One man's meat,another man's poison什么意思?

把英语One man's meat,another man's poison学成英语

在我们把“用”中文“萝卜青菜各有所爱”学会英语One man's meat is another man's poison并可能有机会把它跟别人“用起来”之前,我们首先需要把学过的英语“用起来”学这句正在学的英语One man's meat is another man's poison:“用”“旧英语”学“新英语”就解决了英语“学以致用”问题,而不是通过“用”中文把正在学的英语“学以致用”问题留待以后解决。

whoare you什么意思中文翻译 Oneman(1)

当你能把下面任何一句学过的英语“用”起来“说”英语One man's meat is another man's poison时,你就是在“说”英语口语了:

1. Okay.Got you.When we say One man's meat is another man's poison,we mean What one person may consider good, enjoyable, or beneficial may be disliked by someone else.

whoare you什么意思中文翻译 Oneman(2)

2.Okay.Got you.When we say One man's meat is another man's poison,we mean:Something that one person likes may be distasteful to,or disliked by someone else.

3.Okay.Got you.If you say: One man's meat is another man's poison, you mean that different people like different things.


whoare you什么意思中文翻译 Oneman(3)

