第5天读《终极英语单词12000》 第二册Level5 部分,计划每天学30个左右,利用整个六月读完成单词中的例句大部分都是从近期英美报刊中节选的最新例句,我来为大家讲解一下关于英语一至十单词大全?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



第5天读《终极英语单词12000》 第二册Level5 部分,计划每天学30个左右,利用整个六月读完成。单词中的例句大部分都是从近期英美报刊中节选的最新例句。
















commonly 一般的 通常的普通的

It is commonly held that he lacks the depth and discipline to define and drive through a serious mission of change

civilization 文明 文化

“Drunk: How We Sipped, Danced, and Stumbled Our Way to Civilization,” by Edward Slingerland (June 1)

perish 使麻木 毁坏

Me get married? Perish the thought!

myth 神话 虚构的人 事

Squad chemistry has been distilled, club finals waited out, and the story cycle of Trent and the fourth-place right-back slot enshrined in the national myth kitty for centuries to come.

pierce 刺穿 扎 刺透

It is a victory when the truth of the Black experience pierces the myths that White America has shielded itself with for so long.

opponent 对手 反对者

Her second-round opponent Elena Vesnina receives a walkover.

chaos 混沌 混乱

He struggled to maintain order as the convention descended into chaos,

confusion 混淆 混乱 困惑

the World Meteorological Organization announced plans to abandon the practice on the grounds that it was causing too much confusion and names like “Theta” and “Zeta” were too easily mixed up.

prevail 流行 盛行

Another EPI priority is the sidestepping of prevailing wage laws, which set public contractors’ wages well above market value.

hurricane 飓风

In past years, scientists have also used Greek letters to name hurricanes that form in the Atlantic Ocean after all letters in the standard A-Z alphabet have been exhausted

prosper繁荣 昌盛 成功

The deal gives Ferrero a bigger bite of a market that has prospered as those working from home or on furlough tucked into their favourite biscuits.

throne 王座 君主 王权

In the six years since his father King Salman acceded to the throne,

heir 继承人

He is the eldest son and thus heir to the title

effectively 有效的 有力的

“It is vital that we also use this period to agree a longer-term settlement so that we can plan effectively for Lon- don’s future.”

refresh 更新 使恢复

It was quite refreshing, because the buildings became about their own internal logic, rather than being endlessly responsive to other things.”
