Rushing to the Crown

Wang Rong




The violent tempests have just stopped. I lean on the parapet and gaze into the distance. I bristle with wrath and burst with rage, even though my hairs are standing up and raising my cap from the head.



crown [kraun] n. 君权;顶头;光环

violent [ˈvaiələnt] adj. 猛烈的

tempest [ˈtempist] n. 暴风雨; 骚动

parapet [ˈpærəpit] n. 胸墙;低矮挡墙

bristle [ˈbrisl] v. (毛发)竖立;发怒

wrath [rɔːθ] n. 愤怒; 激怒

rage [reidʒ] n. 愤怒;热望; vi.发怒

raise[reiz] vt. 饲养;举起;增加


 Looking up at the muggy overcast sky. It just comes to me, bellowing and screaming at the sky. My heart is full of intense passion and boiling blood to serve our country.


抬头远望天空,禁不住仰天长啸,一片报国之心充满心怀 。

muggy [ˈmʌgi] a. 闷热的,湿热的

overcast [ˈəuvəkɑːst] a. 遮蔽的;阴暗的

bellow [ˈbeləu] vt. 吼叫;vi.咆哮

scream [skriːm] vi. 尖声喊叫;呜呜叫

intense [inˈtens] a. 热烈的;极度的

passion [ˈpæʃən] n. 激情,热情;酷爱


 I have achieved some fame and rank, which is as insignificant as dust(just so much dust.)at the thirty years. Fighting from the south to the civil war day and night. Climbing mountains and wading in the water in the moon and the stars. Trudging up the field of the eight thousand miles away. Seeing nothing but smoggy cloud and veiled moon in battle engaging.



rank [ræŋk] n. 行列;等级;军衔,军阶

insignificant [ˌinsigˈnifikənt] a. 重大的

wade[weid] v.涉水;费力前进

civil [ˈsivl] a. 国内的;公民的

trudge [trʌdʒ] vi. 跋涉;吃力地走

smoggy [ˈsmɔgi] a. 烟雾弥漫的,烟雾

veiled [veild] a. 蒙上面纱的

engage[inˈgeidʒ] a.热vt. vi.加入战争


Good men, The Dream Makers. A young man is with lofty ideals and spirit, we must seize the time to build a career for the state and the people. Do not idle away your youth. When I'm old, I'll be so sad!



seize [siːz] vt. 捉;掠夺; vi.抓住

career [kəˈriə] n. 经历;一生;飞奔

idle [ˈaidl] a. 空闲的 v.


 The humiliation of Jing Kang incident has still not been wiped out. The heart of vassal is full of the resentment against Tatar. When will it be extinguished? When will it be avenged?



humiliation [hjuːˌmiliˈeiʃən] n. 羞辱;丢脸;屈辱;耻辱

incident [ˈinsidənt] n. 小事件;事变

vassal [ˈvæsəl] n.诸侯;奴仆;附庸

resentment [riˈzentmənt] n.愤恨

Tatar [ˈtɑːtə] 鞑靼

extinguish [iksˈtiŋgwiʃ] vt.熄灭

extinguished [ɪks'tɪŋwɪʃt] v. 使熄灭,

avenge [əˈvendʒ] v. 报仇,报复 


I would ride my long war-chariots to march on Helan Mountains, to crush those mountain strongholds, even though wiping out the whole Mountains. I'm full of ambition through the gorges of Mt. Helan. If you are hungry in battle, you will eat the flesh of your Tatar. If you are thirsty for a good laugh and chat, you will drink the blood of your Tatar.



chariot [ˈtʃæriət] n. 古时两轮战车

crush [krʌʃ] vt. 榨;挤;压碎

stronghold [ˈstrɔŋhəuld] n. 要塞,堡垒

ambition [æmˈbiʃən] n.雄心;志气

gorge [gɔːdʒ] n.咽喉;吞咽之物;峡谷


 All over again, in rally we stand. When I recapture our lost mountains and rivers from the beginning, and then with the news of victory reported to the Heavenly Palace! Our emperor, “All hail!” to acclaim.



rally [ˈræli] vt. 重整; vi. 恢复气力

recapture [ˈriːˈkæptʃə] vt. 收复;取回

gorge [gɔ:dʒ] n. 山峡, 峡谷

heavenly [ˈhevnli] a. 天空的;神圣的

palace [ˈpælis] n. 宫殿;宅邸;大厦

emperor [ˈempərə] n.皇帝,(帝国的)君主

hail [heil] vt.致敬;欢呼;n.雹;致敬

acclaim [əˈkleim] n.喝彩,vt.报以掌声;喝彩;vi.喝彩,欢呼,称赞

