NHK纪录片《深海/海洋深处 Deep Ocean 2015》 高清纪录片

一千米以下的深海几乎完全无光,温度逐渐降低,深海水压可达海平面的110倍,此处的生物仿佛生活在外星世界。NHK纪录片《深海/海洋深处 Deep Ocean 2015》讲述科学家对深海的探索,爱登堡老爵爷旁白,共3集。

01 太平洋上的失落世界 The Lost World Of The Pacific (2015)



NHK纪录片《深海 Deep Ocean 2015》

The same submarine which successfully captured the world’s first moving images of a giant squid in its natural habitat is used for exploring the deep sea cliffs off the coast of New Guinea. The team encounters true living fossil species one after another. Join this exciting deep sea adventure!

E02 深渊之光 Lights in the Abyss (2016)


NHK纪录片《深海 Deep Ocean 2015》

The NHK team that captured the world’s first footage of a live giant squid in its natural habitat is setting out for another deep-sea adventure. They will give us a look at the amazing life forms with luminous bodies that have survived the harsh, pitch-dark deep sea environment of the Pacific.

机器翻译 仅供参考:NHK团队在其自然栖息地中拍摄了世界上第一只活着的巨型鱿鱼的镜头,正准备进行另一场深海探险。 他们将向我们展示发光生物在太平洋的恶劣与漆黑的深海环境中生存下来的惊人生命形式。


NHK纪录片《深海 Deep Ocean 2015》

E03 深入马里亚纳海沟 Descent into the Mariana Trench (2018)


NHK纪录片《深海 Deep Ocean 2015》

Descent into the Mariana Trench Exploring an unknown world 10,000 m beneath the waves. After capturing a giant squid on film, NHK’s deep-sea film crew explores our planet’s deepest point The Mariana Trench is nearly 7 miles deep. The water pressure is immense, and it’s a world that’s long been out of our reach. What creatures could survive such hostile conditions? This is an expedition to explore the earth’s deepest frontier. Narrated By David Attenborough.

机器翻译 仅供参考:下降到马里亚纳海沟探索海浪下10,000 米处的未知世界。 NHK的深海摄制组在拍摄完影片后捕获了巨大的乌贼后,探索了我们星球的最深点。“玛丽安娜海沟”的深度将近7英里。 巨大的水压,这是一个遥不可及的世界。 哪些生物可以在这种极限条件下生存? 这是一次探索地球最深边界的探险。
