但凡危机,也因教训深刻,能催生改革和经济的新生。印度1991年经历了一次流动性危机。原因在于其最主要的贸易伙伴Soviet Union一夜化为乌有,所以,外汇收入少了一大块,国际收支出现了危机。这种缺少硬通货的危机,与其他新兴市场的流动性危机类似,解决方案也类似,只能从IMF那里借流动性。






1. Most countries in the world depend on economic globalization in many aspects. For India, we rely on oil from West Asia, gold from South Africa, technology from the United states, and rubber from Southeast Asia. In order to buy these products from the world market, we need US dollars. The only way to earn US dollars is to sell enough products (exports) in global economic activities.


Since the 1960s, India's exports have been dependent on the Soviet Union, because India has failed to develop good economic relations with the United States and Western Europe. Until 1991, when the Soviet Union was divided into 15 countries, India encountered a major problem. Our main buyers were in chaos, leading to a sharp decline in exports.


2. At the same time, Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990. In early 1991, the United States went to war with Iraq. The oil fields began to burn, making it difficult for ships to reach the Persian Gulf. Iraq and Kuwait are our major oil suppliers. The war led to the destruction of our oil imports and a sharp rise in prices, which doubled in a few months. The Gulf War and the oil price shock in 1990 greatly damaged India's economic environment.

2.与此同时,1990年萨达姆·侯赛因(Saddam Hussein)入侵科威特。1991年初美国与伊拉克开战。油田开始燃烧,船只很难抵达波斯湾。伊拉克和科威特是我们的石油大供应商。战争导致我们的石油进口遭到破坏,价格大幅上涨,在几个月内翻了一番。海湾战争和1990年的油价震荡极大地破坏了印度的经济环境。

3. In the late 1980s, India's political system was collapsing. Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was involved in a series of troubles - the Bofos scandal, the tragic IPKF incident, and the Shah Bano case, which finally led to his resignation in 1989. Next came two terrible leaders who were both unstable and incompetent. This has had a huge negative impact on India's economy, and its economic development has been completely forgotten in the political crisis. In 1991, the interim government collapsed. Until 1991, Narasimha Rao was sworn in as Prime Minister.


Therefore, 1991 was a year of crisis for India, and this triple crisis made India yield. On the one hand, our main buyer has disappeared. On the other hand, our main sellers are in a state of war. In the middle stage, our production actually stopped because of the political crisis. We have no money to buy necessities such as crude oil and food from other parts of the world. This is called "India's balance of payments crisis", which means that India cannot balance its account and its exports are far lower than its imports.


Because we don't have many dollars, we begged the International Monetary Fund, the pawnshop in the world. They asked us to mortgage our gold reserves in exchange for a temporary loan of 3.9 billion US dollars (which was a huge amount for India at that time). India had to transfer its gold reserves from India to foreign countries. We delivered 67 tons of gold by two planes - one to London and the other to Switzerland, hoping to get assistance.


How did India recover?


On June 21, 1991, after Rao became China's Prime Minister, India began its "economic liberalization policy". In essence, this is a turning point for some stupid policies implemented by Nehru and his family in our country (sorry, I can't resist the sarcasm against Nehru).


1. We have lifted many import restrictions. Until 1991, we imposed 400% tariffs on many products. The industry had to beg the government to relax. By 1991, tariffs on many products had decreased significantly. This has brought new growth to our industry.


2. The import license was abolished. Until 1991, the import of anything required a license, which was always difficult to handle due to the corruption of administrative agencies.


3. The government has cancelled the production license of many industries. Before 1991, you needed government permission to produce what and how much. All of a sudden, restrictions were lifted in many industries.


4. With the help of two political stars, Montek Singh and Manmohan Singh, the domestic economy is back on track. Our local industry has been greatly stimulated and the rules of the stock market have been relaxed.


5. Manmohan abolished the "gold smuggling" law and allowed Indian nationals to bring back 5 kilograms of gold for free.


6. Foreign investors are allowed to invest and start business. Before that, India had been living in the paranoia of the East India Company. Many sectors are open to foreign investment and cooperation. Now, companies like Coca Cola and Nike may join in. Suddenly, the Bombay Stock Exchange found life.


7. The government began to sell some businesses to the private sector. This has brought capital flow and a new round of high efficiency.


In short, India's liberalization means restoring common sense that has been hard to find in our economic circle since 1947. But we have just cancelled some rules. India's economic system is not perfect, and there is still a long way to go.




Let me start from the beginning. My answer will begin in 1944 and end in 1991.


Policies are made to achieve their goals. India's industrial policy aims to achieve faster economic growth through rapid industrialization and make the economy self reliant.


At the time of independence, the country's industrial sector was in a downturn, because in the two centuries of British rule, the industrial sector was not promoted, but ignored. The exploitation policy they formulated to safeguard the interests of their home country is the main reason for India's lack of industrialization.


India is the raw material supplier and market of British goods. In 1944, India formulated the Bombay Plan, which was the first effort of the famous industrialists in the country to formulate the country's industrial policy by emphasizing heavy industry. From this perspective, we can see India's desire for industrialization.


On the basis of the Bombay Plan, the first step of industrialization was taken in the form of the 1948 industrial policy resolution. It has laid a broad outline for the industrialization strategy. The basic objective is to lay the foundation for a mixed economy in which the public and private sectors play an important role in industrial development.


