1 bring around 或 bring round To cause to adopt an opinion or take a certain course of action. 说服:使采用某项提议,使采取某种行动,我来为大家讲解一下关于bring常用词组搭配?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



1 bring around 或 bring round

To cause to adopt an opinion or take a certain course of action. 说服:使采用某项提议,使采取某种行动

To cause to recover consciousness. 使恢复知觉

2 bring down

To cause to fall or collapse. 使倒下,使崩溃

To kill. 杀死

3 bring forth

To give rise to; produce: 引起;产生:

plants bringing forth fruit. 结果的植物

To give birth to (young). 生(后代)

4 bring forward

To present; produce: 呈上;提出: bring forward proof. 提交证据

Accounting To carry (a sum) from one page or column to another. 【会计学】 转入下页,转入下栏:把(数字)转入下页或下栏

5 bring in

Law To give or submit (a verdict) to a court. 【法律】 宣布(裁决)

To produce, yield, or earn (profits or income). 生出、产生或挣得(利润,收入)

6 bring off

To accomplish: 实现,完成:

bring off a successful advertising campaign. 赢得了一场广告战

7 bring on

To cause to appear: 使出现

bring on the dessert. 端上甜点

8 bring out

To reveal or expose: 揭示,揭露:

9bring out the facts. 揭露事实

To introduce (a debutante) to society. 把(初入社交界的少女)引荐给社交界

To produce or publish: 推出,出版:

bring out a new book. 出版一本新书 To nurture and develop (a quality, for example) to best advantage: 深植,教育:教育,培养(例如一种品质)使至最佳境界:

You bring out the best in me. 你使我把自己最好的方面都发挥出来了

10 bring to

To cause to recover consciousness. 使…恢复知觉 Nautical To cause (a ship) to turn into the wind or come to a stop. 【航海】 使(船)顺着风向,使(船)停驶

11 bring up

To take care of and educate (a child); rear. 照料,教育(小孩) ;抚养

To introduce into discussion; mention. 把…引进讨论;提到

To vomit. 呕吐

To cause to come to a sudden stop. 使…突然停下