Hello, everybody. Good to see you. This is Elliott from ETJ English and today, I have a really special lesson for you.,我来为大家讲解一下关于英语口语辅音加半元音?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



Hello, everybody. Good to see you. This is Elliott from ETJ English and today, I have a really special lesson for you.

大家好。很高兴见到你们。我是来自 ETJ 英语频道的埃利奥特,今天,我要给大家带来一节特殊的课程。

I'm going to be teaching you two very important sounds and techniques which will make you sound more British. But when I say sound more British, what I mean is the type of British accent I teach which is kind of like a contemporary modern RP accent which you would hear in the South of England.


It's my kind of accent, the way I speak and probably the way the majority of the South actually do speak now. It's the one you would be the most familiar with when you think of a British accent, okay.


So, these two sounds they are really important and they add that extra British into your voice. If you're not extremely good at British accent or pronunciation in general but you want to sound more British, these two sounds will do the job, okay.


I want to explain why firstly. The reason I thought of this video was because the other day, I had a new student join my pronunciation course and he was from Spain.


Now, he has a very strong Spanish accent. However, he has lived in the UK for about four years and there are some sounds which he pronounces and he's, he's picked them up from the British accent from living here, okay.


And one of these sounds, it's like when he pronounces it, it makes me think, "Wow, that was a little bit British. That's great." So, we're going to start with the schwa sound.


I've mentioned the schwa sound many times before, but I'm going to talk about one situation where you should always be using it and if you do, people will think, "Oh, that sounded a bit British." And this is when we finish a word with the schwa sound particularly with words that end in "-er".

我之前已经多次提到过弱央元音,但我要讲的是一种你应该经常使用它的情况,如果你这样做了,人们会想,“哦,这听起来有点英国腔。”那就是尤其对于以 er 结尾的词,我们会把结尾发成弱央元音。

So, a lot of you now would pronounce it just like Americans a word like "teacher". You might pronounce it as teacher/ˈtiːtʃər/.

很多人会发成美式发音,例如单词 teacher。你可能会发成 teacher/ˈtiːtʃər/。

If you do, there's nothing wrong with that, that's just the North American way of pronouncing it. If you want the British way, you need to use the schwa sound.


So, how do we pronounce the schwa sound? I want you to relax your face, relax your mouth, relax your tongue, keep everything very central.


Look at my mouth and try and copy me. /ə/.


Deep breath. /ə/. /ə/.


It's very very simple and it's easier than pronouncing something with an /r/, okay. Now, the words I'm talking about are words like "teacher", "doctor", "master", "mister".

它非常非常简单,比带着/r/音一起发要容易。例如,我现在说的词有 teacher,doctor,master,mister。

And the list goes on. Really, it's any word which finishes with "er", "re", or "or", we're going to pronounce it with an /ə/, not with an /ər/.

还不止这些。没错,任何以 er,re,或 or 结尾的词,我们都会把这个结尾发成/ə/,而不是/ər/。

And if you can do this and add it to your accent, then you have a British sound, a British technique which is happening and needs to continue happening. Now, if you combine it with the next sound I'm going to explain, it will be even better.


But let me just explain that the schwa sound is used in many different situations. This is just one tiny technique in which we use the schwa sound.


It's the most commonly used vowel sound in British English. Now, the next sound is the /ɒ/ sound.


And this is one of those sounds which the student I was talking about at the beginning of the lesson. He pronounces it really well.


And when it's combined with his Spanish accent, you realize that there are bits of British in there and I want you to be able to do the same. So, firstly the /ɒ/ sound, my mouth is very very round, /ɒ/, /ɒ/.


You can't see my tongue, but it's actually being pushed back slightly and staying down, okay, it's down low and pushed back. The sound we're creating, /ɒ/.


Now, an American usually replaces this sound with an /a/ sound. So, for example, a word like "on", I say /ɒn/, an American makes it longer and makes more of an /a/ sound, /ɑːn/, /ɒn/, /ɑːn/.

美国人通常用一个/a/音来代替它。例如,单词 on,我读/ɒn/,美国人发音更长,更像/a/音,/ɑːn/,/ɒn/,/ɑːn/。

So, we want to create more of that round shape and make this sound short and snappy and quick, /ɒn/. So, let's try it with a few more words: "not", "hot", "spot", "shot".


Let's combine it with the schwa sound at the end. Take a look at this word finishes with "er".

我们把它和结尾的弱央元音结合起来。看看这个以 er 结尾的词。

So, remember, /ə/, "monster/ˈmɒnstə/", "monster/ˈmɒnstə/". So, this sound is very delicate, is very British, is so special, okay.


It's one of those sounds which you need to master if you want that British accent. And if you combine it with the technique I taught you about the schwa sound, then you're on to a winner.


If you want to learn more, you want to be understood by natives, and you want to have a clear confident pronunciation, I recommend joining my pronunciation course at etjenglish. com. So hopefully, I'll meet some of you there.

如果你想要学习更多,想要被母语者理解,想要掌握清晰自信的发音,我建议你加入我在 etjenglish.com 上的发音课程。希望在那里能看到大家。

If not, please feel free to give me a big thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't already. I will see you next time. Thank you very much for watching.


Cheers, guys. Bye bye.

