.

=> 亲爱的,有这么多你还不知道。

Look, what you said about my parents You're vulnerable now.

=> 看,你对我的父母说什么你现在很脆弱。

You need to be careful.

=> 你需要小心。

Don't ever lose what I gave to you.

=> 永远不要失去我给你的东西。

I'm sorry, Mr.

=> 对不起,先生

Burkhardt, you can see her again tomorrow.

=> 伯克哈特,你明天再见到她。

Hey, Nick.

=> 嘿,尼克。

You get that translated? Yeah.

=> 你得到翻译?是啊。

lt means Reapers of the Grimms.

=> 这意味着Grimms的收割者。

That fits your buddy, Hulda.

=> 那适合你的哥们,赫尔达。

Wait till you hear what I got on him.

=> 等到你听到我的话。

Hulda was from Boise, Idaho, where he worked as an accountant, but his prints came back as a Mr.

=> 赫尔达来自爱达荷州的博伊西,在那里他担任会计师,但他的版画作为一个先生回来了。

Lindon from Chicago, wanted for assault, rape and murder.

=> 来自芝加哥的林登,想要殴打,强奸和谋杀。

There's also warrants matching those prints in Florida and Alabama.

=> 在佛罗里达州和阿拉巴马州,还有与这些印刷品相匹配的认股权证。

He was wanted for assault, rape and murder? Don't let the comb-over throw you.

=> 他因为殴打,强奸和谋杀而被通缉?不要让梳子把你扔掉。

This was a bad guy.

=> 这是一个坏人。

Hey, Nick, Captain wants to see you.

=> 嘿,尼克,船长想见你。

What's he want? Guess you'll find out.

=> 他想要什么?猜猜你会发现。

If you had to shoot somebody, you sure picked the right guy.

=> 如果你不得不拍摄一些人,你确定选择了合适的人。

How you doing? You holding up? Yes, sir.

=> 你好吗?你举起来了?是的先生。

First shooting is no small thing.

=> 首先射击是不小的事情。

You'll be required to see the police psychologist.

=> 你将被要求看警察心理学家。

Yes, sir.

=> 是的先生。

Make sure you do.

=> 确保你做到了。

And get some rest.

=> 好好休息一下

(GROWLS) (GASPS) (DOOR SQUEAKING) (FLOORBOARD CREAKING) (GASPS) How long have you been down here? I couldn't sleep.

=> (GROWLS)(GASPS)(门吱吱作响)(地板吱吱作响)(GASPS)你在这里呆了多久?我睡不着

What is all this? I don't know.

=> 这是什么?我不知道。

I'll deal with it later.

=> 我稍后再处理。


=> 抱歉。

Let's go back to bed.

=> 我们回去睡觉吧。

How long did you live with Marie? She was my mother from the time I was 12.

=> 你和玛丽住了多久?她是我12岁那年的母亲。

After your parents died? Yeah.

=> 你父母死后是啊。

You didn't live in that trailer, did you? I didn't know she had it.

=> 你没有住在那个拖车里,是吗?我不知道她有。

(CAT YOWLING) I think it was just a cat.

=> (CAT YOWLING)我认为这只是一只猫。


=> 是啊。

(CREATURE SNARLING) This is what we're looking for.

=> (CREATURE SNARLING)这是我们正在寻找的。

If this is an exact match of the boot prints, it's going to be very helpful.

=> 如果这是一个完全匹配的启动打印,这将是非常有帮助的。


=> 谢谢。

Take a look at the lab reports.

=> 看看实验报告。

DNA of the attacker is inconclusive.

=> 攻击者的DNA是不确定的。

Still don't know if we're looking for a man or a beast.

=> 仍然不知道我们是否在寻找一个男人或一个野兽。

Well, we got a lead if it wears boots.

=> 那么,如果穿靴子,我们就领先了。

Based on the plaster casts, this is the boot we're looking for.

=> 基于石膏模型,这是我们正在寻找的靴子。

She's in a deep coma.

