火星公主(13)A princes of mars Welcome to the last part of “princes of mars”. Last time, we told how john carte observed a fierce battle between the green Martians and a race of red human like creature. He also saw the beautiful Dejas Thoris being captured after the battle. A short time later, John carte, princes and their friend a green Martian woman attempt to escape rather than face death. The princes and Sola must flee while John carte tries to slow the green warriors who are chasing them. John carte continues to tell what happens in Edgar Ric rurrough’s story “princes of mars” ,我来为大家讲解一下关于火星公主中我是怎么救出的公主?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



火星公主(13)A princes of mars

Welcome to the last part of “princes of mars”. Last time, we told how john carte observed a fierce battle between the green Martians and a race of red human like creature. He also saw the beautiful Dejas Thoris being captured after the battle. A short time later, John carte, princes and their friend a green Martian woman attempt to escape rather than face death. The princes and Sola must flee while John carte tries to slow the green warriors who are chasing them. John carte continues to tell what happens in Edgar Ric rurrough’s story “princes of mars”


The huge green warrior Turs, Turks came slowly toward me with his thin sword. I backed away, I did not want to fight him. I did not wish his death. He had been as kind to me as a green Martian can be. As I stood watching him, a rifle fired in the distant. Then another and another.


Turs, Turks and his warriors were under attacked from another tribe of green warriors. Within second a terrible battle raged.


As I was watching, three of the attackers fell on Tar Turks, he killed one and was fighting with other two when he slipped and fell. I ran to his aim. Swinging my sord. He was on his feet. Shoulder to shoulder we fought against the attackers. They finally withdrew after an hour of fierce fighting.


” John carter, I think I understand the meaning of the word” friend”, you saved my life when I was about to take yours, from this day, you are no longer a captive among our people. But a leader and a great warrior among us.” There was a smile on his face. Once again, he took a metal band from his arm and gave it to me.


“I have a question, John carte, I understand why took the red woman with you, but why did Sola leave her people with you.?” “she did not want to see me or the princes harmed. She does not like the great games held by your people where captives are led to die. She knows if she is caught, she too will die in the games. She told me she hated the games because her mother died there.”

“我有一个疑惑,约翰卡特,我明白你为什么要带走红女人,可是苏拉为什么离开她的族人要和你一起走呢?” “她不愿看到我或者是公主受到伤害,她不喜欢你们族人所举行的种那种把俘虏致死的游戏,她知道如果她被抓到,她也会死在这样游戏中,她告诉我她讨厌这个游戏是因为她的妈妈就是在这样的游戏中死去的”

“What? How could she know her mother? ““she told me her mother was killed in the games because she had hidden the egg that produced her. Her mother hid Sola among other children before she was captured. Sola said she was a kind woman not like others of your tribe.”


Tar Tarks grew angry as I was speaking, but I could see past his anger. I could see pain in his eyes, I immediately knew Sola’s great secret.” I have a question for you Tar Tarks, did you know Sola’s mother?” “Yes, if I could have. I would have prevented her death. I know this story to be true. I have always known the woman who died in the games had a child. I never know the child. I do know Sola is also my child”


For three days, we followed the trial left by princes of Dejas thoris, Sola and poor ugly woola. At last, we could see them in the distant. Their animals could no longer be ridden. They were talking. As we came near. Woolaturned to fight us. I slowly walked to him with my hand out. Sola was standing nearby. She was armed and prepared to fight. The princes was lying next to her feet.


“She has been crying much past few days. John carter we believed you died so we could be escape. The thought of your death was a very heavy on this woman_ my friend Dejas thoris. Come and tell her you are among the living. Perhaps that will stop her crying. “


I walked to where the princes Dejas thoris was lying on the ground. She looked at me with eyes that were red from crying.” princess ,you are no longer in danger. Tar.Tarks has come with me as a fried. He and his warriors will help to see your safely home.”


“And Sola, I would have you greet your father——Tar tarks. A great leader among your people. Your secret no longer means death to anyone. He already knows you arehis daughter. The two of you have nothing to fear. Sola turned and looked at Tar tarks, she held out her hand. He tool it. it was a new beginning for them.


“I know our world has never before been anyone like you John carter. Can it be that all earth men are like you? I was alone, a stranger. hunted. Threatened. Yet you would freely give you life to save me. You come to me now with a tribe of green martaions who offer their friendship. You are no longer a captive but wear the meatal of great rank among their people. No man has ever done this.”


“princes, I have done many strange things in my life. Many things much smarter men never done this. And now, before my courage fails, I would ask you to be mine in marriage.” she smiled at me for a moment and then her dark eyes flashed in the evening night.” you have no need your courage, John carte, because you already know the answer before you asked the question”

“公主,在我的一生中,做过很多不可思议的事情,那些事情无论多有才华的人都没有做过,现在,我没有以前的勇气了,我想问你是否愿意嫁给我呢?” 她含情脉脉地看了我一会,然后她那深遂的眼睛在夜色中闪闪发亮“约翰卡特,不必鼓起勇气,因为你在问这个问题前就已经知道答案了。“

Several days later, we reached for the city of Heilum. At first the red men of Heilum thought we were an attacking army. But they soon saw their princess. We were greetingwith great joy. Tar tarks and his green warriors caused the greatest excitement. This huge group of green warriors entered the city as friends and allies.


I soon met Tardos.mors, the grandfather of princess Dejas thoris. He tries serval times to thank me for saving the life of the princess. But tears filled his eyes and he could not speak.


For nine years. I severed in government and fought in the armies of Heilums as a prince of royal family, it was a happy time. The princess Dejas thoris and I were expecting a child. Then one day. A soldier returned from a long flight. When he landed, he hurried to the great meeting room. Tardo. Mors met with the soldier and reported that every creatures on the planet had only three days to live.


He said the great machines that produced the atmosphere on the planet had stoped producing oxygen. He said no one knew why this happened. But there was nothing that could to be done. The air grew thin within a day. Many people could do nothing but sleep.

他说星球上生产氧的那种巨型机器停止输氧了,他说没有人知道是哪里出问题了 ,然而,也没有更好的挽救措施,一天内空气就变得稀薄了,很多人除了睡觉什么也不能做了,

I saw my princess was slowly dying. I had to try something. I could still move with great difficulty. I went to our airport and chose a fast aircraft. I flew as fast as I could to the building that produced the atmosphere of the planet.


Workers were trying to enter, I tried to help, with great effort I opened a hole. I grew very weak. I asked one of the workers if he could start the engines. He said he would try. I fell asleep on the ground.


It was a dark when I opened my eyes again. My clothing felt stiff and strange. I sat up. I could see light from an opening. I walked outside. The land looked strange to me. I looked up to the sky and saw the red planet mars. I was once again on earth in the desert of Arizona


I cried out with deep emotion. “did the worker reach the machine to renew the atmosphere? Did the air reach the people of that planet in time to save them? Was my princess Dejas thoris alive or did she lie cold in death? ”

我深深地放声大哭,那个工人启动起机器了吗?机器恢复产氧了吗?氧气及时送到了那个星球上的人们那里 了吗?他们得救了吗?我的德加斯.扶莫斯公主是活着?还是已经冰冷地躺在那里死去了呢?

For ten years, I have watched the night sky looking for an answer. I believe she and our children are waiting for me. Something tells me that I shall soon know.

