




Experts: Let Produce Dry Out to Avoid Bacteria


American researchers say farmers should wait one day after a rain storm or watering their fields to harvest fresh fruits and vegetables. They say gathering the crops at least 24 hours after rainfall increases food safety. They say it also may be enough to protect those eating from fresh produce from food borne illnesses.


Listeria is a food borne bacteria. It grows best in wet conditions. Poisoning with Listeria monocytogenes can cause muscle pain. The person can also feel sick to the stomach and even experience diarrhea – the uncontrolled expulsion of wastes from the body.


Listeria can be a serious health threat for pregnant women and older adults. It can also threaten people with weak immune systems, like those with HIV, the virus responsible for the disease AIDS.


The bacterium is everywhere in the environment, but usually grows in water. So, crops that are harvested shortly after they have been watered are likely to contain unsafe levels of disease-causing Listeria.


Martin Wiedmann teaches food safety at Cornell University in New York State. He and other researchers are urging farmers to wait 24 hours after a rainfall or watering fields before they harvest crops. By waiting, he says, a field has enough time to dry out.


"You're more likely to find Listeria for a very short time. After one day, it drops back more or less to the baseline normal level that we find (in the environment). So, we found this effect in water, but it's very short-lived. Within a day, you are back to normal."


The findings were reported in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology.


In crops like spinach, Listeria levels were 25 times greater when harvested immediately after the plants were watered.


Martin Wiedmann says the bacterium can also be found in sandwich meat, especially when the meat is not kept to minus-four or minus-five degrees Celsius. He says there are a number of other settings where unsafe levels of Listeria can hide.


"And so it's important to have the tools in place to control this organism everywhere from primary production, to food processing plants to retail, to helping consumers make smart decisions on what foods to eat and how to cook food."


Martin Wiedmann notes that Listeria poisoning is less common in developing countries. In such areas, he adds, foods generally are not left in iceboxes or refrigeration equipment, another source of bacterial overgrowth.



01 词汇解析

borne illnesses n. 食源性疾病

Listeria n. 李斯特菌, (学名:Listeria monocytogenes),又名单核球增多性李斯特菌、李氏菌,是一种兼性厌氧细菌,为李斯特菌症的病原体。它主要以食物为传染媒介,是最致命的食源性病原体之一。

Diarrhea n. 腹泻

irrigation n. 灌溉

immune system n. 免疫系统

bacterium n. 细菌

food processing plants n. 食品加工厂

02 句型解析


1. It also may be enough to protect those eating from fresh produce from food borne illnesses.



it be enough to protect sb. from sth.

those(食客) eating from fresh produce(“吃新鲜农产品”动名词短语做those的定语)

protect sb. from sth是保护某人免受(伤害)

2. He says there are a number of other settings where unsafe levels of Listeria can hide.



There be句型是省略that宾语从句,Setting作为定语从句的先行词,where引导的定语从句。他说还有一些情况,这些情况能隐藏不安全水平的李斯特菌,把这个句子简炼一下,就是上面的译文了。

03 写作词句


1. Say常见的意思是“说”,也有其他词义,如:the research says that,研究表明

2. There are a number of …很多的意思,较there are many…而言,是更能体现写作水平的

3. …notes that 指出

4. Minus 数字零下,或者负数

5. make smart decision 做出明智的选择/决定

6. be common in… 常见于……