=> 她昏迷不醒。

There was a sudden spike in the EKG this morning, but I don't have anything definitive to tell you yet.

=> 今天早上EKG突然爆发了,但我还没有任何明确的告诉你。

Will she come out of this? Well, all we can do is wait.

=> 她会出来吗?那么,我们所能做的只是等待。

Did you know about the scars? What scars? A lot of them look like knife wounds.

=> 你知道疤痕吗?什么伤疤?他们中的很多人看起来像刀伤。

They're all over her body.

=> 他们全身都是她的身体。

What line of work was she in? She was a librarian.

=> 她在做什么工作?她是一名图书管理员。

(CELL PHONE RINGING) Yeah? On my way.

=> (手机铃声)是啊?在路上。

(INDISTINCT) (SOBBING) I don't understand.

=> (INDISTINCT)(灌篮)我不明白。

She was supposed to go straight there from school.

=> 她应该从学校直接去那里。

She never showed up.

=> 她从来没有出现过。

I looked all over the neighborhood, then I came right here.

=> 我看了看附近的所有地方,然后我来到了这里。

Will you take care of them, please? Yeah, I got it.

=> 你会照顾他们吗?是的,我明白了。

What do we know? Little girl on the way to her grandfather's house, never showed up.

=> 我们知道什么?在去祖父家的路上,小女孩从未出现过。

That's him.

=> 那是他。

The guy with the beard.

=> 胡子的家伙。

Do we know he's clean? No.

=> 我们知道他是干净的吗?没有。

We're looking into that.

=> 我们正在调查。

This is the best photo they had.

=> 这是他们最好的照片。

We don't know what we got here.

=> 我们不知道我们在这里得到什么。

Relative, ransom or pedophile and the clock is ticking.

=> 相对的,赎金或恋童癖和时钟滴答作响。

We split into teams, section off the path she would have taken from school.

=> 我们分成几组,分开她从学校上学的道路。

It's a mile and a half from the school to the house.

=> 这是从学校到房子一英里半。

When last seen, she was wearing purple leggings and a red sweatshirt.

=> 上次看到的时候,她穿着紫色的紧身裤和一件红色的运动衫。

Make sure you have a copy of the photo and the map.

=> 确保你有一张照片和地图的副本。

You all know your section so let's get out there and find her.

=> 你们都知道你们的部门,让我们出去找到她。


=> 队长。

Yeah? When the university student was attacked, she was wearing a red sweatshirt.

=> 是吗?当大学生遭到袭击时,她穿着一件红色的运动衫。

The girl who was torn to pieces? Yeah.

=> 被撕碎的女孩?是啊。

Well, let's hope it's not the same guy.

=> 那么,让我们希望这不是同一个人。

She's supposed to cross Hunter Lane right there and then go around the park to Hildabrand.

=> 她应该穿过Hunter Lane,然后绕着公园去Hildabrand。

The old man's house is on the other side of the park, right? Right.

=> 老人的房子在公园的另一边,对吗?对。

4753 Hildabrand Road, directly across from here.

=> 4753 Hildabrand路,从这里直接对面。

When I was a kid, I wouldn't have gone all the way around the park.

=> 当我还是一个孩子的时候,我不会一直在公园四处走动。

Well, her mother was very specific about the route.

=> 那么,她的母亲是非常具体的路线。

Yeah, right.

=> 对,对。

Kids always do what their moms tell them to do.

=> 孩子们总是做他们的妈妈告诉他们要做的事情。

I know I did.

=> 我知道我做到了。

Come on, Nick.

=> 来吧,尼克。

I'll take this trail.

=> 我会走这条路。

MARIE: You need to be careful.

=> 玛丽:你需要小心。

You're vulnerable now.

=> 你现在很脆弱。

This isn't a fairytale.

=> 这不是童话故事。

Nick, I got something here! Robin Howell.

=> 尼克,我在这里得到了一些东西罗宾豪威尔。

She must have been grabbed somewhere in this area.

