


ance,常见名词后缀,比如:intolerance, resistance, hindrance, etc.


  1. 大扫除、清仓大甩卖:对废物、不需要的东西清理、处理的行为;
  2. 避免接触所产生的间距则是基于clear无接触的跳过这个意义,想想看大扫除时是不是在消除垃圾与环境的接触呢?
  3. 支票兑现,就是把一个支票清空,把钱兑取走。


造句:I bought this skirt at a clearance sale, it only costs me 5 yuan.


  1. the process of removing waste or things you do not want from a place
  2. an occasion when goods are offered for sale cheaply so that people will be encouraged to buy them and there will be space for new goods
  3. the distance or space that is needed for one thing to avoid touching another thing
  4. official permission for something or the state of having satisfied the official conditions of something
  5. the process of a cheque going from one bank to another through a central organization, so that money can be paid to the person it is owed to
  6. in football, an occasion when a player kicks the ball away from their goal

