填空机经专题五1. The cognitive flexibility of successful fictional detectives is often _____ by their cultural ambivalence: detectives’ intellectual acumen, it seems, exists in direct proportion to their uneasy place in society.,我来为大家讲解一下关于机经重点全面透析?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!
1. The cognitive flexibility of successful fictional detectives is often _____ by their cultural ambivalence: detectives’ intellectual acumen, it seems, exists in direct proportion to their uneasy place in society.
A. amplified
B. highlighted
C. spurred
D. matched
E. Negated
填空对应:in direct proportion
词汇:amplify 加强
Highlight 强调
Spur 驱使
Match 匹配
Negate 否定
2. Barry was a skilled _____: though his arguments were completely flawed, they were clever- sounding enough to deceive everyone who heard them.
A. sophist
B. scholar
C. quibbler
D. doctrinaire
E. Pedant
词汇:sophist 诡辩家
Scholar 学者
Doctrinaire 教条主义者
Pedant 书呆子
3. If the candidate wins the election now that rivals within his own party have (i)_____ him in a campaign that was (ii)_____ without their help, he will be mightily indebted to these self-styled saviors.
A. rallied D. foundering
B. separated from E. effective
C. undermined F. improving
填空对应:wins - blank i; without their help - blank ii;
词汇:rally 召集
Separate 分
Undermine 削弱
Founder 失败
Effective 有效的
Improving 提高的
4. In the popular conception, (i)_____ is inextricably tied up with (ii)_____: doing something truly creative, we are inclined to think, requires the freshness and energy of youth. Orson Welles made his masterpiece, Citizen Kane, at twenty-five, and Mozart wrote his breakthrough Piano concerto no.9 at twenty-one.
A. progress D. serendipity
B. genius E. precocity
C. destiny F. dedication
填空对应:creative - blank i; freshness and energy of youth - blank ii;
词汇:progress 进步
Genius 天赋
Destiny 命运
Serendipity 意外发现珍奇事物
Precocity 早熟
Dedication 奉献
5. Communal feeding is a remarkable behavioral aspect of this generally solitary animal. It is also a misunderstood behavior and one of the reasons is that Tasmanian devils have a bad reputation. Far from being a (i)____, communal devil feeding is (ii)_____ and purposeful, and is described as (iii)_____ behavior. The screaming and apparent fighting is an elaborate combination and variety of vocalizations and postures by which order is maintained.
A. free-for-all D. structured G. innate
B. rarity E. vicious H. acquired
C. necessity F. infrequent I. ritualized
逻辑关系提示词:far From,取反;and,取同
填空对应:purposeful - blank i&ii&iii
词汇:free-for-all 免费
Rarity 罕见
Necessity 需要
Structured 有组织的
Vicious 恶意的
Infrequent 不频繁的
Innate 固有的
Acquired 习得的
Ritualized 仪式化的
6. The research on otters’ environmental requirements is surprisingly (i)_____. One reason for this has to do with the estimation of how much they use different areas. Doing so may be (ii)_____ in some kinds of terrain, such as Shetland where the Eurasian otters are active in daytime and have clear individual markings. There it is possible to identify the individuals over stretches of coast of a few kilometers and to see what kinds of coast they use. However, the field conditions are (iii)_____.
A. straightforward D. quite problematic G. routine
B. controversial E. relatively simple H. deceptive
C. difficult F. largely unnecessary I. exceptional
填空对应:possible - blank ii- blank iii - blank i;
词汇:straightforward 直接的
Controversial 有争议的
Difficult 困难的
Quite problematic 很有问题
Relatively simple 相对简单
Largely unnecessary 不需要
Routine 常规的
Deceptive 欺骗的
Exceptional 例外的
7. It is not unusual for American eduction leaders to hold up another nation as a model for school reform: in the mid-nineteenth century, such figures _____ the professionalism and structure of the Prussian school system.
A. envied
B. imitated
C. hailed
D. augmented
E. acclaimed
F. Enhanced
填空对应:hold up ... as a model
词汇:envy 嫉妒
Imitate 模仿
Hail - acclaim 称赞
Augment - enhance 加强
8. In her career as an editor, she pruned and shaped many a writer’s _____ prose into crisp lucidity.
A. wayward
B. transparent
C. errant
D. urbane
E. elegant
F. Incisive
逻辑关系提示词:prune and shape ...into ...,取反
填空对应:crisp lucidity
词汇:wayward - errant 不规则的
Transparent 透明的
Urbane 彬彬有礼的
Elegant 优雅
Incisive 深刻的
9. Philby secretly loathed the host of the party that he was attending, but it seemed _____ to say so publicly.
A. recondite
B. tactless
C. clever
D. malign
E. deft
F. Impolitic
填空对应:say publicly
词汇:recondite 深奥的
Tactless- Impolitic 不明智的
Clever - deft 机智的
Malign 有害的
10. In American Indian art, the supposed distinction between modern and traditional was fabricated by critics, and when artists have control over interpretation of their own work, the distinction appear, happily, to have been _____.
A. eliminated
B. reinforced
C. put to rest
D. intensified
E. recognized
F. established
词汇:eliminate - put to rest 消除
Reinforce - intensify 加强
Recognize 承认
Establish 建立