Legend of the Old Man under the Moon

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In the Tang Dynasty, there was a scholar named Wei Gu. When he was very young, his parents died and he became an orphan. Therefore, he always wanted to get married early and have his own family. Unfortunately, his marriage always failed.


One night at midnight, he couldn't sleep and went out for a walk. When he came to a temple, he saw an old man sitting on the steps, reading books by moonlight, with a large cloth bag beside him.

Wei Gu found that the old man was concentrated on his book so he went over quietly and wanted to know what the old man was reading.

To his surprise, he couldn't even recognize a single word in the book when he read it.

So Wei Gu said to the old man, "I have read a lot of poems and books, but how can I not recognize a single word in your book? ”

The old man smiled and said," this is a Book of Heaven, not a book on earth. Of course you can't understand it. "

Wei Gu asked what was written in the old man's book.

The old man said, "what the book says is the marriage between men and women in the world."

Wei Gu was half convinced and asked what was in the cloth bag next to the old man.

The old man with white hair said, "the cloth bag contains red cords(红绳). As long as the red cord is tied to the feet of a man and a woman, even if they are enemies, or rich and poor, or separated from each other, they will eventually get married."

Wei Gu was even more surprised and asked: "I just want to ask about my marriage. I'm not young,you see, but I have never been able to get married. I always encounter obstacles in my marriage. Recently, someone introduced me to the daughter of the Prefecture Chief( 太守). Do you think this marriage will have a good ending?”

The old man with white hair flipped through the book and shook his head and said, "it's impossible. Your wife is only three years old now. She won't marry you until she is sixteen. Be patient!"

有一天半夜,他睡不着,就出去散步。走到一座寺庙前,他看到有个老人坐在台阶上,借着月光翻书,旁边还有个大布袋。韦固见老人看书看得很认真,就悄悄走过去,想知道老人看的是什么书。谁知道他一看,书上的字他一个都不认得。于是他便对老人说:“我饱读诗书, 但你这本书,怎么我一个字都不认得?”老人笑了笑说:“这是天书, 不是凡间的书,你当然看不懂了。”


韦固半信半疑,又问老人旁边布袋里装的是什么。白发老人说:“ 布袋里装的是红线,只要红线系在男女两人的脚上,从此以后,即使是仇家、贫富悬殊、相隔异地,也最终会结成夫妻的。”

韦固更加惊讶,又问:“我正好想问婚姻的事,我年纪不小,可是一直没能成家,总是遇到阻碍,最近有人给我介绍太守的女儿,您看这次的婚事能成吗?”白发老人翻了翻书,便摇头说: “成不了,你的妻子现在才三岁,要等到她十六岁时,才会嫁给你,耐心等着吧!”

Wei Gu can't wait to ask the old man to take him to see his future wife.

The old man took him to a vegetable market, pointed to the baby in the arms of a one-eyed woman and said, "she is your future wife.”

Wei Gu was very angry. He said, "I was born in a family of scholar bureaucrat(士大夫).How can I marry such a family? I will kill her!”

The old man said, "it's fate. Don't do this!”

Then the old man disappeared.

Wei Gu ordered his confidant(亲信) to kill the little girl. Year after year, although some people tried to marry Wei Gu, they all failed.

韦固迫不及待要求老人带他去看未来的妻子。老人把他带到一个菜市场,指着一个独眼女人怀里的婴儿说:“ 她就是你未来的妻子。韦固很生气,他说:“我出生在士大夫之家,怎么能和这样的人家结亲?我要杀了她!”老人说:“这是命中注定的事, 你可别这么做!”说完,老人就不见了。韦固便命令他的心腹去杀那个小女孩。一年又一年,这中间虽然有人给韦固说亲,但都没成功。

More than ten years later, Wei Gu was valued by the Prefectural Governor(刺史) and married his daughter .

Wei Gu was very happy. After waiting for so many years, he finally got married. Besides, the bride was as beautiful as a fairy.

He thought to himself: that old man was a pure liar. My wife was born in a family of Prefectural Governor. She was a person of noble birth , not a daughter of a vegetable seller on the market.

But what was strange was that there was always a paper flower between the eyebrows of the bride, and she did not take it off at any time.

Wei Gu couldn't help it. One day, when his wife wasn't paying attention, he tore the paper flowers off. He saw a scar in the middle of his wife's eyebrows.

The wife cried and said that her father was originally a County Magistrate(县令), but when she was a baby, her parents and brother died one after another. The babysitter pitied her and took her home. The babysitter was a vegetable seller. One day, she was holding her. Unexpectedly, a bad man ran over and stabbed her in the middle of the eyebrow, leaving this scar. So she had to cover it with paper flowers.

Later, her uncle came to pick her up, and stiII later, he became the Prefectural Governor and married her to Wei Gu in the name of his own daughter.

After hearing this, Wei Gu could not help sweating. He hurried to confirm the fact from his former confidant .His confidant quickly knelt down and said, "Sir, I really hesitated to kill the little girl then, so I only stabbed her in the eyebrow and ran away.

Wei Gu was surprised and regretted. To his surprise, what the old man said to him came true. What he regretted was that he was so stupid to sent someone to kill his wife, leaving a scar on his beautiful wife.

This miracle has been handed down from generation to generation. People believe that the old man under the moon is the immortal(神仙) in charge of human marriage.












