Hey, everyone Chris here from IELTS Advantage and we're gonna answer another student question.,我来为大家讲解一下关于如何跳读和略读?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



Hey, everyone Chris here from IELTS Advantage and we're gonna answer another student question.

大家好,我是来自 IELTS Advantage 的克里斯,今天要回答一位学生的问题。

So, this comes from one of our Facebook followers.


I'm probably gonna mess this up completely.


I've never seen this name before: Aik Pang Sinn. I probably completely messed that up.

我从未见过这个名字:Aik Pang Sinn。我很可能把它读错了。

Um, apologies if I have.


And they asked how do we do scanning and skimming effectively in reading and what's the difference.


And this was one of the most liked questions that we got so I'm making a video on this.


So, the best way to help people understand what skimming and scanning is is to kind of take it out of the classroom and to show you how you do it every single day in your real life.


So, let's imagine that you want to go to the cinema.


So, if I want to go to see a movie, what I do is I will go on to Rotten Tomatoes, Rotten Tomatoes wherever you're from.


And it's an aggregator website that shows you all the different reviews and of the movies coming up.


And what I normally do is just go on movies coming out this week.


And here are lots of movies coming out this week.


The next step is based on the pictures or based on the title or the rating, I'll click on one and it will show me all the different reviews.


So, let's say I click on this one.


Fighting with My Family, it's got 91%.

“为家而战”,新鲜度 91%。

And I decided that I want to establish if it is a good movie or not.


If the critics think it is worthy of me going to see.


So, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna click on here.


And it's gonna show me all the different reviews here.


Now, I'm quite busy; I've got a lot to do; we've got a lot of IELTS students to help.


And I don't want to read every single word of these reviews.


What I want to do is just read quickly to generally understand what is going on, whether it is a good review or not.


So, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna quickly read all of these in like 20 seconds 30 seconds to establish if it's the type of movie that I want to see and if it's good enough.


So, I'm going to read through this very very quickly and yep, it seems pretty good, that's something that I want to see.


So, the next stage, what I would do next and bear with me, this is all related to skimming and scanning.


The next thing I would do is I need to find out what time it's on because I can't just drive to the cinema and hope for the best.


Um, so I'm free on Saturday, so I want to go on Saturday around mid-afternoon, that's when I'm free.


So, what I'm gonna do now is I'm not gonna read every single word here and every single time, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna quickly read and look for to the specific information.


The specific information is the name of the movie.


So, no, no, no, no, not there. Here we go, boom!


So, I didn't read every single thing and every title and every time, I just quickly scanned to try and find the name Now, what I'm gonna do is I'm not going to go Wednesday 20:30, Thursday 15:15, Thursday 7:45.. . I'm not going to do that.

所以,我并不是每个细节和每一个标题都有看,我只是快速扫读,试着找到名字。现在我要做的是,我不打算在周三 20:30,周四 15:15,周四 7:45 去,我不打算在那些时间去。

I'm going to scan very very quickly for Saturday around midday or run mid-afternoon Saturday.


Saturday, boom! 15:15, boom! That's the one I want.


So, I click on that and I get my tickets and I go and see it.


And that's what I did there was I used skimming and scanning.


Hopefully, you can see that.


So, let's go back.


So, here, what I did was I used skimming.


I was skimming through these very very quickly to understand the general idea of each of these.


So, I wasn't reading every single word, what I was doing I wasn't reading every single word in detail I was quickly reading to understand the general idea whether it was a good movie or not for each of these.


And then, when I was looking at the times, I was trying to find a specific name.


So, I'm looking for specific information, so that's scanning and the time, Saturday at 3:15. So again, I was looking for that specific information.

我在找具体的信息,这就是扫读,还有时间,周六 3:15。我在找这个具体信息。

So what is scanning and what is skimming?


Scanning is reading quickly to find specific information.


So, you do this every day when you're looking for, like a telephone number and a phone book or a movie time or a train time.


You're looking very quickly, not reading everything; you're scanning quickly for that specific information that you're looking for.


In this case, it was the movie name and the day and the time.


Skimming, you do this every single day when you are reading the newspaper.


When you're reading the newspaper, you don't read start at the, you know, the top and read every single word.


What you will do is you normally look at the headlines but you'll also skim the content just to get the general idea.


So you're reading quickly to understand the general idea and this is very helpful as it's like a primer to help you understand the detail so you're looking at the general idea and understanding the general idea first before you can look at things in detail.


And one of the biggest mistakes that students make is they think that just learning these two skills or just knowing what these two skills are is going to help them improve their score when it's not at all.


These are just tools in your toolbox.


So, imagine you were trying to build a new table.


I could give you a hammer; I could give you a saw.


And that will help you build a table.


But if you don't know anything about building tables and you don't know how to use these or you've never used them before you don't have any instructions, these are completely useless.


Exactly the same with scanning and skimming.


They can't help you get, you know, improve your score and get the correct answer and all of those things.


But unless you know the difference between them.


But more importantly, you know how to actually find the answer using them, then there is useless as a hammer and a saw that you don't know how to use.


So, there is there are a lot of other skills that you need to be aware of, not just scanning and skimming.


Primarily, you need to be able to read in detail or close reading as it's sometimes referred to.


This is actually going to help you improve your score because it is actually going to help you find the correct answer.


And also, it's not as simple as what a lot of people say which is just you skim, then you scan, and you find the correct answer.


That's kind of like saying you just cut up some wood and then hammer it together and then you'll have a table.


Like, that's not going to happen.


In order to really improve your scores, you need to work on these, so you need to work on improving your scanning, improving your skin skimming, improving your close reading.


You do that by reading every day.


But understanding when you scan, when you skim, when you use close reading, and that is different for all the different types of question.


And that is why with our students, what we do is we give them a step by step strategy.


And for some questions, like, for example, matching headings, you're going to be doing a lot of skimming.


For others, for example, true false not given, you're going to be doing more scanning.


And it, you know, it differs depending on the question.


So, that's the difference between skimming and scanning and hopefully, that you know, taking it out of the classroom and showing you how you use it in the real world will help you do that.


Um, but in order to improve your reading, very simply, you need to read; in order to improve your reading skills, guess what you have to do, you have to start reading.


Um, it's always amazing how many students come to me and say "I want to get a band 8 in reading," and I ask them "How often do you read in English?" "Never".


It's like... okay, that's like someone saying they want to run a marathon but they don't want to run.


So, if you want to improve these skills, start reading every day.


It could be 10 minutes a day, 20 minutes a day, 30 minutes a day, and that is going to improve your reading skills but it's also going to improve your grammar it's going to improve your vocabulary it's going to improve your general English and then your scores will start to improve.

可以是每天 10 分钟,每天 20 分钟,每天 30 分钟,这将提高你的阅读技能,但也将提高你的语法,提高你的词汇,提高你的英语,然后你的分数将开始提高。

Hopefully, you find that interesting and if you need anything, feel free to get in touch. Thank you.

