Devin Booker winning MVP this season would roughly be equivalent to what Derrick Rose did in 2010



I can't believe it's been 8 years, and I'm sure plenty of people weren't watching then, so I thought I'd put into perspective truly how amazing Derrick was that year. Rose was 22 that year, and Booker is entering this season at 22. People (rightfully) gawk at how good Booker is for how young he is, and he is currently the age that Rose was his MVP season. Booker is entering his 4th season, while Derrick was only entering his 3rd.


Even if you argue that Rose didn't deserve his MVP, he still led the Bulls to the best record in the league despite the Big 3 in Miami forming that year. Rose got that team to the best record in the league with Luol Deng being his #2, and with two of his other biggest weapons, Carlos Boozer and Joakim Noah playing 59 and 48 games respectively. ALL OF THIS AT 22 YEARS OLD.

就算你想争辩说罗斯当年不配拿下MVP,他当年可是带着公牛拿下了全联盟常规赛最佳战绩,压过了刚刚组队的热火三巨头。罗斯带队拿下联盟第一的时候,队内二当家居然是洛尔-邓;其他两个最强帮手卡洛斯-布泽尔和乔金-诺阿,分别只打了59场和48场。罗 斯 22 岁 就 这 么 牛 逼 啊!!!

I was 16 at the time so the fact that he was 22 didn't hit me as hard as it does now that I'm 24. I honestly believe that if Devin Booker won MVP this year, which nearly everyone would agree is an EXTREME longshot, that would be the closest thing to what Rose did that I can think of.


[–]SunsNabz23 1189 指標 7小時前

"Rose got that team to the best record in the league with Luol Deng being his #2"

I know Deng is a meme now adays. But he was very good when he was with the Bulls lol.



[–]NuggetsSkrong 379 指標 6小時前

I hate the disrespect that deep teams get. I'd rather have a solid 8-10 man rotation with 1 star that I can rely on over 2-3 stars with a trash bench.

怎么大家这么不待见阵容深厚的球队呢。我宁愿要一个值得信赖的球星 八到十人靠谱轮换,而不愿意要2-3个球星带着一群垃圾替补。

[–]TheOneManFromIran 65 指標 4小時前

Why. 3 stars and a trash bench beat the team with an MVP and a good 8 man rotation. The Heat beat the Bulls that year in 5. Come on man. Lol


[–]CelticsMidAugust 47 指標 5小時前

I’d much rather have 2-3 stars lol, all the top teams have stars, basketball can be a one or two man sport. As we see every year deep benches don’t matter for shit come playoffs


[–]SpursQowegishomo 665 指標 5小時前

I'd rather have 5 all stars and alright bench. Maybe put in two MVPs as well, just to be sure.


[–]Pelicansspikonorx 126 指標 4小時前

Have 1 all star injured, to give the other teams false hope.


[–]LakersMrPeL 69 指標 3小時前

They have three MVP's. Two NBA MVP's and one MVP of our heart. I see you, Klay.


[–]Timberwolves_caramrod_ 179 指標 6小時前

I think you're really under valuing how good Deng and Noah were on that team. Not to mention how good and deep the Bulls bench was


[–]Wizardssperjhgsoiejrg 61 指標 3小時前

People act like Rose dragged that team to the #1 seed by himself and completely ignore that the Bulls defense that year was a fucking nightmare.


[–]Cavaliersvoyaging 45 指標 3小時前

Dude is massively exaggerating the "lack" of talent that team had. That team was deep as FUCK. Rose, Deng, Brewer, Noah, Gibson, Korver, Boozer, Asik, Watson, Thomas. All very good players. Rose was the best player for sure, but he did not carry that team whatsoever. Deng in particular was just as essential.



[–]marky229 226 指標 8小時前

I had no problem with Rose winning MVP. Weren’t the Bulls the #1 seed too? If the best player always won MVP then Lebron would win it every year. That’s not how it works though


[–]SunsSheriffbones 113 指標 8小時前*

Yes, he led the Bulls to the 1 seed the year the big3 formed in Miami.


[–]KingsBIizard 1619 指標 9小時前

D Rose was so fucking special


[–]ThunderLeavingtheecstasy 525 指標 8小時前

It was too much talent for someone that young. Incredible,


[–]GrizzliesRoastedRay 652 指標 7小時前

His body wasn't a proper vessel for that pure amount of basketball skill.


[–]MagicKodak333 169 指標 7小時前

Somebody is a my hero fan



[–]HawksMycoJoe 407 指標 7小時前

He wasn't just a loss for the Bulls, he was a loss for the NBA. Prime Derrick Rose was the best show in basketball at the time.


[–][MIA] LeBron JamesGot_Too_Much_Dayum 326 指標 7小時前

We never even got to see his prime


[–][CHI] Derrick RoseOcho-Ocho-Ocho 117 指標 7小時前

Fucking hell what could've been.


[–]Mr_Unbiased 436 指標 9小時前

Suns would need to win 55 games for Booker to win MVP.


[–]76ersTO_show81 206 指標 8小時前

Not really. The Blazers were the 3rd seed with 49 wins last year. If Booker took that program to a 49 win team overnight, that's a 28 game improvement from last year, and would represent one of the best single season turnarounds in NBA history.

He would get SERIOUS MVP consideration.



[–]Sunsscooper1030 107 指標 8小時前

The first year that Nash won was basically entirely because of a 33-win turnaround for us. So by that logic Booker needs about 54 wins or better this year.



[–]ClippersAnyGivenWednesday 105 指標 7小時前

Nash WAS the turnaround though. They added 33 wins when they added Nash, clearly showing his value. Booker was essentially the leader of the 21 win team. Completely different situation.


[–]BullsOnceAteABurgerAMA[S] 70 指標 9小時前

You're right, it's kind of unfair to Booker considering the Suns went 21-61 last year so it's basically impossible for them to get into the territory of having an MVP candidate. That being said, the year Rose won we improved from 41-41 to 62-20.


[–]KyrieFanXV 91 指標 7小時前

Booker isn’t even half the player that mvp Rose was....


[–]WarriorsJohnGoodmansPenis 164 指標 9小時前

Devin Booker winning the MVP over LeBron is about as plausible as Robert Williams waking up as a Nobel Prize worthy scientist.




[–]Statshelp_TA 289 指標 8小時前

Devin Booker winning the MVP over LeBron is about as plausible as Robert Williams waking up

You could have stopped there



[–]nakedsamurai 456 指標 9小時前

Many of the Founding Fathers were younger than 22 years old in 1776. Did I just blow your mind?


[–]skrtskrt888 386 指標 8小時前*

Dang, Alexander Hamilton was 19 in 1776. Shits crazy.

Edit: Apparently he was born in either 1755 or 1757. So he was 19 or 21 when America gained independence. Still crazy.



[–]Bullsmiss_arcadian 204 指標 7小時前

I had to look this up because it seemed ridiculous. And it is. Of the 7 men considered Founding Fathers, only Hamilton was younger than 22 years old. I even went through the list of the Signors of the Declaration, and none were younger than 22.

...Am I missing something? Is this a Sixers joke? I feel like I just wasted 10 minutes.