=> 她一定是被抓到了这个地方的某个地方。

Be careful where you step.

=> 小心你的脚步。

We got a crime scene in Berkeley Park.

=> 我们在伯克利公园有一个犯罪现场。

Yeah, off Hildabrand.

=> 是的,离开Hildabrand。

NICK: Hank, we got boot prints over here, same kind! He took her this way! (BELL RINGS) (SNARLING) Hank, I got him! Where is she? Where is she? (SIREN WAILS) (INDISTINCT TALKING ON POLICE RADIO) Look, I know she's in here somewhere.

=> 尼克:汉克,我们在这里得到了引导印刷品,同样的!他以这样的方式带走了她! (铃声)(SNARLING)汉克,我找到了他!她在哪?她在哪? (SIREN WAILS)(INDISTINCT谈到警察电台)看,我知道她在这里的某个地方。

If you got another place to look, we'll look.

=> 如果你有另一个地方看,我们会看看。

But we've torn this place apart.

=> 但是我们把这个地方分开了。

What are we doing here? If she's not in there, he's got her someplace else.

=> 我们在这里做什么?如果她不在那里,他会找到她的地方。

What do you see in this guy we don't? He's got no priors.

=> 你在这个家伙中看到了什么?他没有先例。

He's clean.

=> 他很干净。

He fits the profile.

=> 他适合个人资料。

He's a loner, he's never been married, he lives across the street from the park.

=> 他是一个孤独者,他从未结过婚,他住在公园对面。

That's not going to get him into a court unless he sues our ass.

=> 除非他起诉我们的屁股,否则不会让他上法庭。

Come on.


Let's grab a brew.

=> 我们来拿一杯啤酒

And by the way, you're paying for that window.

=> 顺便说一下,你正在为这个窗口付钱。

You know I've never seen one of you before.

=> 你知道我从来没有见过你之前的一个。

I heard about you guys all my life.

=> 我一辈子都听说过你们

Never thought I'd see one up close.

=> 从来没有想过我会看到一个关闭。

A Grimm.

=> 格林兄弟

(CHUCKLES) What do you know? You know about me? Are you kidding? My folks used to tell me stories about you guys.

=> (CHUCKLES)你知道什么?你知道我吗?你在开玩笑吗?我的家人曾经告诉我有关你们的故事。

Scared the hell out of me when I was a kid.

=> 小时候吓到我了。

How long you been at this? You seem kind of new.

=> 你在这个多久了?你看起来很新鲜

Who are you? Wow, you are new at this.

=> 你是谁?哇,你是新来的。

What? Someone in your family just die? My aunt's in a coma.

=> 什么?你家里有人死了?我的阿姨正处于昏迷状态。

Ah, that explains it.

=> 啊,这就解释了。

What's her name? Marie Kesler.

=> 她叫什么名字?玛丽·凯斯勒

Oh, yeah, I heard of her.

=> 哦,是的,我听说过她。

Look, I don't want any more trouble, okay? I'm not that kind of Blutbad.

=> 看,我不想再有麻烦了,好吗?我不是那种Blutbad。

I don't kill anymore.

=> 我不杀了

I haven't in years.

=> 我没有多少年。

Wait, what did you say you were? Blutbad.

=> 等等,你说你是什么? Blutbad。

Vulgarized by your ancestors as the big bad wolf.

=> 被你的祖先粗俗化为大灰狼。

What, did you just get the books tonight? You know about the books.

=> 什么,你今天晚上拿到书了吗?你知道这些书。

Of course I know about the books.

=> 我当然知道这些书。

We all know about the books.

=> 我们都知道这些书。

You people started profiling us over 200 years ago.

=> 你们在200多年前开始对我们进行剖析。

But as you can see I am not that big, and I am done with the bad thing.

=> 但是,正如你所看到的,我并没有那么大,而我却做了坏事。

Well, how do you How do I stay good? Through a strict regimen of diet, drugs and Pilates.

