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Sheep's Testicle

(pair 18g 19g)

The reason why sheep treasure is so expensive is because of its rumored medicinal value. If the iron content reaches 5%, it is the best sheep treasure, and its value is also getting higher and higher. "The 'treasure' in the belly of an animal, namely 'horse treasure', monkey date, bezoar and dog treasure, are recorded in medical books as traditional Chinese medicine.

It is often said that cattle have bezoar, sheep have sheep treasure, the value of the city. When one comes across a sheep or cow with a treasure like this in its stomach, it is like finding gold. Sheep treasure is also called sheep dung stone, first recorded in compendium of Materia Medica, is a rare Chinese herbal medicine. Due to the special constitution of sheep, sheep have a warm constitution, and it is difficult to accumulate iron bilirubin into sheep treasure for a long time. Compared with chickens and horses, lamb's appearance is more hard-won. "In general, only one out of 130,000 sheep is likely to take sheep treasure, so it is very rare."

Many people will ask whether the sheep treasure is valuable. Let me tell you something like this. Some people kill sheep all their life and can't touch a sheep treasure, or they may encounter a sheep treasure that they don't know and lose it. The collection value of a thing itself is valuable, and then there is the medicinal value. The price of a sheep treasure depends on its own medicinal value. Many old Traditional Chinese medicine doctors and large pharmaceutical factories charge the price according to the medicinal value of the sheep treasure. Can be used to treat a variety of difficult and complicated diseases, visible its precious degree. Legend kangxi years, Kangxi got some kind of strange disease, find countless too cure bad. In the end, a high man in the folk just used yangbao medicine to heal him. You can see how valuable it is.

Lambs are usually wet when they are just taken out, with straw-yellow or brown-yellow appearance. They are usually taken out from the stomach of sheep more than a year old. Lamb bao is spherical, dark brown, bigger than a ping-pong ball, uneven and textured above. Sheep treasure has medicinal value, and medicinal value is very high, so it is very valuable!

Sheep's baby should be dried naturally in a cool and ventilated place. It should not be exposed to sunlight, which will affect its color. Sheep's baby should be dried naturally at room temperature of 15-25 degrees for about a week. In the case of cold weather, it is recommended to use electric fan to dry sheep baby quickly to avoid quality change. A professional revealed that the specific price of sheep treasure is determined according to its size, external image, color, and the content of iron (Fe) contained in it, ranging from 1 to 8. This sheep treasure, air dried perfect, high iron content, good preservation, convenient collection, large lumpiness, has high economic value, medical value.
