A bird in hand is worth two in the bush一鸟在手胜过二鸟在林

A bird in hand指稳握在手的已得之物。至于two in the bush,就是指林中的两只鸟。两只鸟虽然比一只鸟多,却远在林中,随时飞走,捉不住,还是珍惜目前所有,不要冒险犯难,追求看似更好,但无法把握得到的东西。

一分钟学会鸟语 咱是认真的不讲(1)


A bird of passage原指候鸟,后来比喻“居无定所的人”,因为这些人好像候鸟一样常常到处流浪漂泊。

The dancers are birds of passage. Every year they go on a world tour.这些舞蹈演员居无定所,每年他们都随团在世界各地巡回演出。

A rare bird指“少见的人,稀有之物,凤毛麟角”。

Mr. Li is a rare bird in the bar. 李先生是这家酒吧的稀客。

A bird’s -eye view “鸟瞰”

You can get a bird’s- eye view of the whole city from here.你可以在这儿鸟瞰整个城市。

The birds and the bees 这是幽默的说法,(尤指跟儿童讲的)“性的基本知识”

It’s important to tell the children about the birds and the bees. There is no need to avoid it.


Birds of a feather (flock together)“物以类聚,人以群分”

I agree that birds of a feather flock together.