=> 那么,你如何保持良好?通过饮食,药物和普拉提严格的方案。

I'm a reformed Blutbad.

=> 我是一个改革的Blutbad。

A Wieder Blutbad.

=> Wieder Blutbad。

It's a different church altogether.

=> 这是一个完全不同的教会。

Wait, you guys go to church? Sure.

=> 等等,你们去教堂?当然。

Don't you? Then what she said is really happening to me.

=> 你不是吗?那么她所说的是真的发生在我身上。

I have to stop it.

=> 我必须阻止它。

How do I stop it? "Stop it?" You can't stop it.

=> 我如何阻止它? “停下来?”你不能阻止它。

It's who you are.

=> 这是你是谁。

So if you just got into this, you must be seeing some pretty strange things.

=> 所以,如果你刚刚进入这一点,你一定会看到一些非常奇怪的事情。

Yeah, I am.

=> 对我是。

I guess that's why you're here.

=> 我想这就是你来这里的原因。

No, I'm here because of the little girl.

=> 不,我在这里是因为那个小女孩。

Still haven't found her yet? No, we haven't.

=> 还没有找到她呢?不,我们没有。

Ah! Look at this.

=> 啊!看这个。

You know where she is.

=> 你知道她在哪里

Of course, I don't know where she is.

=> 当然,我不知道她在哪里。

Did I not just tell you about my strict regimen? So, how many of you Blutbads are there? First off, the plural is Blutbaden.

=> 我不只是告诉你我严格的方案吗?那么,你们有多少个Blutbads?首先,复数是Blutbaden。

And I don't know.

=> 而我不知道。

We don't socialize much.

=> 我们没有太多社交。

Bad things happen when we get into a pack, especially when we see red.

=> 当我们进入一个包装,特别是当我们看到红色时,会发生坏事。

So all those things I've been seeing We're not things.

=> 所以我所看到的所有事情我们不是事物。

Look, I'm a clockmaker for God's sake.

=> 瞧,我是上帝的钟表匠。

I don't go around abducting little girls.

=> 我不会绑架小女孩。

Okay, then tonight, in the backyard, you were marking your territory.

=> 好,那么今天晚上,在后院,你正在标记你的领土。

I wasn't pissing on my fence for kicks.

=> 我不是在踢我的篱笆。

Then there are more of you around here.

=> 那么这里还有更多的人

Look, you may not know where she is.

=> 看,你可能不知道她在哪里。

But you've got a pretty good idea who's got her.

=> 但是你知道谁有她。

I don't bother the other Blutbaden, they don't bother me.

=> 我不打扰其他Blutbaden,他们不打扰我。

Well, guess what, pal, I'm not a Blutbaden, I'm a cop, and if you know who's got her, you had better tell me right now.

=> 那么,猜猜怎样,朋友,我不是一个Blutbaden,我是一个警察,如果你知道谁得到了她,你现在最好告诉我。

Please don't threaten me.

=> 请不要威胁我。

I want to know who's got her.

=> 我想知道谁是她的。



Do you like it? It's all yours.

=> 你喜欢它吗?全是你的。

I just want to go home.

=> 我只是想回家。

You are home.

=> 你到家了。

What do you say we hang this up? (BREATHING HEAVILY) (HUMMING POP SONG) Do you want a chicken pot pie? (DOOR SLAMS SHUT) I really think I should drive.

=> 你说什么我们挂这个? (呼吸重型)(哼唱POP歌曲)你想要一个鸡肉馅饼吗? (DOAL SLAMS SHUT)我真的觉得我应该开车。

No, I'm good.

=> 不,我很好。

If this is the same Blutbad that killed that woman in the woods Well, assuming he fed yesterday, he'll be good for a week, maybe 10 days, tops.

=> 如果这是在树林里杀死那个女人的Blutbad,那么假设他昨天吃饱了,他可能会有一个星期,也许是10天的时间。

He'll just use the time to fatten her up.

