Lullabyby Peter TempectYou and I've had lots of fun,Now, my darling, day is done.Now it's time to go to bed,And to rest your sleepy head.If you want to grow up strong,You must sleep the whole night long.Sliding down the bright moonbeams,Fairies bring you happy dreams.Good night, darling, close your eyes,I'll be near you when you rise.




Learn the following words by heart记住下列英文单词:1.lullaby n. a soft gentle song sung to make a child go to sleep摇篮曲,催眠曲2.sleepy adj.(指人或动物)困倦的;瞌睡的;(地方)安静的;冷清的;不热闹的:He had begun to feel sleepy.他已觉得困了。The heat and the wine made her sleepy.周围暖洋洋的,又喝了酒,她感觉昏昏欲睡。He was born in a sleepy little town.他出生在一个宁静的小城。3.slide (slid;slid) v.滑行,滑动;快捷而悄声地移动;逐渐降低;贬值:We slid down the grassy slope.我们从草坡上滑了下来。The drawers slide in and out easily.这几个抽屉好推好拉。The automatic doors slid open.自动门慢慢开了。He slid into bed.他不声不响地钻进被子。She slid out while no one was looking.她趁没人看见溜了出来。Shares slid to a 10-year low.股价跌到了10年来的最低点。4.moonbeam n. a ray of light from the moon (一道)月光5.fairy n.小仙人,仙子:She's a good / wicked fairy.她是个善良的仙子/邪恶的精灵。6.rise v. 上升;提高;升起,rise也可以作get up(起床)讲,比较正式,常用于书面语。
