- You deserve all the beauty in the world. I will bring all the stars to you.你配得上世间所有的美好,我将携漫天星辰向你涌来。
- I hid the stars secretly until you were frustrated and used to decorate your eyes.星星我偷偷藏起来了,等到你失意黯然用来装饰你的眼睛。
- I grew up savagely and didn't become my own moon. I met you. It was the sugar the Milky way gave me.我野蛮生长没能成为自己的月亮,能遇见你,是银河赠我的糖。
- I hope we can come to the same end by different ways. I can tell you the way we came.但愿殊途同归,我能与你讲讲来时的路。
- You are the ideal of the world.星河滚烫,你是人间理想。