
set off 动身,出发,引爆:


The heat set off a chemical reaction.热量可以引发化学反应。

A branch fell on my car and set the alarm off.一根树枝掉在了我车上且拉响了警报。

When do you set off for China?你什么时候去中国?

The soldier set off on a mission.士兵们要去执行一项任务。

We set off for London just after ten.十点钟以后,我们要去伦敦。

The clerk's indifference finally set me off. 该职员漫不经心的样子,彻底把我惹怒了。

The constant delays set off even the most patient passengers. 即使最有耐心的乘客也受不了经常延时。

Panic on the stock market set off a wave of selling.股市上存在的恐慌情绪掀起了一波抛售。

At midnight, we set off a string of firecrackers.午夜,我们点燃了一串爆竹。

The terrorists were building a bomb and planned to set it off in the train station.恐怖袭击分子正在制造一枚炸弹,并计划要在火车站引爆。

A gang of boys were setting off fireworks in the street.一帮男孩子在街上放烟花。

Opening this door will set off the alarm.打开这扇门就会拉响警报。

That blouse sets off the blue of her eyes.那件上衣衬托出了她那蓝色的双眸。

set up 设立,建立:


The police caught the gang trying to set up a kidnapping.警方抓获了一帮正要施实绑架的犯罪分子。

They didn't commit the crime, but they did set it up.他们不承认犯了罪,但他们属于犯罪未遂。

We used the money to set up a charity.我们要用钱成立一家慈善机构。

We don't have a separate office for handling taxes, but maybe we should setone up.我们没有一间单独的办公室到处理税务,不过也许能隔出一间来。

The police set up roadblocks on routes out of the city.警方在各条出城路线上设了路障。

set out 出发,开始,着手

set about 开始,着手


set out与set about都有“开始,着手”之意,但用法不同,set about后接动名词,即set about doing sth ;set out后接动词原形,即set out to do sth。


Have an amazing time in Japan! When do you set out?祝你在日本过得愉快!你什么时候动身?

I'm setting out for New York tomorrow to attend a business meeting.我明白要去纽约参加一个商务会议。

Framed for murder and wanted by police, the lone detective set out to clear her name.这名侦探被指控犯有谋杀罪,遭到警方通辑,他孤身奋战,要为自己洗脱罪名。

We set out to create the most elegant and user-friendly smartphone ever made, and I think we did it.我们旨在生产出品相最好,对用户最适用的智能手机,那么我认为我们做到了。

They set out on the last stage of their journey.他们要去最后一个旅行目的地。

She set out to break the world record.她要打破世界纪录。

They succeeded in what they set out to do.他们成功实现了目标。


After the meeting, I'll set about writing a draft of the report. 会议结束后,我要写一份报告草案。

They set about cleaning the house from top to bottom before their guests arrived.他们赶在宾客没来之前,开始对房间进行大清扫。

How do we set about solving this puzzle?我们怎么才能着手解决这个谜团?

After collecting sticks, the campers set about building a fire.野营人员捡了一些棍之后,着手做了一个篝火。

She set about the business of cleaning the house.她开启了自己的家政事业。

We need to set about finding a solution.我们得着手想出解决办法。

set forward 提出,促进


Please set the chair forward a little bit. It is in the walkway.请把椅子往前挪一点,这里是过道。

If you set the vase forward, it will show up better against the dark background.如果你把花瓶往前放,它在黑色背景下就会更好地突显出来。

I set forward the picture of our wedding day on the mantelpiece.我把我们结婚当日的照片放在了壁炉上。

The newly elected mayor has set forward a number of plans for dealing with the housing crisis in the city.新任市长制定了许多计划解决城市住房危机问题。

The new administration has adopted a policy based on principles set forward by the previouspresident.新政府采纳了一项以前任总统提出的原则为基础的政策。

set aside 留出,把......放在一旁


Would you mind setting those books aside so I can clean the desk?你介意把那些书往边上挪一下不?我好擦一下桌子。

Please set your phone aside while I'm talking to you!我跟你说话的时候,请把手机放下。

I can set the dress aside for you, if you'd like to think about it for a day.如果你想考虑一天,我可以为你留着这条裙子。

I recommend you set aside your bonus as a rainy-day fund for the future.我建议你把奖金留着作为将来的一项储备基金。

