


1.surf the Internet; 2.tend to

3.from time to time 4.according to;

5.in person 6.in particular;

7.suffer from; 8.due to;

9.seek for; 10.to be frank;

11.in other words; 12.more often than not;

13.Sit around 14.graduate from;

15.deal with; 16.apply for;

17.sort of; 18.give up;

19.be responsible for; 20.make a great contribution to ;21.as well as; 22.set up;

23.be confident in; 24.live up to;25.be full of; 26.follow one's heart

27.adapt to; 28.at the moment ;

29.look forward to; 30. make a living;

31.come up with; 32.play an important part in;

33.cut off; 34.thanks to;

35.come to a conclusion: 36.as a result

37.come from 38. be dependent on:

39.root for; 40.in good shape ;

41.rather than; 42.talk about;

43.keep fit; 44.prefer to

45.have a strong desire to do sth.; 46.keep up with;

47.let sb.down ; 48.advantages and disadvantages;

49.no way; 50.gather around;

51.next to; 52.on one s own;

53.be tough on; 54.crash into;

55.pay off 56.be fed up with;

57.due to; 58.in the end;

59. get sick; 60.cheer up ;61.be capable of; 62.reduce the risk of;63.find out; 64.warm up ;

65.worry about 66.warm up;

67.turn off; 68.relate to;

69.make a list of; 70.in case;

71.ought to; 72.no more than;

73.find out; 74.sign up;

75.be prohibited from 76.in sight

77.speed up 78.be made of

79.share... with... 80.slow down

81.graduate from; 82.be at war with;

83.beat peace with; 84.come to an end;

85.make a wish; 86.blow out87.put up; 88.let off;

89.sweep away; 90.upside down;

91.scare sb./sth. away ; 92.as far as;

93.in general ; 94.make an effort;

95.get ready for; 96.fill sb. in on sth.

97.move in; 98.over and over;

99.catch sb.'s eye; 100.pass away ;

101.no longer; 102.on the way;

103.be full of; 104.take a seat;

105.put up

张老师 (名师一对一课外英语辅导)

