


今天分享的50个句子是Native Speaker在




1. How is it going? 打招呼 你好吗?

2. Long time no see! 很久不见了

3. What have you been up to? 最近忙啥呢?

4. Can’t complain 挺好的

5. How do you know? 你是怎么知道的?

6. That’s a good one = That’s a good joke! 很好

7. It’s very kind of you! 你太好了

8. Thank you anyway 还是谢谢你

9. Thank you in advance! 先谢谢你了

10. No worries 没关系,不要担心


11. What’s going on? 发生了什么

12. Did I get you right? 是这样吗?

13. Don’t take it to heart 不要在意

14. I didn’t catch the last word 我没听清你在说什么

15. Sorry, I wasn’t listening 我没听到你说的

16. It doesn’t matter 没关系

17. Fingers crossed! 好运

18. Oh, that. That explains it. 噢 原来如此

19. Things happen 常有的事(安慰对方)

20. Sorry to bother you 打扰一下


21. I’ll be with you in a minute 等我一会

22. Where were we? 什么时候结束

23. I’m sorry, I didn’t catch you 对不起 我没听明白

24. Lucky you! 恭喜你

25. I freaked out = to become very angry,

scared or excited 惊呆了 吓坏了

26. Good for you! 恭喜你

27. You’ve got to be kidding me!


28. Cheer up! 打起精神 高兴起来

29. Come on, you can do it! 加油 你一定可以的

30. Keep up the good work! 继续努力


31. It's not the end of the world 没什么大不了的

32. That’s lit! = That’s amazing! 很棒

33. There you go! 你做到了吧

34. Not a bit! 一点也不

35. There is no room for doubt 毫无疑问

36. I’ll text you! 我会发信息给你

37. It’s not worth it! 不值得这样(安慰人)

38. You rock! 你太酷了 太棒了

39. You should go an extra mile… 你要再努力一点

40. Step up your game = Start performing better

迎头赶上 加把劲


41. Pull yourself together = Calm down and behave normally振作起来

42. You sold me! = You convinced me on something 你说服了我

43. Couldn’t care less = used to express total lack of interest in something 我不在乎

44. This is a no-brainer = Easy decision 显而易见

45. You screwed up 你搞砸了

46. You are driving me nuts! 你要把我逼疯了

47. Can you cover me? = Can you work in my place? 能帮我代班吗?

48. I’d better be going 我该走了

49. Thank heavens it’s Friday 谢天谢地 今天周五了

50. Take care! (表示再见)



愿你的夏日 闪烁如星

—Have a good one—


