导航意思: 自傲的


解析: arrogant 指妄自尊大、目中无人的。

例句: George is so arrogant that he thinks he is better than everyone else.

翻译: 乔治很狂妄自大,自以为比谁都强。

例句: I don't like his arrogant manner.

翻译: 我不喜欢他那傲慢的态度。

例句: He said that the press had misrepresented him as arrogant and bullying.

翻译: 他说新闻媒体把他歪曲成了一个傲慢而又霸道的人。


解析: overbearing 指飞扬跋扈、爱发号施令而不体谅他人的。

例句: His overbearing insolence angered everyone present.

翻译: 他的傲慢无礼激起了在场众人的愤怒。

例句: It's hard to get on with an overbearing person.

翻译: 与一个专横霸道的人很难相处。

例句: My husband can be quite overbearing with our son.

翻译: 我丈夫有时对儿子很专横。


解析: haughty 较正式用词,指倨傲不逊的,对身份或地位低于自己者通常采取冷淡、轻视或鄙视的态度。

例句: Her social position made her haughty.

翻译: 她的社会地位使她变得傲慢无礼。

例句: His attitude is very haughty.

翻译: 他的态度非常傲慢。

