


1. I would die a very ___ person if I could stay in music my whole life.如果能终生从事音乐事业,我会死而无憾。

2. Every working day I ___ people who are dying from lung diseases caused by smoking.每天上班我都要医治那些因吸烟患上肺病的垂危患者。

3. He watched helplessly as his mother died an ___ death.他无助地看着母亲痛苦地死去。

4. I’m no expert, but I don’t think Tracy died a ___ death.我不是什么专家,但我不认为特雷西是自然死亡。

5. The firing finally began to die ___ in the late afternoon.到了临近傍晚时枪炮声终于渐渐停息。

6. They often take a long time to die ___ after flowering.花期过后,他们的枝叶常常过很长一段时间才会枯萎。

7. The rain remained steady though the wind had died ___.尽管风势已经减弱,但雨还是下个不停。

8. Once the fire has died ___, the salvage team will move.一旦大火熄灭,救援小组就会马上进入。

9. He died in 1985 ___ the age of 76.他1985年去世,终年76岁。

10. Her father died suddenly in an ___ when she was only ten.她年仅10岁时父亲突然死于一场意外事故。

11. The animals died of ___ in the snow.这些动物在雪中饿死了。

12. Many patients are dying ___ COVID-19 in the U.S.在美国有许多垂危的新冠病人。

13. She died ___ in her sleep at the age of 98.她在睡眠中安然辞世,享年98岁。

14. Do you believe in anything enough to die ___ it?你有什么信仰足以让你为之献出生命吗?

15. She died ___, at the age of 27.她27岁就英年早逝。

16. The bullet went ___ through his head, and he died instantly.子弹穿过他的头部,他当场死亡。

17. It must ___ a secret until the day I die.这事我到死也不能说。

18. It was his ___ wish that the house be opened to the public.把这幢房子向公众开放是他的临终遗愿。

19. Did she die a natural ___?她是自然死亡吗?

20. Our love will ___ die.我们的爱始终不渝。

21. The family name will die ___ him.他去世后,家族的姓氏也将随之消失。

22. He’s one of a dying ___.他这样的人已经快要绝种了。

23. The engine ___ and died.引擎噼啪响了几声就熄火了。

24. The ___ just died on me.我用着用着割草机就坏了。

25. I’m ___ for a cup of tea.我很想喝杯茶。

26. She was dying to ask where he’d ___ it.她很想去问他是从哪里弄到的。

27. I’m dying to see ___ it is.我很想去看看这究竟是什么。

28. Do you fancy a cup of tea? I’m dying of ___.你想喝杯茶吗?我都快渴死了。

29. I nearly died when I saw it was my ___-husband.当看清楚那原来是我前夫时,我尴尬死了。

30. The room was such a ___, I just died of embarrassment.房间里这么乱,我真是尴尬得要命。


31. I’d rather die ___ work for him!我死也不替他工作。

32. United scored an ___ in the dying minutes of the game.连队在比赛的最后时刻射入一球,将比分扳平。

33. Old customs die ___.习俗很难改变。

34. Never ___ die.别放弃。

35. The rumor gradually died a ___.谣言慢慢平息了。

36. We nearly died ___ when he told us.他跟我们说的时候我们都快笑死了。

37. She had hair to ___ for.她的头发好看极了。

38. I want to see Ireland again before I ___.我想在死之前再去爱尔兰看看。

39. No wonder your plants always die – you don’t ___ them enough.难怪你种得植物总会死掉 – 你水浇得不够。

40. Her voice died ___ as she saw the look on David’s face.看到戴维脸上的表情,她越说声音越小,最后没音儿。

41. She waited until the ___ had died away. 她一直等到脚步声渐渐消失。

42. Don’t worry, the gossip will soon die ___.别担心,流言蜚语不久就会平息的。

43. He felt very disappointed when the excitement had died ___.当兴奋过去后,他感到非常失望。

44. The wild population of koalas is in danger of dying ___.野生袋熊濒临灭绝的危险。

45. There will be ___ of rain, gradually dying out later.先是有阵雨,稍后会逐渐停止。

46. The die is ___.事情已成定局。

47. My wife had just ___ away, and I didn’t want to be around people.我妻子刚去世,我想一个人静一静。

48. Hundreds of people ___ their lives when the ship overturned in a storm.轮船在暴风雨中倾覆,数百人失去了生命。

49. Five children ___ before firefighters could put out the blaze.五名儿童在消防员扑灭大火之前遇难。

50. We ___ the men and women who have given their lives in service of their country.我们向为国捐躯的英雄儿女致敬。

51. One day, he came home from work and dropped ___ of a heart attack.一天,他下班回到家,因心脏病猝然去世。

52. The death of his mother ___ as a tremendous shock.他母亲的去世是个巨大的打击。

53. cancer is the leading ___ of death in women.癌症是女性死亡的主要原因。

54. How Danielle ___ her death will probably never be known.丹妮尔的死因可能永远也无法得知。

55. His friend was ___ to death.他的朋友已经生命垂危。

56. His family are still ___ John’s tragic death.约翰的家人仍在为他的不幸去世而哀伤。

57. This year is the ninety-eighth ___ of Lenin’s death.今年是列宁去世98周年。

58. It is shocking to see homeless men who froze to ___ on the street.看到无家可归者冻死在街上真是令人震惊。

59. The 76-year-old pensioner was ___ to death.这位76岁的退休老人被人打死。

