






























Acapulco is a dream place for many tourists. The wonderful city in Mexico welcomes over 20 million foreign visitors a year. It's easy to 1 because there are a lot of taxis and buses. Acapulco 2 its wet season in the month of June and this lasts till October. Don't go during this period because it's very 3 . Go from November to May because the weather is dry and sunny.

You can go fishing in Acapulco Bay and play golf next to the sea. There are theme parks and water parks 4 all the family. In spring, it's a popular place with American students — don't go in April because there are so many students at that time. Finally, don't 5 the cliff divers (悬崖跳水者). No visit to Acapulco is complete without watching the cliff divers perform their wonderful jumps.

( )1. A. get popular B. get off C. get lost D. get around

( )2. A. enters B. passes C. shares D. checks

( )3. A. sunny B. rainy C. cloudy D. windy

( )4. A. of B. to C. for D. with

( )5. A. help B. meet C. become D. miss


If you move to a foreign country, there will be a big change in lifestyle. Take the 1 for example. In the United States, it may be different from the kind you are 2 .

In the United States, most people take a shower once a day in the morning. The showerhead is usually fixed on the wall and cannot be 3 . The bather simply stands under the water, gets 4 , scrubs (擦洗) with soap and often a washcloth, and then rinses off (冲洗).

Children often take a bath each night and 5 playing with small toys such as boats and rubber ducks. Many adults, 6 women, prefer a relaxing bath to clear their minds of stress at work and get a good night's sleep.

It is 7 to remember that when you take a shower or bath in the United States, you should be careful to 8 the water inside the bathtub (浴缸) or shower. Unlike bathrooms in many other countries, there is no drain (下水道) in the floor. If water gets on the floor, it cannot go anywhere and must be 9 at once. It can also cause problems for the 10 . So be careful.

( )1. A. bathroom B. garden C. bedroom D. kitchen

( )2. A. known for B. good at C. used to D. interested in

( )3. A. bought B. moved C. seen D. covered

( )4. A. cold B. clean C. hurt D. wet

( )5. A. finish B. continue C. enjoy D. practice

( )6. A. simply B. certainly C. clearly D. especially

( )7. A. dangerous B. strange C. exciting D. important

( )8. A. keep B. press C. touch D. add

( )9. A. put up B. given up C. cleaned up D. picked up

( )10. A. toys B. brushes C. floor D. water


It was a dark September morning. There was a storm at sea. A ship had been driven onto a low rock off the shores (海岸) of the Farne Islands. It had been 1 in two by the waves (海浪), and half of it had been washed away. The other half still lay on the rock, and those of the crew (全体船员) who were still 2 were in great danger. However, waves were breaking over it, and soon it would 3 be carried to the bottom of the sea.

Could anyone 4 the poor men who were out there?

On one of the islands there was a lighthouse. Grace was the 5 of the lighthouse keeper and she had lived beside the sea for her whole life.

In the darkness of the night, above the noise of the wind and waves, she 6 wild cries. When daylight came, she saw the poor sailors.

"We must try to save 7 !" she said to her father — the lighthouse keeper. "Let's go out in the boat at once!"

Grace's father said that it was of no use 8 the waves were too strong.

However, Grace said, "We can't just stay here and watch them die." Her father knew she was 9 .

In a few minutes they were ready and they 10 in the heavy lighthouse boat. It was very hard to reach the men, but 11 the brave girl and her father made it. One by one, they helped the cold, tired sailors onto the 12 . And soon they were all safe in the lighthouse. There Grace became a very good 13 . She took good care of the men until the storm died away and they were 14 enough to go to their own homes.

This 15 a long time ago, but the name Grace Darling will not be forgotten.

( )1. A. born B. burned C. broken D. developed

( )2. A. sick B. alive C. silent D. asleep

( )3. A. ever B. still C. also D. only

( )4. A. save B. believe C. thank D. control

( )5. A. sister B. mother C. daughter D. grandmother

( )6. A. hated B. heard C. avoided D. remembered

( )7. A. him B. her C. you D. them

( )8. A. unless B. though C. until D. because

( )9. A. safe B. afraid C. right D. smart

( )10. A. found out B. set out C. worked out D. hung out

( )11. A. suddenly B. finally C. mostly D. normally

( )12. A. boat B. plane C. train D. bus

( )13. A. teacher B. writer C. nurse D. actress

( )14. A. rich B. strong C. brave D. careful

( )15. A. started B. failed C. happened D. appeared


I'm Steve and I teach science in a secondary school. I'm also 1 all the computers and computer systems (系统) in the school. I really love working with young people. My job can be stressful because students 2 have a lot of questions about science and there are almost no simple answers to give them. When the computer systems 3 working, it is my job to solve the problem. That is really exciting.

I'm always busy. After school hours, I hold a computer club 4 students. It's great fun, but we don't play games — it's serious business!

I love my job and to a young person who wants to be a(n) 5 like me, I would say, "Make sure you know your subject very well."