=> 他只会用时间让她胖起来。

Oh! I got a hit.

=> 哦!我受到了打击

We're close.

=> 我们很近

Did you really smell him? Dude, you have no idea.

=> 你真的闻到他了吗?老兄,你不知道。

Okay, this is as far as we drive.

=> 好的,这就是我们开车。

He's over there? Oh, he's real close.

=> 他在那边?哦,他真的很接近。

What's that? Wolfsbane.

=> 那是什么?狼毒。

So he won't scent us.

=> 所以他不会闻到我们的

You're kidding me, right? Not if you want to stay alive.

=> 你在开玩笑吧?不,如果你想活下去。

What are you doing? You said he was over there.

=> 你在做什么?你说他在那边

Why don't you just call him, tell him you're coming? This way.

=> 你为什么不给他打电话,告诉他你要来?这条路。

Isn't this what the bridge is for? (GROANING) Sorry.

=> 这不是桥梁是什么? (GROANING)对不起。

Do I need something like silver bullets? What are you, an idiot? That's his place.

=> 我需要银弹吗?你是个白痴?那是他的地方。

What's happening? (PANTING) I can't guarantee what'll happen if I go any closer.

=> 发生了什么? (PANTING)如果我走得更近,我不能保证会发生什么。

It's too dangerous.

=> 太危险了

I might be on your side.

=> 我可能会在你身边。

I might be on his side.

=> 我可能会站在他的一边。

I might even go after the girl.

=> 我甚至可能会追女孩。

I'm sorry.

=> 对不起。

But there's nothing more I can do.

=> 但是我无能为力

I'm out of here.

=> 我离开这里

(RINGING) What? I found her.

=> (RINGING)什么?我找到了她。

(SNIFFING) (KNOCKING) I want to go home.

=> (嗅)(敲响)我想回家。

I told you, you are home! Where is he? He's in a house on the other side of this stream.

=> 我告诉过你,你在家!他在哪里?他在这条小溪的另一边的房子里。

But you have to put some of this on first.

=> 但是你必须先把这些放在一边。

What the hell are you doing? So he doesn't smell us.

=> 你到底在做什么?所以他不闻我们。

We're not hunting deer.

=> 我们不打猎鹿。

Where's backup? You're the only one I called.

=> 备份在哪里?你是我唯一的一个电话。

What? I already cried wolf once.

=> 什么?我已经哭了一次狼。

Do you think they're going to believe me? Come on.

=> 你认为他们会相信我吗?来吧。

How'd you find this place? Uh, the boots.

=> 你怎么找到这个地方?呃靴子

I couldn't sleep, I started looking at addresses.

=> 我无法入睡,我开始看地址。

This is one of them.

=> 这是其中之一。

What's his name? Who? The guy we're looking for.

=> 他的名字是什么?谁?我们正在寻找的人。

Uh, I forgot.

=> 呃,我忘了。


=> 哦。

You do know there's a bridge, right? Man! You better be right this time, buddy.

=> 你知道有一座桥,对吧?人!哥们,你最好还是这个时候吧。

You saw his boot prints, right? Yeah.

=> 你看到他的启动打印,对不对?是啊。

Over there by the house.

=> 在那边的房子。

Exact match? From what I could tell, yeah.

=> 完全符合?从我可以告诉,是的。

You run his plates? I'm still waiting.

=> 你跑他的盘子?我仍在等待。

What's the matter? Do you not trust me? Okay.

=> 怎么了?你不相信我吗?好的。

Let's do this.

=> 我们开工吧。


=> (古典音乐播放)(哼哼)晚安。

Can I help you? Sorry to disturb you, sir.

=> 我能帮你吗?先生,不好意思打扰你

I'm Detective Griffin.

=> 我是格里芬侦探。

This is Detective Burkhardt.

=> 这是布卡哈特侦探。

Do you have a few minutes? Of course.

=> 你有几分钟吗?当然。

Would you like to come in? That would be great.

=> 你想进来吗?那太好了。

We can sit in here.

