
在同一行业里,有些产品报价相差不大,有的人能继续得到客户的回复,继而拿到了订单,而有的人从将报价单发给客户的那一刻起,就注定了客户不会再给你回复,即使你的价格更低,也依然会与订单失之交臂。也许你觉得自己的报价单还不错,但是买家真的这样想吗?我们先看一看,国外买家对报价单提出的 6 点喜好。


As a sourcing agent and buyer I can tell you what a good quotation is for me: it includes all relevant information! My job is to find a reliable supplier at a reasonable price in the shortest time possible.



It is very possible that I will choose a supplier whose price is a few percent higher but the quotation is complete. That means, it includes: FOB price (!!!) with seaport marked! (I often get FOB quotes without location. Obviously for me in Europe a FOB Shanghai price is higher than a FOB Xiamen price, since shipping rates are different).

我倾向于会选择这样一个供应商:他的价格比同行高出几个百分点,但报价单的内容很完整,包括:离岸价(重中之重)、装运港(我经常性收到没有装运地的 FOB 报价单。对于欧洲买家来说,FOB 上海的价格远高于 FOB 厦门的价格,因为海运费用是不同的)。
