
这是一个看脸的时代(visual culture),同时也是一个仍然希望雄性掌控历史的时代。不管是亚洲人喜欢的”花样美男“,还是在欧美大行其道的”型男“,都展示了男性主管的主流”审男“观念的不同侧面。或许,”小白脸“的称谓不并为男子们所喜,可是有”花样美男“的外表,甚至转身成”伪娘“而获得女性的”消费“,也是



"Toy boy" has come along in the last 10 or 15 years. It's British slang, from the 1980s. It refers to an attractive young man being kept as a lover by another person, by an older person, that's the crucial thing: the older person is keeping the younger man as that person's "toy boy".

Toy boy(小白脸)这个说法大概是过去10到15年间开始流行起来的,是20世纪80年代的一个英国俚语。Toy boy 指长相俊俏、被年纪大的人包养作为情人的年轻男子。这里传达的关键的一点信息是:年纪大的这个人把被包养的这个年轻男子当作自己的“玩物”。

For example:

He is a toy boy because he has been kept as a lover by a rich old woman for five years.



Tomboy 假小子

有个表达和toy boy非常相近,一不留神很可能搞错,那就是tomboy。



小白脸toy boy这个称谓实在不怎么好听,那么不同类型的帅哥还特别的说法,赶快来看看。

Pretty boys 花样美男


Many celebrities, especially in the movie industry, are so-called "pretty boys". They are admired and idolized by the public, and many young men want to imitate their clothes and fashions, which is one of the reasons for the "pretty boy" phenomenon in society at large.


Cross dresser/psuedo girl 伪娘





The Chinese public is abuzz about the recent cross-dressing contestant, Liu Zhu, on the Super Boy reality show.


由此,明确表示自己是男生的刘著应该只算是一位cross dresser。


Stylish guy 型男

据说“型男”源自香港。最早香港将英语的style译为“型”,所以“型男”也就是stylish guy,指相貌、身材和气质都有吸引力的男子。


Move aside Brad Pitt, US President Barack Obama has beaten all the usual male style icons to be named the world's most stylish man in an online poll, Reuters reported. The survey of 3000 men put the 47-year-old president at the top of the style listafter impressing people all over the world with his suits and sharp dress sense.



Lumbersexual man 木匠美男

The lumbersexual man is essentially an urban woodsman.He is brawny, wears expensive flannel, has an impressive beard that is painstakingly unkempt and represents the ultimate sense of manliness.


The look of the lumbersexual man can be described as something similar to a hipster-outdoorsman hybrid.


The lumbersexual man traded in his days of tree felling for hitting up hipster bars, and instead of wielding an axe, he now carries around a MacBook Pro.


Ubersexual 魅力超男


Ubersexual is a heterosexual male who is confident, stylish and committed to uncompromising quality in all areas of life.


Metrosexual 都市型男


Metrosexual refers to men who have a strong concern for their appearance, they look after their hair and skin well, buy expensive clothes and look very fashionable.

Metrosexual 代表的就是那种在大都市中的现代男性,非常在意自己的形象,注意保养皮肤和头发,也紧跟时尚潮流,总会身穿最时尚的时装款式,我们可能会俗称这样的人群为“都市美男”或者“都市型男”。


Mother's boy 奶嘴男


Mother's boy, also mummy's boy or mama's boy, is a term for a man who is excessively attached to his mother at an age when men are expected to be independent (e.g. live on their own, be economically independent).

Mother’s boy(或者mummy’s boy、mama’s boy)就是我们俗称的“奶嘴男”,指到了应该独立生活的年纪还对母亲过度依赖的男人。

Being mother-bonded is sometimes seen as a sign of weakness, and has a social stigma attached to it in many places, although in other places it may be more acceptable or perceived as normal. A mother-bonded man is seen to give control of his own life to his mother, in exchange for a sense of security.


Womanizer 洋葱男


Womanizer is a guy who gets every girl to like him. a gutless and senseless man who treats every girl like they’re the girl for him, then lets them down by having MANY other girls on the side.


A womanizer is compared to an onion because he generally uses layer after layer of sweet words and other deceiving tactics to seduce a woman. But in the end, the romance comes to nothing, leaving the woman in tears when she finds out the truth.

