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你好呀,我是来自加拿大的雅思外教Mac。今天,给大家分享1个雅思口语Part 3高频话题的高分语料。



Where do people normally watch movies?

Hmm, I think these days the majority of young people usually watch films on their smartphones. All they need to do is search for the movie they wannna watch and click ‘play’ or download it for later.

In fact, it’s so easy that it’s how people kill time on train journeys or on airplanes, and even during their lunchtime. Young people do still go to the cinema to watch blockbusters, but for the most part, I think using the phone reigns supreme.

And I guess for the older generation, they mostly watch movies on TV, probably because, compared to palm-sized smartphones, bigger screens are easier for their eyes. But even for them, I think many also use their computer to watch films.


What are the differences between watching movies at home and at the cinema?

Hmm, let me think about it, um, well, I think probably one of the biggest differences is simply the size of the screen. At the movie theatre the screen is huge, while watching a film at home, unless you’re one of those people that has a huge movie-style screen at home or a projector, but the TV, or the computer, they have much smaller screens… And I guess the same goes for the sound.

In a cinema, the sound effects, the music, the voices, everything in fact, is in stereo sound, coming from all directions, and is loud, while at home, of course, you can’t have it so loud that it makes your body vibrate, whereas in the cinema, you can feel your body actually vibrating because of the sound. So I think those are the biggest differences.


Are actors and actresses important to movies?

Absolutely. Though the core of a good movie is its storyline, its plot…the actors and actresses can make or break a movie.

Good actors are able to make the movie more vivid, more believable. They have the capability to help the audience to focus on the story itself…especially in those movies adapted from novels. I guess everyone has seen a film, perhaps anticipating a good movie, only to realize the acting is poor, so much so that it makes the movie unwatchable. So yes, actors and actresses are vital to the success of a movie I think.


Why are there fewer people going to the cinema to watch movies?

Well, as I mentioned, I think it’s because everyone has a smartphone nowadays. Why pay for an expensive ticket for a movie when you can just sit at home and watch it for free or near enough for free?

Plus, by watching a movie at home, or on your phone or whatever, you can fast forward, rewind, pause, or do whatever you want with the movie, so if, for example, you’re in a rush or want to finish it early, it’s easy to do. As a result, people are not motivated to go through the trouble of investing the time and money to watch movies in the cinema, which usually entails an afternoon or evening on a weekend.

The main consideration then, I think, is time, convenience, and cost. I believe most people simply don’t have the patience to sit in a cinema.



