
1.work指“工作,干活”,它是不及物动词。比如:Henry works in the bank.亨利在银行工作。Can you work under pressure? 你能在压力下工作吗?


2.work指“(机器等的)开动,运转;(工厂的)开工”,它是不及物动词。比如:This works by electricity.它是靠电来运转的。How does this machine work?怎样开动这台机器?It works quite smoothly.一切顺利。

3.work指“奏效,行得通”,也属于不及物动词,比如:I think your suggestion will work.我想你的建议可行。It's a good idea,but it doesn't work.主意不错,但行不通的。The plan worked well.这个计划很有效。


4.work指“使干活,让工作”,它是及物动词,后边可以跟宾语。比如:He worked his men long hour.他让手下长时间工作。He works her employees hard.他让员工努力工作。

5.work表示“使开动,操纵”,是及物动词。比如:Stand there and work the machine.站在那里开动机器。This machine is worked by electricity.这台机器是电动的。


6.work可以指“管理,经营,负责某地区”,是及物动词。比如:The company works many gold mines.这个公司经营着很多金矿。The old man still works the farm.这位老人仍然在负责这个农场。My partner works the Liverpool district.我的合作伙伴负责利物浦地区。

7.work表示“创造奇迹,引起变化,造成损害”,是及物动词。比如:The medicine almost works miracle.这种药很神奇。Time works many changes.时间带来很大的变化。The plan works harm.这个计划有害。


8.work指“改变方向(位置、状态);发酵”。比如:The ship is working eastward. 船正向东行驶。His feature worked with anger. 他的表情带着愤怒。The yeast makes beer work.酵母使啤酒发酵。

9.work指“揉面;编织;绣;解题”。比如:She is working a shawl.她正在织披肩。He worked the math problem.他解了一道数学题。


10.最常考的词组是work out,它的意思是“想出;算出,估计出;解题”。比如:Have you worked out this problem yet?你已经计算出了这道难题吗?Father is still trying to work out his tax.父亲仍在设法计算他的税。

work out还可以表示“理解,弄懂,看出,判断”。比如:I can't work out the meaning of this poem.我理解不了这首诗的意思。It is a very strange situation,I can't work it out.局势很奇怪,我搞不懂。No one can work out how the fire started.没人知道这场大火是怎么烧起来的。
