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今天我们来跟大家分享一个经典的邯郸成语故事 叫做“黄粱一梦”





因此黄粱一梦的意思是比喻虚幻不能实现的梦想。后喻荣华富贵如梦一般,短促而虚幻;美好之事物,只不过顷刻而已 ,转眼成空。

In Chinese, there is a special dream called the Golden Millet Dream. It is from The Dream on the Pillow by Shen Jiji of the Tang Dynasty. A discontented poor scholar named Lu Sheng yearned all day long for an official position and a distinguished career. At an inn in Handan he met a Taoist priest who gave him a porcelain pillow. At that time, the inn host just started cooking a pan of millet. Lu fell asleep while waiting for his lunch and dreamed that he married the daughter of a rich man, succeeded in the highest imperial examinations, became a high-ranking official, had sons, and enjoyed a life of wealth and comfort. When waking up, he found that the pot of millet was still cooking on the fire. Now the story is meant to satirize the nonsense of fantasies and impractical hope. Another phrase is “golden dreams on the porcelain pillow”.

黄粱一梦GOLDEN MILLET DREAM英语同义词 a day dream

Day dream also daydream, "a reverie, pleasant and visionary fancy indulged in when awake," 1680s, from day dream (n.). As a verb, attested from 1820. Related: Day-dreamer; day-dreaming. Daymare "feeling resembling a nightmare experienced while awake" is from 1737.

白日梦也是白日梦,“从清醒 梦中醒来的时候,梦rev以求的幻想,愉悦而富有想象力的幻想”(1680年代)。 作为动词,始于1820年。

相关:做白日梦的人; 做白日梦。