However, in order to ensure the development as planned and Pandit Nehru's inclination towards Fabian socialism, the government has implemented strict supervision on the private sector in the form of licenses. Therefore, the public sector should be given a greater role.


The Industry (Development and Regulation) Act 1951 provides the necessary means for the Government to enforce such restrictions. This paved the way for the Industrial Policy Resolution of 1956, which introduced patent licensing. In fact, it was the first comprehensive statement on India's industrial development strategy.


The Industrial Policy Resolution in 1956 was formed by the Mahalanobis growth model, which emphasized the role of heavy industry in the long-term higher growth path. These resolutions expand the scope of the public sector, with the basic goal of accelerating economic growth and promoting the industrialization process.


The policy also aims to narrow the regional gap by developing a broad industrial base and promoting small-scale industries and cottage industries, which have great potential to provide large-scale employment. This policy was consistent with the prevailing belief at that time, namely, to achieve self-sufficiency. However, the policy has encountered many failures in the implementation process, and the results are just contrary to expectations, that is, regional differences and economic power concentration.


Therefore, the Monopoly Investigation Commission (MIC) was established in 1964 to examine various aspects related to the concentration of economic power and the operation of industrial licenses. The report emphasized the contribution of planned economy to industrial growth, and blamed the license system for allowing large enterprises to obtain too much license share, which led to pre emption and foreclosure of production capacity.


Subsequently, an industry license investigation committee recommended that only when the core and heavy investment sectors set up industries, must they issue licenses to large industrial houses.


In order to further control the concentration of economic power, the Monopoly and Restrictive Trade Practices Law (MRTP) was introduced. Large industries are designated as MRTP companies and are eligible to participate in industries dedicated to non-governmental or small industries.


Both the industrial license policy and the 1973 industrial policy emphasized the necessity of controlling the concentration of wealth and attached importance to small and medium-sized industries. The industrial policy in 1977 continued to favor small-scale industries, and took a step forward by introducing regional industrial centers to support SSI.


It also introduced a new category called "small sector" and greatly expanded the reserve list of small-scale industries. However, due to external shocks (war), internal disturbances (emergencies) and implementation problems, the policy failed to have a significant impact. The soaring economic situation led to the formulation of the industrial policy in 1980, laying the seeds for liberalization.


The Industrial Policy in 1980 emphasized the promotion of domestic market competition, technology upgrading and industrial modernization, while focusing on optimizing the use of installed capacity to ensure higher productivity, higher employment level and eliminate regional disparities. Policy measures were announced to restore the efficiency of the PSU while providing for automatic expansion.


PSU is free from many restrictions and has greater autonomy. Major steps have been taken to deregulate all industries except those on the negative list. The "limited liberalization" initiated in the 1980s reached its peak in 1991 with a landmark policy change.


The industrial policy of 1991 marked the paradigm shift of industrial policy and development evaluation. The increase of fiscal deficit and monetization deficit and the global financial crisis (Gulf War, oil crisis) have played an important role in the beginning of a new chapter in the history of industrial policy and economic growth.


The goal of this policy is to "maintain the continuous growth of productivity, increase paid employment, achieve the best use of human resources, achieve international competitiveness, and turn India into a major player on the global stage".


Obviously, the focus of the policy is to liberate the industry from bureaucratic control.


Important reforms brought about by the policy include:


• Cancellation of industrial licenses in most industries, and only a few industries are significant because of strategic and safety issues, as well as social and environmental issues.


• The important role of foreign direct investment. 51% of foreign direct investment is allowed to enter heavy industry and important technology industries.


• Automatically approve technical agreements to promote technology and hire foreign technical experts.


• Reorganize PSUs to increase productivity, prevent over staffing, upgrade technology, and improve returns.


• Eliminate investment in PSUs to increase resources and private participation.


The policy recognizes that government intervention in investment decisions of large companies through the MRTP Act has proved to be an obstacle to industrial growth. Therefore, the policy focuses more on controlling unfair and restrictive trade practices. Replaced the provisions restricting mergers, consolidations and acquisitions.


Some measures are mentioned below:


• The Indian Competition Commission was established in 2002 to prevent practices that adversely affect market competition.


• In 1997, a new northeast industrial policy was introduced to alleviate the regional imbalance caused by economic growth.


• Focus on the divestment of PSU, from selling minority equity to strategic equity.


• Pay attention to PP, and the government plays a facilitating role rather than a regulatory role.


• FDI restrictions have increased in almost all sectors, including defence and telecommunications.



From the perspective of the evolution of industrial policies, the role of government in development is extensive. The road of industrial development has been developing over time. At the initial stage, it tried to establish a local base for economic activities. It tries to rescue the domestic sector from foreign fluctuations. We are not equipped yet.


It hinders the fierce competition of domestic industries, thus leading to low efficiency and limiting its ability to expand employment opportunities. The emphasis on self-reliance and lack of R&D investment have become barriers to technological development, leading to poor product quality. Today, the idea that foreign goods are superior to Indian goods is still prevalent.


Nevertheless, before assessing the progress and methods of follow-up industrial policies, it is important to keep in mind the national situation after two centuries of exploitation and separation of suffering.


Lack of entrepreneurial skills, low literacy rate, unskilled labor force and lack of technology are important characteristics of India's economy before independence.


In view of this, these plans and policies have played an important role and laid a solid foundation for the current industrial policy.