=> 我们可以坐在这里

Nice pillows.

=> 漂亮的枕头。

Not that I tell everyone.


(CHUCKLES) (RINGING) Oh, pot pie's done.

=> (CHUCKLES)(RINGING)哦,锅馅饼做完了。

Just give me a moment.

=> 只要给我一点时间。

And then we can talk, okay? Are you kidding me? Hank, I really believe this is the right guy.

=> 然后我们可以说,好吗?你在跟我开玩笑吗?汉克,我真的相信这是正确的人选。

Excuse me, sir.

=> 对不起,先生。

Sorry it's taking so long.

=> 对不起,这需要很长时间。

But you know how delicate crusts are.

=> 但你知道外壳有多脆弱

What kind of work do you do? I work for the government, like you.

=> 你做什么工作?我为政府工作,就像你一样。

I'm a postman.

=> 我是邮递员

Not the most glamorous job, but I like it.

=> 不是最有魅力的工作,但我喜欢它。

Where were you between the hours of 2:00 and 4:00 today? On my route.

=> 你今天凌晨两点到四点之间在哪里?在我的路线上。

I'd like to know what this is all about.

=> 我想知道这是什么。

This little girl went missing today.

=> 这个小女孩今天失踪了。

That's awful.

=> 那是糟糕的。

You don't think I had anything do with this, do you? We have to run down every possibility.

=> 你不觉得我有什么关系吗?我们必须减少一切可能性。

What possibility could have led you to me? We're looking for a pair of boots.

=> 有什么可能导致你对我?我们正在寻找一双靴子。

Feel free to look anywhere you want.

=> 随时随地看你想要的任何地方。

If this guy had something to hide, he would have kicked us out.

=> 如果这个人有东西要隐藏的话,他会把我们踢出去的。

Now I'm leaving.

=> 现在我要走了

I want to keep my job.

=> 我想继续工作。

(MAN HUMMING POP SONG) Anything else? No.


Thanks for your time.

=> 谢谢你的时间。

We'll see ourselves out.

=> 我们会看到自己。

Hank, I'm sorry.

=> 汉克,我很抱歉。

I really thought this time Wait, the song.

=> 我真的以为这一次等等,这首歌。

What song? He was humming the same song.

=> 什么歌?他哼着同一首歌。

The one on the dead girl's iPod.

=> 那个死女孩的iPod上的那个。

(SCREAMING) (GROWLING) Hold it! (GASPING) Where is she? Where is she? Grimm.

=> (尖叫)(成长)握住它! (GASPING)她在哪里?她在哪?格林。

(GAGGING) She's got to be in the house.

=> (GAGGING)她必须在房子里。

Robin! Robin! Robin! She's not here.

=> 罗宾!罗宾!罗宾!她不在这里

We're going to have to call it in.

=> 我们将不得不打电话进来。

I'll find the breaker.

=> 我会找到断路器。



Hank, she's here.

=> 汉克,她在这里。

It's okay, honey.

=> 没关系,亲爱的

We're police.

=> 我们是警察

I don't know how you did it, but you did it.

=> 我不知道你是怎么做到的,但是你做到了。

It's okay now.

=> 现在没事了。

We're going to take you home.

=> 我们要带你回家

NICK: There's so much I don't understand.

=> 尼克:有太多我不明白的地方。

There are so many things I need to ask you.

=> 有很多事情我需要问你。

I love Juliette and I don't want anything to happen to her.

=> 我爱朱丽叶,我不想要任何事情发生在她身上。

I want you to know whatever it is I'm supposed to do, I'll do it.

=> 我希望你知道我应该做的事情,我会做的。


=> 您! (GRUNTS)(MONITOR快速蜂鸣)(GROANING)她死了吗?没有。

He was there.

=> 他在那。

That's unfortunate.

=> 那真不幸。

We'll just have to try again.

=> 我们只需要再试一次。

Let's hope she doesn't wake up first.

=> 希望她不要先醒来