( )1. A. good at B. happy with C. thirsty for D. responsible for

( )2. A. also B. ever C. always D. still

( )3. A. try B. stop C. finish D. continue

( )4. A. to B. for C. about D. in

( )5. A. teacher B. engineer C. scientist D. businessman



In 1806, Napoleon Bonaparte, the ruler of France, had a problem. He'd 1 his sugar-growing islands in the Caribbean. He 2 buy sugar from his enemies. So where was he going to get sugar to keep his people happy?

Napoleon knew that years before, a German scientist had 3 that all plants have sugar. And he had even found one almost as 4 as sugarcane (甘蔗) — the white beet (甜菜)!

Napoleon ordered his science team to find out 5 to get the sugar out of the beets. They soon did. This changed 6 ! Sugar beets can 7 in the cold north, instead of on tropical (热带的) islands. And because beets (unlike sugarcane) can be stored (贮存) for a long time, they could be shipped far away. So sugar factories didn't have to be 8 the farms.

Soon, sugar beet farms spread all over Europe and Russia, and later in the United States. 9 Napoleon's enemies loved cheap beet sugar.

During WWII, farmers in both America and Germany were asked to grow sugar beets so that their countries would have 10 sugar.

Today, about half the table sugar in the world comes from beets, and half from sugarcane.

( )1. A. lost B. found C. forgotten D. remembered

( )2. A. could B. couldn't C. need D. needn't

( )3. A. joked B. suggested C. imagined D. discovered

( )4. A. heavy B. sweet C. beautiful D. fresh

( )5. A. why B. how C. when D. where

( )6. A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. something

( )7. A. mix B. grow C. fall D. change

( )8. A. near B. behind C. through D. between

( )9. A. Even B. Perhaps C. Once D. Yet

( )10. A. real B. special C. enough D. expensive


Scientists believe the earth is 4.6 billion (十亿) years old. However, the mountains, valleys (山谷), rivers, deserts and forests we see today are much 1 than that. For example, Qomolangma is about 60 million years old and the Amazon Rainforest is about 55 million years old. The Baltic Sea, the youngest sea in the world, is 2 about 15,000 years old.

The earth is always 3 because of volcanoes (火山), earthquakes and, of course, wind and rain. Some of these changes are very 4 and others are quick. Water and ice can make very big changes to the planet. 5 , glaciers (rivers of ice) can cut through mountains and make deep valleys.

It's 6 for our planet to change. But at the moment scientists think it's changing faster than usual. They don't understand everything that is happening but they know that 7 are rising. Besides, the weather is getting wetter in some places and drier in others, and there are more big storms.

However, these changes are not bad for everyone. 8 the Arctic (北极) is getting warmer, some people in Greenland now own businesses that grow and sell vegetables. That wasn't 9 50 years ago. Farmers in Greenland like the warm weather and 10 it will continue.

( )1. A. older B. bigger C. smaller D. younger

( )2. A. hardly B. only C. rather D. forever

( )3. A. falling B. moving C. changing D. giving

( )4. A. slow B. usual C. bad D. clear

( )5. A. In fact B. In total C. After all D. For example

( )6. A. interesting B. possible C. normal D. important

( )7. A. costs B. crimes C. pressures D. temperatures

( )8. A. Though B. If C. Because D. Unless

( )9. A. clear B. possible C. hard D. serious

( )10. A. hope B. agree C. warn D. regret


Dear Kate,

It's really good to know that you're taking my place while I'm away doing this training course. Thanks so much. I'm 1 you'll get on well with the kids.

I think I should 2 you some notes on a couple of things that are planned for this week, and some 3 that might be helpful!

● Tuesday: The class is going to 4 the Dinosaur Museum. Make sure they take their notebooks and 5 them on Monday to bring a packed lunch and some money.

● Thursday: I've 6 them they can watch a Disney movie. The DVD is on my desk. There are some worksheets (活页练习题) to go with it. By the way, don't worry about marking them — I'll do it 7 I get back.

● The photocopier (复印机) is very temperamental (反复无常的)! A good kick will make it work 8 !

● Don't use the coffee cup 9 a snowman on it — it's Dave's. He will be 10 if someone uses his cup! Don't ask for trouble.

● Don't 11 school. If you get to school even a minute past 8:15, the headmaster will talk to you.

12 , hope you'll have a great week — the kids are really wonderful. But don't let Mark and Jack sit together. If they do, you may have some disciplinary (有关纪律的) 13 ! If you do have any problems, mention 14 to the headmaster. She's very supportive when it comes to discipline. One last thing — could you please take notes for me to let me know what you did?

See you next 15 !

Best wishes,


( )1. A. glad B. sure C. sorry D. proud

( )2. A. leave B. read C. return D. lend

( )3. A. answers B. projects C. suggestions D. examples

( )4. A. visit B. describeC. choose D. introduce

( )5. A. join B. greet C. remind D. teach

( )6. A. answered B. believed C. corrected D. promised

( )7. A. before B. when C. since D. until

( )8. A. again B. aloud C. often D. already

( )9. A. of B. against C. with D. about

( )10. A. shy B. mad C. quiet D. surprised

( )11. A. be afraid of B. be late for C. be worried about D. be harmful to

( )12. A. Secondly B. Recently C. Lastly D. Usually

( )13. A. manners B. habits C. games D. problems

( )14. A. us B. him C. he D. them

( )15. A. hour B. week C. month D. year



