我们已经讨论过如何将报表发送到数据库中的一组电子邮件。在本文中,我们将做同样的事情,但对于.Net Core MVC平台上的Web应用程序。我们的任务是从某个数据库中获取电子邮件地址和用户名列表,并将带有附加报表的电子邮件发送到这些邮箱。我们使用MS SQL Server数据库。
创建一个ASP应用程序.Net Core MVC应用程序。首先,使用NuGet Packages Manager将必要的库添加到项目中。在一般的nuget存储库中,我们找到并安装包:
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational;
- Microsoft.jQuery.Unobtrusive.Ajax;
- jQuery.
从本地存储库 - FastReport.Net安装目录中的Nuget文件夹,安装软件包:
- FastReport.Core;
- FastReport.Web.
现在我们将使用数据库和表的类本质创建工作上下文。为此,请打开包控制台Nuget。打开Tools - > Nuget Package Manager - >Package Manager Console menu(包管理器控制台菜单)。在控制台中,键入以下命令:
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir模型 当然,在这里您必须指定数据库服务器的连接字符串和数据模型的文件夹(默认情况下为Models)。
PM> scaffold-dbcontext“Server = localhost; Database = testdb; Trusted_Connection = True;”
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir模型 之后,理论上,应该将两个文件添加到Models文件夹:context和table实体。在我的例子中,这是testdbContext.cs和Emails.cs。 但是,在文件生成期间可能会发生错误:
有一个可设置的公共实例属性。 如果发生这种情况,请在NuGet包管理器中再添加一个包:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env) { … app.UseFastReport(); … }
namespace WebMailing.Models { public static class Facade { public static List<Emails> GetEmails() { using (Models.testdbContext context = new Models.testdbContext()) { var emails = (from adresses in context.Emails select adresses).ToList(); return emails; } } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using WebMailing.Models; using FastReport; using FastReport.Export.Pdf; using FastReport.Export.Email; using FastReport.Web; … public IActionResult Index() { WebReport webReport = new WebReport(); webReport.Report.Load(Environment.CurrentDirectory "/text.frx"); ViewBag.WebReport = webReport; return View(); }
我们将添加两种发送电子邮件的方法。第一个将在问候语中发送带有客户名称的私人信件,第二个将向一组地址发送一个字母。 所以,第一种方法是:
[HttpPost] public ActionResult SendMail() { Report report1 = new Report(); //Create new report object report1.Load(Environment.CurrentDirectory "/text.frx"); //Load report report1.Prepare(); //Prepare report PDFExport pdf = new PDFExport(); //Cteate PDF export EmailExport email = new EmailExport(); //Create Email export List<Emails> emails = Models.Facade.GetEmails(); foreach (Emails item in emails) { SendMessage(report1, pdf, email, item.Email, item.Name); } return View(); }
public void SendMessage(Report report, PDFExport pdf, EmailExport email, string recipient, string custName) { string message = "This is test message."; email.Account.Address = "gromozekaster@yandex.ru"; email.Account.Name = "Test User"; email.Account.Host = "smtp.yandex.ru"; email.Account.Port = 25; email.Account.UserName = "Gromozekaster"; email.Account.Password = "*****"; //Your password email.Account.MessageTemplate = "Test"; email.Account.EnableSSL = true; //email addressee settings email.Address = recipient; email.Subject = "TestMessage"; email.MessageBody = custName is null ? message : string.Format("Dear, {0}! {1}", custName, message); email.Export = pdf; //Set export type email.SendEmail(report); //Send email }
[HttpPost] public ActionResult SendAll() { Report report1 = new Report(); //Create new report object report1.Load(Environment.CurrentDirectory "/text.frx"); //Load report report1.Prepare(); //Prepare report PDFExport pdf = new PDFExport(); //Cteate PDF export EmailExport email = new EmailExport(); //Create Email export List<Emails> emails = Models.Facade.GetEmails(); string addresses = ""; foreach (Emails item in emails) { if (addresses == "") addresses = item.Email; else addresses = addresses ", " item.Email; } SendMessage(report1, pdf, email, addresses, null); return View(); }
对于SendMail()和SendAll()方法,我们需要创建相同名称的视图 - 视图。 他们的内容非常简单:
@{ ViewBag.Message = "Report was sent"; } @ViewBag.Message
@{ ViewData["Title"] = "Home Page"; } <script src="http://img.studyofnet.comhttps://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <form action="SendMail" method="POST"> <input type="button" id="SendPersonal" value="Send Personal Email"> <input type="button" id="SendAll" value="Send Email to All"> <div class="answer"/> </form> <script type="text/javascript"> $('#SendPersonal').on("click", function () { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', // dispatch method url: '@Url.Action("SendMail", "Home")', // path to handler dataType: 'text', success: function (data) { $(".answer").html(data); // upon successful receipt of the response from the server, we enter the data in the element with the class answer } }); return false; }) $('#SendAll').on("click", function () { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', // dispatch method url: '@Url.Action("SendAll", "Home")', // path to handler dataType: 'text', success: function (data) { $(".answer").html(data); // upon successful receipt of the response from the server, we enter the data in the element with the class answer } }); return false; }) </script> @await ViewBag.WebReport.Render()
要使用ajax jquery,我们添加了一个指向jquery.min.js脚本的链接。接下来,为每个表单添加一个带有两个按钮和两个脚本的表单。脚本非常简单 - 从控制器调用方法并返回结果视图。
最后 - 我们从Index方法推导出报表。让我们运行应用程序,看看我们的网页是什么样的: