neighbourn. <英>邻居 =<美>neighbor,我来为大家讲解一下关于译林版七上第二单元单词?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



译林版7 B Unit 2单词

neighbourn. <英>邻居


wow excl. 哇,呀

will modal v. 将,将会

visitor n. 访问者,参观者

like prep. 像,类似;……怎么样

waiter n. (餐馆等的)服务员

neighbourhood n. <英>街区,居民区


helpful adj. 愿意帮忙的;有用的

volunteer n. 志愿者,义务工作者

community n. 社区

skill n. 技能,技巧

problem n. 问题,难题

something pron.某事,某物

engineer n. 工程师;技师

check vt.检查;核实

broken adj. 损坏了的;破碎的

someone pron. 某人

fix vt.修理

anyone pron. 任何人

college n. 学院

do some shopping买东西

lucky adj. 幸运的

shall v. 将,将会

the day after tomorrow后天

fire n. 火

make a fire生火

manager n. 经理

office n. 办公室

office worker n. 办公室职员, 上班族

policeman n. (pl. policemen)警察

postman n. (postmen)邮递员

company n. 公司

station n. 局,所,站

police station n. 警察局

post n. 邮政

post office n. 邮局

person n. 人

job n. 工作

elder adj. 年纪较长的

future n. 将来

artist n. 艺术家,(尤指)画家

sound v. 听起来

sick adj. 生病的;恶心的

notice n. 布告,通知

information n. 信息

below adv.下面

better adj. (good/well的比较级)较好,更好

anything pron. 任何事

worry about为……担心

designvt 设计,构思

groupn. 组,群

help someone with something


by train乘火车

by bus乘公交车

by ship乘轮船

by bike骑自行车

7B Unit2 知识梳理


1、visit our new neighbours 拜访我们的新邻居

2、need some help 需要一些帮助

3、in City Garden 在城市公园

4、decide to do sth 决定做某事

5、in Ninth Street 在第九大街

6、be late 迟到

7、in your neighbourhood 在你们街区

8、plan a day out 计划一天外出

9、most of them 他们中的绝大多数

10、the day after tomorrow 后天

11、be kind and helpful 友善并乐于助人

12、make a fire 生火

13、help each other 互相帮助

14、the positive/negative sentences 肯定/否定句

15、be ready to do sth 乐意做某事

16、the simple future tense 一般将来时

17、really nice 十分好

18、the Saturday afternoon 本周六下午

19、help old people 帮助老人

20、look at the information below 看下面的信息

21、do some shopping 买东西

22、feel well 感到康复了

23、be lucky to do sth 很幸运做某事

24、these days 这些日子

25、a community centre 社区中心

26、make you feel better 使你感觉更好

27、social worker 社会福利工作者

28、help with your problems 帮你解决问题

29、share their different skills 分享他们不同的技能

30、worry about 为……担心

31、all kinds of problems 各种各样的问题

32、design your home 设计你的家

33、something wrong 某物坏了

34、know a lot about… 知道很多关于„„

35、be broken 坏了

36、give sb some ideas 给某人一些想法(建议)

37、help sb with sth 帮助某人解决某种困难

38、on his blog 在他的博客上


1、Where are you going? 你要到哪儿去?

go 可以用进行时态来表示将来的动作。如:

He is going to Paris. 他要去巴黎了。


类似的词还有come, go, leave, move等。

如:Look! The bus is coming. 看!公共汽车就快来了。

I’m leaving. Bye! 我要走了,再见。

We’re moving to Beijing. 我们就要看搬到北京去了。

2、I’m going to visit our newneighbours.


be going to 表示将来,后接动词原形,be随主语而变化。

be going to 句型一般指“经过计划安排之后准备做某事”。如:

Zhang Hua is going to study abroad next year. 张华明年准备出国留学。

She’s going to visit Nanjing this summer.


3、I’m afraid they won’t welcome visitors like you.


afraid 作形容词,意为“害怕的” ,常有以下几种用法:

①be afraid that… 表示“担心、恐怕”之意,是一种委婉的语气。如 :

We are all afraid that Jack can’t come here on time. 我们都很担心杰克不能按时来。

②be afraid of sth/doing sth 表示“怕……;担心……”。如:

The little girl is afraid of going out at night. 这个小姑娘害怕在夜间外出。

③be afraid to do sth 表示“怕……”之意。如:

Isn’t he afraid to die? 难道他不怕死吗?

4、Most of them have 14 floors.


①most 作形容词,意为“大多数,在部分”,修饰名词。如:

Most students are good at Chinese.


②most 作代词,意为“大多数,大部分”,此时可以和of搭配。但most of 后面若跟名词,名词前需要定冠词、指示代词或物主代词修饰;most of 后若跟代词,应该跟宾格。如:

Most of the people singing are women.


Most of them are teachers.


③most 作副词,意为“很;颇”,相当于very。

I like this magazine most. 我最喜欢这本杂志。

5、They help us with all kinds of problems.


Help sb with sth 意为“帮助某人解决某种困难”,相当于help sb (to) do sth。如:

He often helps me with my maths.

= He often helps me to learn maths.




①help sb with sth =意为“帮助某人做某事”。②can’t/couldn’t help doing sth 意为“禁不住做某事”。如:

She can’t help crying.她忍不住哭了。

③help oneself to … 意为“随便吃……”。如:

Help yourself to some fish, children.


④help sb (to) do sth 意为“帮助某人做某事”。

I often help my mother to clean the room.


6、There’s something wrong with my computer. 我的电脑坏了。

Something 的基本意思是“某物,某事”,主要用于肯定句中,要否定句或疑问句中通常用anything。有时为了表示一种较肯定的意味或提出申请等,something也可用于非肯定句中。


Something is wrong with the TV.


I have something important to tell you.


Would you like something to eat?


7、My cousin Annie’s bicycle is broken, so she’s going to ask someone to fix it. 我表妹安妮的自行车坏了,因此打算请人修它。

①句是由并列连词so 连接的并列句,so意为“因此;所以”。如:

Jack was ill, so he didn’t go toschool.


②broken作形容词,意为“弄坏了的;伤残的”,broken 常用于器皿、玻璃、钟表等。如:

―What’s the time?


―I don’t know, my watch is broken.


-I think the doorbell must be broken

-I didn’t hear anything.




Can this computer be fixedhere?


I must get the MP5 fixed.


8、You’re lucky to have a community centre like that, Simon.



I was lucky enough to meet Li Ping there .


He is really a lucky dog.


Good luck! Best wishes!


Luckily, Mr Zhang is here and cangive you a hand.


9、That sounds like a good idea. 那听起来像是好主意。

①sound用作连系动词,意为“听起来”。sound like 意为“听起来像”。如:

That sounds good. 这话听起来很好。

How sweet her voice sounds! 她的声音多甜啊!

But it sounds like there is something wrong with the machine.


The idea sounds like fun. 这个主意听起来很有趣。

②That’sa good idea. 适用于表示同意别人的建议。表示“那是个好主意。”如:

―Let’s have a rest and findsomething to eat.


―That’s a good idea.


10、Please look at the information below. 请看下面的信息。

①information 是不可数名词,意为“信息”,a piece of information 意为“一条信息”。如:

Can you give me any information about the meeting?



At night, the temperature will fall below zero again.


There stands a chair below the window.



See the note below. 看下面的注解。

The officer ordered them to go below. 军官命令他们下去。

12、Are you worrying about what to wear to a party or how to design your home? 你正担心穿什么去参加聚会或如何设计你的家吗?


My parents often worry about my maths.


[拓展] worry作及物动词,意为“使……担心;使……发愁”。如:

His carelessness worries me. 他的粗心叫我担心。

[联想] worry作形容词,意为“担心的;着急的”。如:

Don’t be worried about me . I will work hard. 别担心我,我会努力的。,

②what to wear to a party 穿什么去聚会;how to design your home如何设计你的家。

它们是“疑问句 to 动词原形……”结构,在句中常用作宾语、主语或表语。如:

I don’t know how to get there.


The question is where to buy the dictionary. 问题是到哪儿去买这本字典。



一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或情况,它常常由助动词、情态动词和动词来构成。它常和表示将来时间的短语连用,如:tomorrow, next week, next month,the day after tomorrow, in the future, in a few days 等。


will 动词原形;shall 动词原形;

be going to 动词原形。

(1)will 动词原形

①在“will 动词原形”结构中,主语可以是第一、二、三人称。如:

You will fail the test if you don’t work hard.



I will do it, if you like. 如果你喜欢,我就做。

(2)shall 动词原形 shall 常用于评语是第一人称(I, we)的句子中,表示将来,但这种将来常带有情态的意义,即带有说话人的主观态度和看法,既表示将来,也表示“预见”。如:

We shall know the result next week.


(3)be going to 动词原形


Are you going to post this letter by air mail? 你打算用航空快递投寄这封信吗?


I feel to tired. I think I amgoing to be ill.
