

Dove the toiletries: Dove is a personal care brand owned by Unilever. In 1957, Dove came up with a new kind of soap and claimed that if people use their soap, their skin won’t be as dry as the other soap does, and it turned out to be right. From then on, Dove has built a great relationship with its customers.

Dove_多芬:多芬是联合利华旗下的个人护理品牌,1957年Dove美容香皂在美国市场露面。它向女性承诺,不会像普通香皂那样使她们的皮肤干燥,而且确实如此。因此Dove 品牌和顾客之间开始建立起十分信赖的关系。


Dove the chocolates: Dove is a brand of chocolate made and marketed by the Mars company. The name comes from Dove Candies & Ice Cream, which were Chicago sweet shops. People also say that the word “Dove” is consisted of the letters coming from the sentence “Do you love me”.

Dove_德芙:德芙是玛氏食品公司旗下的巧克力品牌,品牌名称源自位于芝加哥的糖果商店Dove Candies & Ice Cream。还有人表示,Dove名称的四个字母是来自“Do you love me”这句话。

事实上 dove单词本意为“鸽子”,这就解释了为什么在多芬的LOGO上是一只金色的鸽子,而鸽子这种动物又有和平、浪漫的象征,用在巧克力这种让人拥有恋爱感觉的产品上再合适不过啦,不是吗?



