眼界决定格局,格局决定命运。One ’s vision decides his outlook, which further decides his destiny.

老话说,花盆里长不出参天树。一个人见过的天地越大,格局就越大,眼界也就越高。有见识的孩子,长大之后,才能飞得高,走得远。不妄自菲薄,不给自己设置边界 。很多时候,限制一个人的,不是能力,而是眼界和格局。

As the old saying goes, no towering tree can grow in a flowerpot. The bigger the world one has seen, the bigger the pattern and the higher the horizon. Knowledgeable children can fly high and go far when they grow up. Don't belittle yourself and don't set boundaries for yourself. In many cases, what restricts a person is not his ability, but his vision and pattern.

努力提升自己,好看的外表才能有你一份。尽力开拓眼界,有趣的灵魂你才理解得了。Try to improve yourself so that you can have a good appearance. Try your best to broaden your horizons, so that you can understand the interesting soul.

快乐不代表每件事都完美,而是你已下定决心让眼界超越不完美。 ​​​“Happiness” does not mean everything is perfect. It means you have decided to look beyond the imperfections.

乞丐不一定羡慕百万富翁,但一定妒忌收入更高的乞丐。这个故事告诉我们:没有更高的眼界,你永远停留在现在的高度!Without a higher vision, you will always stay at the present height!



Every time you climb a mountain or cross a bridge, your vision will be broadened, your steps will be more determined, and you will become a better person. This is the meaning of keeping moving forward. Now that you are on your way, believe that every step you take is closer to happiness.

保持眼界开阔,持续向前,你会找到想要的一切。Keep your eyes open and your feet moving forward. You'll find what you need.


A great era calls for great vision, which in turn requires great wisdom.


The books you have read, the roads you have traveled, and the people you meet are your life pattern






