Life is difficult - M. Scott Peck "The Road Less Travelled"
人生苦难重重 - 斯科特.派克 "少有人走的路"
英语学习的历程, 长路漫漫, 路途艰辛, 如人饮水, 冷暖自知.
而 词汇量 的日积月累, 可以说, 占据了 80% 以上的精力.
单词, 记多了, 长时间不温习, 不单是遗忘,
很多时候, 它们彼此, 会在你的脑袋中 "打架",
像是 形近词的 "张冠李戴", 众多近义词的 "傻傻分不清楚",
这些明摆着的问题, 犹如拦路虎一样,
英语学习者, 不好好花些精力, 去分辨和加深记忆, 是绝对不行的!
在此, 开辟一系列 "单词辨析" 文章, 帮助大家各个击破!
此为第四篇, 讲述的是 英语中 "颤抖", "奋斗, 苦干", "拿走, 抢夺", "摇摆, 摆动", "握住, 抓紧" 的 多种表达,
一时记不住所有单词, 也没什么关系, 一次记一点, 慢慢来!
英语的学习之路, 肯定不容易, 更别提, 进阶到精通了.
像这样去整理学习单词, 算是一种比较高效的方法了.
闲话少叙, 请看正文:
颤抖 - 动词
这里有 7个 有关 "颤抖" 的动词词汇,
- "常见的颤抖" - shake, tremble, vibrate
- "其他的颤抖" - quake, quiver, shiver, shudder
- shake 颤抖, 发抖, 战栗, 哆嗦 - I was shaking like a leaf.
- tremble (因紧张, 激动, 惊慌等) 颤抖, 哆嗦, 抖动, 战栗 - My legs were trembling with fear.
- vibrate (使)振动, 颤动, 摆动 - Every time a train went past the walls vibrated.
- quake (因恐惧或紧张) 发抖, 颤抖, 哆嗦 - Quaking with fear, Polly slowly opened the door
- quiver 轻微颤动, 抖动, 抽动,哆嗦 - Her lip quivered and then she started to cry.
- shiver 颤抖, 哆嗦(因寒冷, 恐惧, 激动等) - Don't stand outside shivering - come insde and get warm!
- shudder (因寒冷, 害怕或激动而) 发抖, 打颤, 战栗 - Just thinking about the accident makes me shudder.
奋斗, 苦干 - 动词
这里有 9个 有关 "奋斗, 苦干" 的动词词汇,
- "一般的奋斗" - work, strive, struggle, endeavour
- "艰苦的奋斗" - labor, slave, slog, sweat, toil
- work
- strive 努力, 奋斗, 力争, 力求 - Let's strive for the freedom.
- struggle 奋斗, 努力, 争取 - the people struggling for democracy and freedom.
- endeavour 努力, 尽力, 竭力 - I'll endeavour to do my best for my family.
- labor 努力做 (困难的事) - They labored for years to clear their son's name.
- slave 苦干, 辛勤地工作 - I've been slaving away all day trying to get this work finished.
- slog 埋头苦干, 坚持不懈的做 - He's been slogging away at that piece of music for weeks.
- sweat 艰苦努力, 辛苦的干 - Are you still sweating over that report?
- toil (长时间) 苦干, 辛勤劳作
拿走, 抢夺 - 动词
这里有 4个 有关 "拿走, 抢夺" 的动词词汇,
- "一般的拿走" - take, grab, seize
- "暴力的抢夺" - snatch
- take
- seize 抓住, 捉住, 夺 - She tried to seize the gun from him.
- grab 抓住, 攫取 - She grabbed the child's hand and ran.
- snatch 一把抓起, 一把夺过 - She managed to snatch the gun from his hand.
摇摆, 摆动 - 动词
这里有 14个 有关 "摆动, 摇摆" 的动词词汇,
- "常见的摇动, 摆动" - shake, wave, swing, sway, flutter
- "特别的摇动, 摆动" - fluctuate, undulate, swish, brandish, flourish, wag, waggle, bob, pump
- shake 摇动 - Shake the bottle well before use.
- wave 挥舞, 挥动 (手中之物) - Crowds are waving flags and cheering.
- swing (使) 摆动, 摇摆, 摇荡 - He sat on the stool, swinging his legs.
- sway (使) 摇摆, 摇动 - The braches were swaying in the wind.
- flutter (使) 飘动, 挥动, 颤动 - Flags fluttered in the breeze.
- fluctuate (大小, 数量, 质量等) 波动, (在...之间) 起伏不定
- undulate (正式) 起伏, 波动 - The countryside undulates pleasantly.
- swish 唰地 (或嗖地, 呼地) 挥动, (使) 快速空中移动 - The pony swished its tail.
- brandish 挑衅的挥舞, 激动的挥舞 (尤指武器)
- flourish (为引起注意) 挥舞
- wag (狗) 摇, 摆动 (尾巴) ; 摆动, 摇 (头或手指, 表示不赞成)
- waggle (非正式) - 使上下移动, 来回摆动 - Can you waggle your ears?
- bob (使在水中) 上下快速移动, 摆动 - Tiny boats bobbed up and down in the harber.
- pump 上下 (或内外) 快速摇动, 急速摇晃 - I pumped the handle like crazy.
握住, 抓紧 - 动词
这里有 7个 有关 "握住, 抓紧" 的动词词汇,
- "常见的握住" - hold, grasp, grip
- "不常见的握住" - clutch, clench, cling, clasp
- hold 拿着, 抓住, 抱住, 拖住, 夹着 - I want to hold your hand.
- grasp 抓紧, 抓牢 - He grasped my hand and shook it warmly.
- grip 紧握, 紧抓 - She gripped on the railing with both hands.
- clutch 紧握, 抱紧, 抓紧 - He clutched the child to him.
- clench 握紧, 抓牢, 攥住 - Her pen was clenched between her teeth.
- cling 抓紧, 紧握, 紧抱 - survivors clinging to a raft
- clasp 握紧, 攥紧, 抓紧 - He leaned forward with hands clapsed tightly together.
躲避, 逃避 - 动词
这里有 11个 有关 "躲避, 逃避" 的动词词汇,
- "常见的躲避, 逃避" - avoid, hide
- "少见的躲避, 逃避" - dodge, duck, elude, evade, escape, eschew, shun, shirk, weasel
- hide 躲避, 隐匿 - I hid under the bed.
- avoid 回避, 避开, 躲避 - He's been avoiding me all week.
- dodge 闪开, 躲开, 避开 - The girl dodged behind a tree to hid from the other children.
- duck 躲闪, 躲避 - He ducked the first few blows then started to fight back.
- elude (尤指机敏地) 避开, 逃避, 躲避 - The two men managed to elude the police for six weeks.
- evade 逃脱, 躲开, 躲避 - For two weeks they evaded the press.
- escape (从不愉快或危险处境中) 逃脱, 摆脱, 逃避 - They were glad to have escaped the clutches of winter for another year.
- eschew (正式地) (有意地) 避开, 回避, 避免
- shun 避开, 回避, 避免 - an actor who shuns publicity
- shirk 逃避 (工作), 躲懒 - She never shirked her responsibilities.
- weasel 逃避, 推诿 (责任或) - He's now trying to weasel out of our agreement.
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