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These young entrepreneurs aim to show and sell


Words: about 320; Time: 5.5 minutes



Last summer, Hannah Nguyen got her first lesson in slime.

“I thought it felt good,” the now 9-year-old said of the slime her cousin had brought to their grandparents’ house.

So Hannah asked the cousin to teach her how to make it. She then experimented with colors just for fun.

“I brought it to school one day, and a girl asked me to make it for her,” Hannah said.

Soon she was making slime for other kids at White Oaks Elementary in Burke, Virginia, and thinking that her interest could actually be a business.


Fast-forward to a recent Saturday when Hannah was under a tent in Washington’s Cleveland Park neighborhood, selling tubs (桶) of her Slimy Hannah creations for $3 to $10. She did great business, making more than $400 in three hours, Mom Haily said.

Hannah was one of more than 100 young entrepreneurs taking part in the Acton Children’s Business Fair. Kids from age 6 to 14 sold handmade soaps, fruit pops, paintings and dozens of other products. They passed out samples (样品) and business cards. They made sales camps for would-be customers (顾客) walking along Connecticut Avenue.

The event was put on by Acton DC, a local organization that encourages kids to be entrepreneurs.

David Kirby and Nicole Spencer, DC people with family and friends who are entrepreneurs, heard about the original fair in Austin, Texas, and its method of encouraging kids to learn by doing.

“It’s not very common today to take part in real-world projects,” Kirby said.


So the couple brought the idea to Washington, one of 15 cities to host a fair last year. Forty-two local kids took part. This year, nearly 150 applied (申请), with some ending up on a waiting list because of small space.

Kirby called volunteers out to help organize the event and judge the businesses but didn’t do much marketing.

“We challenged the kids to market their own business,” he said.

From: www.washingtonpost.com


【思考】 你认为孩子们当小小“企业家”的经历对他们有什么好处?






