
  1. deadly 致命的;极度的
  2. heat wave 热浪
  3. grip 对…产生强有力的影响;抓牢

Extreme heat sears UK, France and Spain

  1. sear [sɪə(r)] 烧灼;灼伤;烤焦;轻煎

Extreme heat has engulfed parts of western Europe, with wildfires raging in France and Spain, a worsening drought in Portugal, and the third hottest day on record in the UK on Monday.

  1. engulf [ɪnˈɡʌlf]包围;吞没;淹没;严重影响
  2. rage [reɪdʒ] 发怒;怒斥;猛烈地继续;激烈进行;迅速蔓延;快速扩散
  3. worsening 持续恶化的
  4. drought [draʊt] 干旱;旱灾

Fire has spread across thousands of acres in the Gironde department of southwest France, prompting authorities to deploy 1,700 firefighters.

  1. spread across 传遍;席卷
  2. acre [ˈeɪkər] 英亩
  3. prompt [prɒmpt] 促使;导致
  4. authority [əˈθɔːrəti]当局;权威部门
  5. deploy [dɪˈplɔɪ] 派遣;部署

The nearby town of Cazaux recorded 42.4 degrees Celsius (108.3 degrees Fahrenheit) on Monday, the hottest it has ever seen since its weather station first opened more than 100 years ago in 1921, according to French national meteorological service Météo France.

  1. degrees celsius [ˈselsiəs] 摄氏度
  2. degrees Fahrenheit [ˈfærənhaɪt] 华氏摄氏度
  3. meteorological [ˌmiːtiərəˈlɒdʒɪkl] 气象的;气象学的

In Spain, wildfires swept the central region of Castile and Léon, as well as the northern region of Galicia Sunday, Reuters reported. Fire also forced the state railway company to suspend service between Madrid and Galicia.

  1. wildfire 野火
  2. sweep 横扫;席卷
  3. suspend [səˈspend] 暂停

More than 70,000 hectares have been destroyed in Spain because of fires this year, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said on Monday. "Seventy-thousand hectares, to give you an idea, is almost double the last decade's average," he said.

  1. hectare [ˈhekteə(r)] 公顷
  2. because of 由于
  3. to give you an idea 给你举个例子

The country's Carlos III Health institute on Monday estimated a cumulative total of more than 510 heatwave-related deaths in the country, based on statistical calculation of excess deaths.

  1. institute [ˈɪnstɪtjuːt] 机构;研究所
  2. estimate [ˈestɪmət , ˈestɪmeɪt]估计;估算
  3. cumulative [ˈkjuːmjələtɪv] 累积的
  4. -related 相关的
  5. based on 基于
  6. statistical [stəˈtɪstɪkl] 统计的
  7. calculation [ˌkælkjuˈleɪʃn]计算;估计;预测;推测
  8. excess death 超额死亡;非正常死亡;死于非命

Hundreds have also died in neighboring Portugal, where sweltering temperatures exacerbate a severe drought.

  1. neighbouring 隔壁的;邻居的
  2. sweltering [ˈsweltərɪŋ]闷热的;炎热的;酷热的;热得难受的
  3. exacerbate[ɪɡˈzæsəbeɪt] 加剧;使恶化;使加重
  4. severe [sɪˈvɪə(r)]严峻的;严厉的;极为恶劣的;十分严重的

On Saturday, Portugal's Health Ministry said 659 mainly elderly people had died in the previous seven days, Reuters reported.

  1. Health Ministry 卫生部
  2. elderly people 老年人

An elderly couple also died Monday after their vehicle overturned while to flee wildfires in northern Portugal, the country's state broadcaster RTP reported.

  1. vehicle [ˈviːəkl]车辆
  2. overturn 翻车;颠覆;倾覆

In total, over 1,100 people are thought to have died due to the ongoing heatwave in southern Europe.

  1. in total 一共
  2. be thought to 被认为
  3. due to 由于
  4. ongoing 持续存在的;仍在进行的;不断发展的