60. Legend has it that Sarah was put to death for ___ witchcraft.传说萨拉是因为行巫术被处死的。


61. Members of the family have ___ death threats.这个家庭的成员遭到了死亡威胁。

62. He remained president until his ___ death.他担任总统一职直至英年早逝。

63. Two of the passengers managed to ___ death.乘客中有两位幸免于难。

64. A ___ to reduce the number of traffic death is being conducted.正在开展一场减少交通死亡的宣传运动。

65. The number of deaths from cancer is ___ in recent years.近年来癌症导致的死亡人数一直居高不下。

66. I heard there’d been a ___ in the family.我听说这户人家有人去世了。

67. The latest bombing is the ___ of all our hopes.最近的炸弹爆炸事件使我们的所有希望都化为乌有。

68. These regulations could ___ the death of the American car industry.这些规定可能会毁掉美国的汽车工业。

69. She was ___ to death of what might happen next.她对接下来可能会发生的事怕得要命。

70. I’m absolutely ___ to death of it.我对此厌恶得要命。

71. He drove at a speed which ___ Leonora to death.他的车速让莉奥诺拉吓得要命。

72. She used to ___ me to death.她过去总是让我担心得要命。

73. They just ___ you to death in that place.他们那里就是让你没命地干活。

74. Most of his material has been ___ to death by numerous comedians.他的大部分笑料已经被许多滑稽演员说烂了。

75. They will fight to the death rather than give an inch of ___.他们宁愿战死也不肯让出一寸土地。

76. These soldiers are ___ in a struggle to the death.这些士兵陷入了殊死搏斗中。

77. The leadership election has become a ___ to death.领导人选举变成了一场你死我活的恶斗。

78. He is at death’s ___.他已生命垂危。

79. That boy will be the ___ of me!那孩子真是要了我的命!

80. On her deathbed, Miriam’s mother ___ that she never knew her father.米丽亚姆的母亲临终时吐露,她一直不知道他父亲是谁。

81. The disease allowed no time for a deathbed ___.这种病让人来不及临终忏悔就死去了。

82. His decision to leave the show has delivered a death ___ to the series.他的弃演决定给这部连续剧以致命一击。

83. The loss of Georgia would sound the death ___ of Republican hopes.失去佐治亚州将预示着共和党希望的破灭。

84. She was deathly pale, and looked as if she might ___.她脸色惨白,似乎要晕倒的样子。

85. A deathly ___ fell over the room.屋里一片死寂。

86. Three Britons are facing the death ___ for spying.三名英国人因间谍罪而面临死亡。

87. He received a death ___.他被判处死刑。

88. Premeditated murder ___ the death sentence.谋杀要判死刑。

89. Cancer is no longer a death ___.癌症已不再是不治之症了。

90. In 1987, the government ___ a death sentence on the river by granting permission for the new dam.1987年政府批准修建新的水坝,给这条河判了死刑。

91. The peace ___ seems to be in its death throes.和平条约被撕毁的日子似乎已经不远了。

92. As the unrest continued, the death ___ rose.随着动乱的持续,死亡人数在上升。

93. The official death toll ___ at 53.官方公布的死亡总数为53人。

94. A car with tires in this condition is simply a death ___.车胎的状况这么糟糕的汽车无疑就是个死亡事故。

95. By indulging in casual sex, many teenagers could be signing their own death ___.许多青少年随意与人发生性关系并沉迷于此,这等于在自寻死路。

96. Before I did the jump, people would ask if I had a death ___.在我跳之前,人们会问我是否有想死的念头。

97. Chandler’s goal was in the ___ minutes of the game.钱德勒的进球是在最后几分钟里打入的。

98. It was her dying wish to have a simple ___.她的临终遗愿是办个简朴的葬礼。

99. He regretted the decision to his ___ day.他至死都后悔做了这个决定。

100. Women who enjoy baking are a dying ___.喜欢做烘烤食品的女人快要绝迹了。


朗文当代高级英语词典[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014


1 happy 2 treat 3 agonizing 4 natural 5 away 6 back 7 down 8 out 9 at 10 accident 11 starvation 12 from 13 peacefully 14 for 15 young 16 straight 17 remain 18 dying 19 death 20 never 21 with 22 breed 23 spluttered 24 mower 25 dying 26 got 27 what 28 thirst 29 ex 30 mess 31 than 32 equalizer 33 hard 34 say 35 death 36 laughing 37 die 38 die 39 water 40 away 41 footsteps 42 down 43 down 44 out 45 outbreaks 46 cast 47 passed 48 lost 49 perished 50 honor 51 dead 52 came 53 cause 54 met 55 close 56 mourning 57 anniversary 58 death 59 beaten 60 practicing 61 received 62 untimely 63 escape 64 campaign 65 rising 66 death 67 death 68 spell 69 scared 70 sick 71 frightened 72 worry 73 work 74 done 75 ground 76 locked 77 fight 78 door 79 death 80 reveals 81 repentance 82 blow 83 knell 84 faint 85 hush 86 penalty 87 sentence 88 carries 89 sentence 90 passed 91 pact 92 toll 93 stands 94 trap 95 warrants 96 wish 97 dying 98 burial 99 dying 100 breed
