
你好呀,我是来自加拿大的雅思外教Mac。今天,给大家分享1个雅思口语Part 2话题(题目来源:剑16)的高分语料。


1,雅思口语Part 2高分语料




- IELTS Speaking Part 2 -


Describe a tourist attraction you enjoyed visiting.

You should say:

And explain why you enjoyed visiting this tourist attraction.



The tourist attraction I enjoyed visiting is Huangshan or in English, Yellow Mountain.

It sits in the south of Anhui province and it’s one of the most well-known mountains in China.

Me and an Indian couple I’m friends with visited there a few years back.

The reason why we decided to check out Huangshan was because I'd never been there and because they had heard a lot about it.

We stayed in a boutique hotel in a small town just a stone’s throw away from Huangshan.

With the anticipation of realizing our dream, we got up very early and jumped onto a local bus taking us to the foot of the hill.

At the entrance, there was this interesting warning sign that read: If you take the cable car, it will take 10 minutes to get to the top. If you walk, it’ll take at least 3 hours. My friends and I opted for hiking all the way to the top.

The walk was pretty idyllic at first. Everywhere there are hundred-year-old or more trees stretching into the sky, offering shade to the hikers. Besides tourists, we also saw some very well-tanned guys with a shoulder pole carrying goods to shops and hotels in the hills, which were probably over the weight of their own… but they were faster than us! I marveled at their stamina and fitness compared to our own.

Halfway up, our walk turned into a ‘climb’ because the steps became steeper, and the path was narrower. We had to stop constantly to drink water. However, the picturesque landscape along the way was worth it.

We also saw hill ranges as far as the eye can see covered in clouds. We were all engaged in feasting our eyes on the view, committing it to memory.

I definitely enjoyed the Huangshan trip and I hope to visit there again.


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Standard phrases:

Vocabulary (and colloquialisms) 高分的词汇和短语

Coherence 展示“流利性与连贯性”的词汇和短语:



