

Have you ever watched yourself on video? There certainly is an aspect of curiosity in that—I mean, it's kind of interesting and a little weird to see yourself moving around and saying things. Perhaps, you do that often. I, however, don't. Nor am I asking you to start doing that. Today, I will ask you to do something similar. I will ask you to try to record yourself and to then go back and listen to that recording.



One of the benefits of doing this little class for you is that I get to listen to the way I speak. Initially, it was a little strange listening to my voice, especially since this is kind of a presentation I am doing for all of you. It sometimes feels a bit like a performance, and every recording I do, no matter how hard I try or edit, inevitably has some mistakes or things that I think that I could have improved. The same goes for any teaching I ever do, or ever have done. I can always think back and wonder, “Did I say that right?” or “Did I convey the right feeling or meaning that I should have?


Every time I go back and listen to myself speak I usually notice a thing or two. For example, one of the biggest things I've learned is that “silence is okay.” I've heard it been said before, but I actually started trying it and I saw (or actually “heard”) that my speaking sounded better when I paused. I realized that I didn't need to say so many “umms” and that I could just allow some silence in between my thoughts and sentences.


So, I want you guys to experience these kinds of things for yourself. Here are few things you can do.


(1) Memorize a short section from a recording


It would be fun to just record yourself talking about whatever. You could do that, but that is not what I am suggesting. I recommend that you find something. It could be a podcast, amini-lesson(like the one you are listening to now), or aTED talk.

Choose 30 seconds to 1 minute. You could choose a longer amount of script, but it's not necessary. I find that focusing on a short amount of content is enough.


(2) Compare with a standard recording


Do a few things:

The idea is that you have a “standard”, or something to compare yourself to—that's the point.


Don't just record yourself reading the script. Memorizingmakes you think more carefully about what you are going to say. Also, it will naturally cause you to stop and pause. This is of particular importance because it is when you stop speaking that you usually start making sounds to try cover silence or find the right word to say. This is something that you need to train yourself to stop doing. Which leads me to my next point.


(3) Listen for awkward noises


See if you make any strange “umms” or “ah” sounds. If you memorized the words then you will inevitably find times when you forget a word or are not totally sure what words come next. It is in these times that your bad habits show themselves.

You might repeat words a few times, say some “umms” or maybe “那个那个”. This is the kind of thing that should try to stop and change.


(4) Practice delivery/imitation


After you have memorized the words, you should go back and try to memorize the way the speaker said those words. This will help your intonation and help your English sound more natural, because you are imitating the way a native speaker said it. Pretty cool, huh?


Below is a link and a small excerpt from a TEDtalk. I recommend that you use this to practice.



This is a tuberculosis ward, and at the time this picture was taken in the late 1800s, one in seven of all people died from tuberculosis.

这是一个肺结核病房, 在十九世纪末,每七个人中就有一个 死于肺结核。

We had no idea what was causing this disease. The hypothesis was actually it was your constitution that made you susceptible.

我们不清楚这个病的起因。 我们猜想可能是我们的体质决定了我们的易感染性。

And it was a highly romanticized disease. It was also called consumption, and it was the disorder of poets and artists and intellectuals.

而且这种病被披上了浪漫滴外衣。它被称为痨病,是诗人, 艺术家,智者得的病。

And some people actually thought it gave you heightened sensitivity and conferred creative genius.

有些人甚至认为这种病让你变得更敏感, 并且赋予你天才的特质。

Give it a shot! Let me know how it goes. BTW, you don't need an awesome microphone to do this. You should be just fine using the microphone and recording app on your phone.


That does it for this week. Until next time…



美化排版 | 药药同学

封面图片 | Demi

审核校对 | 张津

翻译 | 胡晓晓

